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Post subject: Legacy of the Wizard
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Figured the game deserved its own topic instead of being stuck at the bottom of another one that didn't mention it until like halfway down. c.c; Managed to find a REALLY nice site with maps and other random info on the game hyeah: But I'm no good at this. I love the game, but I usually just wind up wandering around with one character or another. Usually Pochi, since he's immune to monsters. As I stated in the other topic, there are two main problems with a speed run for Legacy. 1) Most of the characters are slower than slugs travelling through a glue and molasses cocktail. 2) The item-drop system is screwy. Now, picking up scroll items will speed any of the characters up to a decent speed. Even Pochi and Xemn. The trouble comes from managing all of your gear. What I mean is... after your Magic drops below half, I believe it is, enemies will drop NOTHING but Potions to refill it. And since you drain Magic taking enemies out, you have to be REALLY good with manging it. This goes double for Menya, since, while she doesn't need keys after getting the Key Stick, IT eats Magic power up, as well. So basically, you have to kill enemies for keys and money without your magic-draining attacks reducing your Magic past a certain point. That's a pain in the ass situation, that is. Thankfully, there are tons of Inns all over the place. But they still require 10 gold to stay and replenish HP/Magic. The good news is that you don't have to spend money buying certain items since, if memory serves, EVERY item in the game can be found in chests except the Shield. The bad news is that it's gonna take time either way - whether you kill enemies for the moneys or seek out the items. Pochi's route is obviously the best first choice, since you can grab the Glove and, providing you have the money, the Armor in his section of the dungeon. That sets up Xemn and his infernal power glove of death, which is usually the cause of my never getting very far in the game. I'm simply no good at controlling glove-powered blocks. The site listed above DOES have a ton of movies for Xemn's section, but they all need NESticle, which is evil beyond evil. So has anyone thought of taking up the crown(s) and giving the game a shot? I've always wanted to see a good run.
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Guh, it's too tough on my right arm. I just finished doing a trial run through Pochi's area and just a bit into Xemn's, but arm started to ache. ><; Shame that, since I pulled a pretty good time on Pochi's bit. I blame Xemn's bloody power glove of DEATH. That thing's a pain in the butt to wield properly. Especially with hyperactive jumping enemies respawning all over the place. Then there's the constant problem of keys and money. It's annoying because any time your magic drops below a certain point, the enemies won't give up anything but magic potions to add a bit to your total. So, I THINK, no matter what you do, you're going to be sitting around collecting either gold or keys many times over the course of the run. Which means your magic drains. Which means you'll wind up getting nothing but potions again. Gyar! I'd still love seeing SOMEONE beat this thing, but my knowledge of the lower levels of the map are almost nonexistant. x.x *scowl*
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For all Naruto fans: Scream. To quote the Sea Captain from The Simpsons, "Yarrr, that'll replace the whale in my nightmare."
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The first time through, Baraka missed the final hit in round 1 and proceeded to get his butt whipped. The SECOND time through, the final hit landed, but it desynched almost immediately into round 2. X.x; Odd. Why the heck's it desynch in different parts? o.O Hope the Megaman X movie submission isn't borked. o.o Edit: MMX run worked fine for me. Strange. Wonder what it is that makes these things desynch...
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Well, I know I'D watch someone beating the computer on the hardest mode in Mortal Kombat II. Bloody cheap AI. ><
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He probably did what I did: Went to some site with an extensive (alphabetical) list and copy/pasted everything that sounded like a good game to run.
More or less. The first bit was me going through what I had locally. The second was me going through one of the older rom sites and looking at titles. Ghoul Patrol, the ZAMN sequel, may not be good. It's kinda... generic. X.x;[/quote]
Post subject: The Big O' List of Interesting Games Mk II
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With the rerecording emulator hovering about, I figured we should botch together a list like we did for the Genesis games. c.c In no particular order... Super Mario World 1 & 2 (Speed and/or Complete runs for both?) Rockman 7 Rockman & Forte (Both characters? I'll assume Rock is faster...) All three Rockman X games Super Punchout Stunt Race FX (Maybe it's just me. I never COULD unlock the hardest set of levels. --;) Starfox (I dunno how one would make it interesting, but...) LoZ: A Link to the Past EVO (I tried that once... slow going, it was. x.x;) Kirby Super Deluxe Brainlord (Stupid jumping...) Illusion of Gaia (Too long?) Actraiser 1 & 2 Aero the Acro-Bat 1 & 2 Zero the Kamikaze Squirrell Alien 3 Battletoads in Battlemaniacs Battletoads & Double Dragon Bubsy 1 & 2 (*HISS*) Clock Tower (A weird dude with MA-HAAAASSIVE scissors? The hell?) Darius Twin Demon's Crest Doom Troopers Earthworm Jim 1 & 2 F-Zero (Maybe?) Incredible Crash Dummies (The control horror...) Inspector Gadget (Tons of gadgets to use, if memory serves) All the Joe & Mac games Jurassic Park 1 & 2 (2 sucked. Stupid cheat hits...) Lost Vikings 1 & 2 (Hey, what's with the seemingly maximum number of games being TWO, anyway?) Mechwarrior series (Again, maybe it's just me, since I was never any good) Micro Machines Pac-Man ...2? (All I recall is having a slingshot and not directly controlling Pac-Man) Pocky and Rocky (If they ever fix the problem...) Push-Over (That damned domino game! ><) R-Type 3 (*hisses again*) The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare Spiderman and the X-men in Arcade's Revenge (Gambit's level! ><) Spiderman and Venom: Maximum Carnage Spiderman and Venom: Seperation Anxiety Cool Spot (Or was it just 'Spot'?) TMNT IV: Turtles in Time The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang (Long, yes. But reeeally fun) Uniracers Virtual Bart Yogi Bear (I can only remember....cake.) Young Merlin (I rented this once and for the life of me never quite got it) And, of COURSE... Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I got stuck in some attic level of ZAMN. No exit. I know I've rescued all the people, unless one's invisible. X.x; Anyway... I didn't stick Super Metroid in there for two reasons. One, I, personally, am tired of watching movies of it and two, because it's already pretty fast. You'd really have to haul ass to beat the current records. And there it is. All the games I thought might make for some interesting runs. I'm sure I'm alone in thinking some of them would (Inspector Gadget) but I threw 'em in there anyways. Thoughts, additions, etc, etc? [Edit: Now that I think about it, didn't ZAMN have a half-assed sequel that no one really loved as much? o.o]
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Let's hope one will be able to re-map the save/load state buttons in the future. I'm gonna need a gamepad with a couple more buttons sometime soon. Only got eight on the current. ><
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Since I don't have the patience to control games with my keyboard, this is being made in VirtuaNES 0.78 without slowdown.
>> About the rom, though... I honestly have no idea. I've nabbed around four versions in the past week before I actually paid attention to the fact that mario3-full-tokushin.fmv was for the Japanese version. x.c; Wasn't using a typical naming scheme, either. Just 'smb3.nes' x.x
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World 7 has 'em, huh? *winces* World 7 is my biggest enemy at this point. Right now I've got the following list made: Clouds: Beating W2, Hammer Bros. in World 4, Beating W5, Hammer Bros. in World 6. Suits: One in W2, 4 in W3 (First two M.Houses, then two on the first island - the secluded fifth house only has mushrooms/flowers/leaves ><) That extra Cloud in W6 is important, since I am just completely crap at the W8 Fortress. >< W4's Fortress needs a Cloud to pass, since it's got a Small Gap. If memory serves, BOTH W6 Fortresses have Small Gaps, too. So that's two Suits lost. But I'll pick up a Cloud from the Hammer Brothers. World 7's the biggest pain in the ass for me, though. Both Fortresses and level 6 give me a hard time. I'm gonna work on getting through level 6 without a Cloud, as I passed over both Fortresses and then that level in my last go, since I wasn't aware of the Cloud from the Hammer Brothers. Ach, managing my items is a pain in the butt. ~.~ But I WILL succeed! It may not be very graceful, but I WILL succeed. [Edit: SUCCESS! I made it to Bowser and whipped him in the Frogsuit! I even had one extra. ...Because I thought I didn't have ANY left, so I picked up one in World 7. ^^; Whoops. Lesse, what're the final stats... Time: 1:12:34 Rerecords: 305 Crap, 200+ rerecords less than the last time X.x; And I made it through level 7-6 with the Suit intact. Victoly! Now then... where to put it? c.c Can I submit .vmv files, or should I just find some webspace that allows offsite linking?] [Edit2: Arc's been kind enough to host it. So... And now I can give my hands a break. I welcome anyone to beat my time, as I'm certain it wouldn't be hard. Lord knows VirtuaNES isn't the best for this kinda thing. But I stuck with it and got it done. That's good enough for me. c.c]
Post subject: SMB3 - Frogsuit Only
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Yes, I'm insane for trying this. I'll be going through normally tonight to see just how many spots that I physically CAN'T get through in the Frogsuit. The first Fortress in world 4 and the first Fortress in world 6 come to mind. The way I see it, I have two options. I can get all the Frogsuits I can and just go through the levels as normal. If I'm forced to abandon the suit, I'll re-equip another after the level. Or I use the Cloud and phase through these levels. For the world 4 Fortress, I can use the Cloud from the first Hammer Brother fight to pass it over. But I can't do that for the world 6 fortress, as it guards a lock that requires opening. As it stands, I'm going directly from level 1-3 to world 3, doing the first two levels normally, and then getting and staying in the Frogsuit as long as possible. Trouble is, as of now, I've only played through to world 6's first Fortress. I know I can pick up two Frogsuits in world 3 and I'll have a single Cloud after world 5 (Since you get one from beating the world and all...) If I can make it to world 6 with both Frogsuits intact, I'll have to lose one in that dumb Fortress because the automatic lift takes you through a spot that's only as high as Small Mario. Hence, I can either duck or BE Small Mario through that spot. Even with a Starman active, I can't bounce through without losing the Frogsuit. I've tried maaany times. So it's a necessary evil. Meaning that after that point, I cannot lose the remaining Frogsuit to be taken from me. And as I've been told, world 7's gonna gimme hell. So I have to try and save my remaining Cloud for there. So in the end, I need to know two things. How many Frogsuits can I get in the whole of the game - and where? and How many Clouds are available in the whole of the game - and where? Since I don't have the patience to control games with my keyboard, this is being made in VirtuaNES 0.78 without slowdown. I figure I can make this work well enough without it. And the dumb thing hops along slow enough as it. It don't need any help. >>; Anyways, help with the Suit/Cloud issue will be greatly appreciated. And now that I've blathered on endlessly, back to the self-imposed hell I've jumped into. X.@ [Edit: Oh my god, my wrists! x.x Bwuh. I needed more items or more skill, one of the two. Levels 7 and 8 are very Anti-Frog, yo. I used all three Clouds I had there. And I was totally out of Frogsuits by that point. I beat world 7 alright, despite... and I got to the numbered levels of world 8 before I realized that I wasn't going to make it to the end. x.x; 8-1 proper has a Small Mario-sized space. And the Fortress isn't friendly to Frog Mario, either. Combined with the fact that I've NEVER been able to beat that dumb thing normally. So I needed one extra Frogsuit and one extra cloud. Or one extra Frogsuit and a lot of practice. xx; Either or. I ended on a sad note, cowering in a corner of the fortress after attempting to make it through, Frogless and useless. The final time is a lengthy 1:07 and I used 552 rerecords. Ah well. Maybe someone else will feel psychotic enough to try this. Someone with good Famtasia skills. Now then...time to sit here, watch Whose Line on Comedy Central... and try to get my right hand to stop aching like mad. @.@;]
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If you don't like the community, stay away from it. There, I've solved everything, now gimme some god damn tea.
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There's always VirtuaNES, ya know. >>;
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I cannot possibly be the only one who used to play this. I also cannot possibly be the only one who thought it was 100% impossible to get ANYWHERE in. I swear, I don't think I ever beat a single level in that game. I remember dying for no apparent reason whatsoever...and the hit detection sucking poisonous gas. Anyone suicidal enough to take a crack at it? >>;
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Who said anything about ME doing it? I SUCK at the games. Hence the reason I want to see runs made. x.x And after spending the last five HOURS dealing with an ISO of Alpha (PSX) that popped up on a torrent site, I've determined that it's not compatible with any PSX emulators out there. xx; Ticks me off to no damn end, too, as I REALLY wanted to see/play the PSX ones. Meh.
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I ain't signing up to anything just to see one video. Where the hell is a PUBLIC link? xx;
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Well *I* thought it was impressive. Mainly because I remember just how ridiculously hard it was. Me and my friends were always lucky to get past level TWO. ><
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One typically doesn't see the words "Super Robot Wars" and "easy" anywhere near each other. Unless the PC version was drastically different, all the SRW games I'VE played have been pretty brutal after a few warmup missions. >.>
Post subject: Super Robot Wars
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There are only about five dozen of the things for various systems. Anyone feel like taking a crack at any of 'em? c.c The PSX games and the GBA games are of particular interest to me. Mainly because I can't play the GBA versions for squat. ><
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Not sure. I only use Famtasia to play things back. Since it doesn't seem to wanna support controllers, I use VirtuaNES for playing, and it works there. c.c;
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Hm.. alrighty then. o.o Have a look about, give it a try. It's definitely fun to play, and it'd take some time to get pretty good at...
Post subject: Mario Adventure
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The way I see it, there are only a few really, really brilliant game hacks out there. While some only edit the main character or rearrange some things, every so often there's one that really surpasses the norm. Mario Adventure is one of these. It's a SMB3 hack that pretty much changes everything. It also adds a lot of things. For one thing, there are more power-ups, new items and enemies, added levels, etc. It's not hard to find, really. The thing with Mario Adventure is that it's really, really tough. Not "omgz, this is impossible" tough. But "this requires actual SKILL to beat" tough. The levels often have multiple paths through them, and I feel it'd be really interesting to see a complete runthrough of the game. I dunno what the general stance on gamehack runthroughs is... but I think Mario Adventure is a good enough overhaul to warrant a playthrough, as almost nothing from SMB3 is left intact. Hell, the creator even implemented a SMW-like item box. Lotta ASM hacking in it. After SNES rerecording gets stabilized, I'd like seeing a run of Super Demo World done, as well. Anyone out there actually played through the game, or am I just blowing air? I'd link to the site, but I dunno if it'd be allowed. The only thing there are IPS patches, and as far as I saw, no actual roms existed on the site, but...
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I'm amazed people are still hauling ass in this game. o_o ...I'm also amazed that the forum in general seems to have briefly turned into a ghost town.
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Yeah, 4 is kinda weird. What'd they do with the format, anyway? >>; "Give them four main levels, broken down into smaller pieces...and add lots of vertical space." c.c;
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Sewer Shark run! Sewer Shark run!
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