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Post subject: Sega Genesis wishlist
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Well, now that the Genesis got its own seperate board, why not have a topic listing any and all games that would make for an interesting watch? Swiping the stuff listed in the Other board and adding to it: Sonic series Streets of Rage series Vectorman 1 and 2 Contra Hard Corps. Castlevania Bloodlines (Using the spear dude, dangit~) Rocket Knight Adventures Shinobi 3 Ristar (Shame he walks so slow, huh?) Gunstar Heroes Rockman Megaworld (Are the NES glitches even present in this version?) Decap Attack Double Dragon series Golden Axe series (Once again - Kick a midget, get a potion!) Bubsy series (I never could get to the last boss) B.O.B Kid Chameleon (A no warp run, maybe?) Zero Wing (Had to add it.) Comix Zone Ultimate Qix (Pro mode~) Beyond Oasis The Haunting Starring Polterguy (Is that a naked person in level 3?!) Crusader of Centy (Seems fairly short and vaguely Zelda-ish) Virtual Bart Bart's Nightmare Dynamite Headdy Earthworm Jim 1 and 2 And maybe Moonwalker, I dunno. It'd have good music, in any case. Anyone care to lay claim to anything or add to it?
Post subject: Solar Jetman
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I cannot possibly be the only one who'd like seeing someone beat this thing. I remember renting it when I was young and sucking wind at it. Specifically, I remember how messed up the gravity was from place to place. I also remember running into crap 99% of the time >< Anyone up to taking a crack at it?
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Guess they don't call it "Gauntlet" for nothing, huh? Seems like it's making you run through one of your own. >>;
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Well, I'm pretty sure I worked out the Dpad, Start, A, B, and C. I just need to go download a fighting game or something to see if X, Y, Z, and Mode are functioning right. X.x Thanks for the help, though. Never woulda thought to check the config file. @@
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Sorry, I shoulda been more specific. My controller tends to double/triple-input on controller setups like Gens has. In other words, when it tells me to hit the button I want to assign to 'Up,' it'll enter the up d-pad key for the first two or three directions. Button presses are the same way. So basically, it's impossible for me to set the dumb thing up. Quite annoying, that. Can't remember how Kega's controller setup works, but that's the emulator I've had to use, since it was the only one with a controller setup that I could actually use. Edit: Lesse here, going into the .cfg file... P1.Type=1 P1.Up=4097 P1.Down=4097 P1.Left=4099 P1.Right=4099 P1.Start=4119 P1.A=4115 P1.B=4116 P1.C=4116 P1.Mode=4118 P1.X=4118 P1.Y=4113 P1.Z=4114 The up button took out up and down... the left button ate the right direction... Start did alright. B button ate C... and I'm not entirely sure what the smeg happened to Mode/X. >>; M'joypad's a basic Propad Digital (There's an 8 in there somewheres.) if that makes any difference. I'll try fiddling with the numbers and see if I can't make it function right. x.X
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Now if only it had better controller input. >< I guess I'll be stuck watching and not making, like with Famtasia. Ah well. Long as SOMEONE takes out that infernal Kid Chameleon game, I'll be happy.
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Bubsy? o.- I wouldn't mind seeing some of the better shooter games get bested, either. As I recall, there were quite a few evil ones. How about B.O.B? Yellow robot, number of odd weapons... Golden Axe... kick a midget and get a potion!
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Rocket Knight Ad-- I never could get past this one spot. I need to go back and retry it now that a few years have passed, but I distinctly remember getting my butt handed to me. Let's see, what could be added to the list? Gunstar Heroes, Kid Chameleon, The Haunting (Starring Polterguy) [Never could beat that last boss.], Beyond Oasis if it was done right, Comix Zone would have extreme style... And a Marathon Run through the single Rockman game that came out (with enhanced versions of games 1-3).... I can't remember the name, but I distinctly remember playing some game on The Sega Channel (God, I feel old now. ~.~) that starred a mummy...and you would throw your head at people. Damned if I can remember it. Speaking of heads - Dynamite Headdy! And maybe it's just me, but I'd love seeing someone beat Ultimate Qix on the hardest difficulty without dying...
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*ponders how they let a loli-bait topless mermaid slip by...* Nintendo was pretty strict back then. You'd think even barbiedoll nudity woulda squicked them out. o_o
Post subject: Out of This World / Another World
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I remember three things about this game. 1) A beast of death and blood needed to chase your ass all over the place at the beginning. 2) I sucked at it because 3) It was harder than hell. On these grounds, I'd REALLY love seeing someone tackle it once the rerecording emulator gets a green light. >> Any takers?
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Methinks you should submit it to the SDA. As it stands, 0.0kbps will get the download nowhere very, very fast, yo. @@;
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Well, his one death came in Stingray's stage after, IIRC, grabbing the life upgrade. Plotzes himself right after grabbing it. Aside from that, he takes more than he dishes out, stops to grab life pickups, etc. Jumping over/killing enemies would've taken less time in the longrun, I feel. But then, I'm no expert on the PSX games, since I don't actually have the system and emulating it's a bit dodgy on my old machine. I can emulate, but it takes a lot of fiddling to get anywhere near 100%. ><
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The night of a thousand edits. Edit: Simple - The IRC chat has a bot thing that informs folks of thread updates *nod* And there's been a ton from you on this. o.o It's pretty quiet in the chat tonight, so there's basically been a buncha the following: <NesVideoAgent> Post edited by Michael Fried (Yoshi's Island speed competition): (Yoshi''s Island speed competition) @@
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No excuse for being hit so many times, though. Just as quick to slash them away as it is to get hit, recoil, then dash on by. The voice acting buuuuurned, too. I'd LOVE seeing runs of the Japanese versions, cutscenes intact and all. A 100% run on X4 through X6.... Ah, but I doubt that'll happen. x.x
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Merf. Why on EARTH was each level recorded seperately? x.x
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Oh, I hate you guys. Got insomnia and when I saw "Top Gear" I read it as "Top Gun" and now I can't get that instrumental theme from it outta my head. *scowls* Anyway... if I can get the hang of moving the great load about the screen, I may as well try making a Rockman 7 run. Been playing it entirely too often for the last couple days. Dunno why the US version took out a buncha stuff that made the original charming, but meh. Looking forward to both Battletoads runs, though. Saw the 2P NES one earlier. Disturbingly in-synch, it was. >.> z.z
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Grahhh. Brain Lord. BRAIN LORD~! I dunno about you guys, but I sucked ass in that game. Best I think I ever did was beating the first dungeon. >< Much like Majora's Mask, I'd love seeing the ending to Brain Lord.
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and also does this rediculous Goron Roll for "short distances"... I found that to be hilariously stupid. In the time it takes him to apply and remove the mask, he could have walked the distance. I'd love asking him what the hell he was up to before smacking him silly for blatant time wasting. X.x
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Oh no, I missed -a- word. x.x It isn't gonna kill him, jeez. Now let's try keeping on-topic, if we can.
Post subject: Wind Waker
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I'm actually surprised no one's given it a try yet. It's certainly more colorful and would probably be more interesting than an OoT run would be. The dungeons are, in general, longer and would require more skill and, in some cases, really good luck at the right times. Anyone ever try a non-recorded run through the game to clock how long it might even take? There's no doubt that it'd be a lengthy watch, and maybe all of the long sailing bits in the game could be edited out for boredom's sake (Unless you went after one of the giant squids.) or somesuch. The first part would be everything up to the arrival at the Forsaken Fortress, the second would be the Fort itself, etc. Anyone thought about this, or am I just wasting my time in asking?
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Indeed. I think I got to a boss or something once, but he killed me in no time flat. >< Not good voodoo. I've seen seperate NESticle movies for certian sections of the game, but they were short and didn't cover much at all, unfortunately.
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Olympus works in Famtasia, huh? Groovy o.o I finally remember the fourth game I'd really love seeing a run on - Legacy of the Wizard. I dunno if it was the father's Evil Power Glove or Pochie the Monster-Dog-Thing that made me never beat the game... but I honestly had no friggin' clue where to go in that game.
Post subject: Clash at Demonhead
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Anyone ever think about runs for these three? Personally, I'm no good at Demonhead, and Olympus doesn't seem to wanna run in VirtuaNES. I can't control worth a flop with my Keyboard, so I dunno if Famtasia will run it. Kickle Cubicle, though, I remember being fairly good at. It wasn't that hard a game, it was just really, really LONG. How many worlds did it have, anyway? Five or six, wasn't it? D'really need to do some fancy stuff for an interesting Kickle run, admittedly. And ever since I saw the Megaman II (Rockman World II) speed run over at the SDA, I've been hoping someone would do runs for the other four. The first was especially brutal, given the tiny size you were forced to play in combined with the overall amount of hits enemies needed. Of course, for the RW series, VBA would need rerecording functions to make for a truly interesting run, I guess. But still... -- BAH
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Say it with me: "Elf needs food badly. Valkyrie shot the food. Wizard is about to die." Wizard was always about to die, because Wizard was a big loser.
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I never could get used to the controls in that game. I'd like seeing one. But then, I'd like seeing runs for a bunch of weird games. X.x
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