Posts for KaitouKid

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Wow, this is weird. I ran across it by accident before checking the second page of that board. X.x; Was watching the Smash TV video and went to speed it up...but it slowed down instead. *sweatdrop* Excellent. But now I can only wonder if anyone would wanna see a video of one of the most annoying and insane games for the system - Clash at Demonhead. That game was the bane of my existance for years. X.x *finishes the Smash TV vid and resumes work on MM6* Waha~ [Edit: Right, I'll just leave this junk up to the folks who DON'T suck total frog ass while playing in slomo x.x; I can't do this crap, yo. Too unresponsive. x.x Ah well, it was a nice idea while it lasted.]
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If you use the 60fps hack of Famtasia (available on the main page), your responsiveness will increase. Newer time attacks don't use auto-fire anymore, they just run super-slo-mo.
Yeah, well, trouble is, I can't configure my bloody controller with Famtasia, else I -would- be using it. x.x Messed with all the options concerning controllers and the like and I still couldn't get it set up properly. So I went on to VirtuaNES. [Edit: *whistles* Woo, lordy... well, I just gave a slo-mo keyboard-controlled run a try... and I learned something - I can't hold down more than two keys at a time. Meaning no sliding while charging, no charging while jumping... @.@ Eegah. That and I'm crap controlling things with the keypad. >>; Do most people use the keyboard, or do they manage to get a gamepad up and working?] As for not being able to get the file - freeservers has been a real pain in the butt lately. Try using something like GetRight. Should work that way. I needta look into webspace that isn't cranky, yo. X.x
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Thought I looked through all of the menus. o.o Whoops. @@; [Edit: Alright, I've checked all the menus AGAIN and I still don't see a spot to change the speed. c.c;;;] As for the time, it was 47:17. It most definitely could get better. For one thing, I really need to start sliding as often as I can. After a few more runs through, I'll probably get the pattern of all the enemies down, too. Maybe then I can start pulling off some of the insane stuff I've seen in the other RM/MM videos. o.o It's not that great, but it -was- my first attempt at something like this. Hopefully I'll be able to get better at it as I go. Anyways... There it is. I was using v0.91b for the recording.
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*blink* Hmm... no attachment option. o.o *headtilt* Got AIM or ICQ? c.c And now that I've gone back and watched again, it was Centaurman Mk II that did the kicking of butt, not a group of enemies. X.x Dumb thing kept teleporting into me. >< But then, I think it was the only time in the game I let myself get hit more than once or twice. I tried to keep as close to full HP as I could. I figure if I could emulate at a slower speed, I could pull off a more interesting run, though. My controller isn't exactly great for Megaman games, since the d-pad on it is tilted to the right just slightly. Tends to make me slide when I don't wanna. >< Anyway, m'AIM name is Ozorawa Yuki, so.... o.o
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You'd need the patience of the Buddha to pull that game off. So clunky. ~.~ But yes, it WOULD make an interesting watch. I've only ever gotten to level 2, myself. ><
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Alrighty, thanks! Gah, my hands... I really need to get used to fast saving/loading... got a Rockman 6 run made, but... X.x;
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*fumes* Ugh, I dunno how you guys do this crap. >< Been TRYING to make a halfway decent 1st recording here. But EVERY time I hit the wrong button by mistake and instead of loading, I save. ~.~ And it isn't like I'm blindly groping at keys. I mapped save/load on my gamepad's shoulder buttons. *scowl* Got up to the hellish final part of Plantman's stage before it happened this time. I guess it's one of those things you have to train yourself to do if you aren't used to it, huh? X.x; [Update: Alrighty, got a Rockman 6 run made (As I didn't have the US version handy @.x) but it isn't exactly the greatest. There's one moment towards the end where I get fairly batted around in an enemy-clogged spot that I hope I can improve...x.x Though I did manage a couple of interesting moves here and there. If anyone's interested, I can send it.] -- Yuki
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Not sure. Dunno if he even mentions what version was used. o.o I'll go back and check, though. And yeah, the weird, Engrish-y warning does pop up...
Post subject: VirtuaNES Desynching?
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Former player
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>.> <.< Been trying to watch some of Snaily's VirtuaNES movies, since I refuse to believe ANYONE can beat Deadly Towers and still retain their sanity... but things keep going out of synch not long into things. I've tried the FF1 and Karnov movies - those desynch as well. For FF1 it's near after the second battle and just before that broken-looking castle. In Karnov it's at the start of level 3. The demon hits him and as he tries climbing the tree, he gets killed. Any idea what the problem is? And while I have a topic open, I guess I'll ask how to set up a controller in Famtasia. I haven't been able to get mine to working and it's rather annoying. X.x Thanks to anyone who can help!
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