Posts for Kaz

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We Will Rock You, Bohemian Rhapsody, etc.
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Wario ware is all about reflexes, so with slowdown/frame advance it's not a big leap of faith to assume perfection won't require many rerecords.
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You can't transform for Deathevn since he kills your 3 party members.
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Google ads are targeted and not very intrusive, so I say go for them if they're added to make the site break even.
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I'm just worried. We might have an unsolved genocide on our hands.
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What happened to the 10,582 other slipperypetes?
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I think BoF3's pretty bad and the video seems to confirm my initial impression (I gave up 30 minutes into it), 4 hours into a SPEEDRUN and Ryu is still a kid doing pointless things totally unrelated to the BoF storyline. If you changed the sprites and some of the names, it could be any other RPG. Maybe it gets better when he grows up but I don't have the patience to wade through generic gameplay and plot before getting to it. Favorite & best BoF is #2.
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Sliding is faster on flat surfaces, but it's not worth doing unless you're going to do it at least twice because the frames one slide saves is canceled out by the frames it takes getting down and getting back up. Dashing is better on inclines and it gives you more distance than sliding when you dash over a ledge/pit. Sliding is not always ideal even on flat surfaces because it can't be canceled into something else. A dash can be canceled into a whip swing, a jump or into a slide. Tapping down for 1 frame is the fastest way to stop a dash, then it's easy to change/dash into the other direction. A dash can also be used to cancel a whip swing 15 frames into it, something I do very often. When both sliding and dashing won't save me time (including luck/monster behavior manipulation) then I'll use them interchangeably. Typically I'll slide if I was already doing it, otherwise I'll dash.
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Here's the first WIP: With extreme luck manipulation and better movement optimization, I'm 3169 frames ahead of hornqvist after killing skull knight.
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BoF 1 is a snorefest compared to #2.
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You'd have a point if hard mode actually made the game more challenging instead of merely lengthening it artificially.
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This needs more love. Excellent and sometimes highly creative run of this classic game.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I just don't like to welcome the atmosphere where your hard work of making a entertaining 10-minute movie will be forgotten because someone else made a movie that's 0.3 seconds faster than yours. It depresses authors easily, especially for newbie authors, who are not confident about "frames" and perfect timing. Knowing that someone can easily beat your work by just making it a frame or two faster (which is always a possibility as long as there are uncertainty sources, such as the precise speed the characters walk and jump), why make a movie at all?
Perhaps I speak for myself, but as a newbie author, I'm far more worried that my hard work might sit in the workbench forever like so many other excellent runs than someone beating my time by a few frames obsoleting one of my published runs. I like the TAS community and dislike the speedrunners (especially the TG ones) because the speedrunners are quite simply elitist assholes who are secretive about tricks and tactics and more interested in keeping their record than seeing a game they love being improved. It's all about their ego, whereas I was under the impression the TAS community was all about collaboratively working to achieve the closest to perfection possible, the runner himself not being overly important, though being experienced and creative does help a lot. Was I wrong?
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Yeah, they tell you how perfect your pose is. Too bad I won't be grabbing any of the orbs except Dracula's, which I don't think prints these messages.
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I was sure you could do it whenever you want too but I tested it and it's undeniable. Open hornqvist's last WIP and fast forward it to the end. Go back 1 screen above where the movie ends and take the warp back to castle A. When you're there, crouch. You won't be warped to the clock tower. Now pick up the hint card in front of you and try again. Now it works.
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Ideally the best magic would be wind + fist if each shot would hit twice, but only dracula's second form is fat enough for this to happen. Both legions are probably fat enough too but I don't need to fight either of them. Other than that, I tested all spells and the gradius shield is indeed the best overall. Some spells do a bit more damage but they last way, way too long and cost more mana. I also found out that the "crouch at circular warps" trick to teleport cyclicly through them only works after you pick up the hint card telling you about it.
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SABERinBLUE wrote:
And the whole "Space Jump First" thing in Prime 1.
That's a bug though. They tried to fix it in the rerelease.
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It's true I'm close to level 9 when I reach the boss but being level 9 wouldn't change anything. The follower only gains extra attack power on even levels so I would need to be at least level 10 and there's no way I would reach the boss at that level without wasting more time than it takes for him to do a 3rd pass. I'm not even sure if level 10 would be enough. It might require the critical sword to do more than the minimum damage with a swing. You're supposed to reach that boss at level 13.
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Highness wrote:
In some places it looks like you can cast a fireball much sooner.
I would appreciate if you were a little more specific. A good chunk of the rerecords went toward optimizing magic usage.
The kill before the strange bottle seems rather unoptimized.
I retried that fight about 300 times and this was the best I got. Fighting so many of these plants in such an enclosed space makes it impossible to manipulate them so they won't extend their invulnerability-granting branch arm. I still managed to have them all dead very shortly after the last one who spawned turned vulnerable.
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In case some people following this thread don't check the workbench, the run has been submitted.
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Gigafrost wrote:
Oh wow... It's published! And here I was preparing to let it sink into the sea of unpublished/ungrued runs.
You have to be joking. A megaman run not being published quickly would have been quite a first. =P
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If this has been truly abandoned then I'm willing to give it a try, but I'll go for the good ending instead. Not sure if I should use the code for hard mode. What's different on hard? Anyway, there won't be a WIP in a while as I'll have to figure out the best route with the door warp glitch & ice fist in mind.
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The first world is pretty boring, it gets better in world 2. World 4/5/6 are the best due to high magic usage and increased danger. It's still not as interesting as most action games though.
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KDR_11k wrote:
What is the Lucky blade required for?
The grandpa next to the passage to the underground lake will block the way unless the lucky blade is acquired.
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Fabian wrote:
Seems like there's some kind of interesting correlation between being Canadian and preferring short submission texts!
That's because we don't need to compensate for anything! =P