Posts for Kingdom1232

Post subject: Audio and Frame issue after v2 Update
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/22/2016
Posts: 9
All of what you suggested did work Feos. Although for a matter of convenience i would prefer to have the Follow Cursor Checked instead of having to check & uncheck it when I make an adjustment so I'll have a smaller window like in this image for the time being. Thank you all for your assistance plenty of workarounds and hope that this is not an isolated event. Have some other issues but I'll put them in the Bugs only Forum.
Working on: Animaniacs (Genesis)
Post subject: Audio and Frame issue after v2 Update
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/22/2016
Posts: 9
Alright, here are the images, each image has FPS and on it. 1: 2: 3: Image 3 is the style of how i have been doing my TAS thus far. But after v2 slowdows have occured. 4: Image 4 Split across 2 monitors (Would never use this style might help you some.) Since I use windows 10 I normally press the Windows Key & the left/right arrow key to have this window placement or I drag the window to the edge of the screen and drop.[/submission]
Working on: Animaniacs (Genesis)
Post subject: Audio and Frame issue after v2 Update
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/22/2016
Posts: 9
Alright, I had hoped that i would get Unhandled Exception between now and then so i could post it here but I never got one. New release of Bizhawk v2.1.1 has given me the answer to the problem that has been happening. I have found an interesting quirk with TAStudio that questionably is happening and is the main source of the problem that I have been experiencing. Apparently the window size of TAStudio is causing the slowdowns; I've checked Bizhawk v2.1 to make sure and it is the window size of only TAStudio that causes this problem, having Bizhawk full screen or half Screen has no issues.
Working on: Animaniacs (Genesis)
Post subject: Audio and Frame issue after v2 Update
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/22/2016
Posts: 9
Well I wish I could help some further way or atleast make this easier on you somehow but i don't know. (remember I'm a newbie, still learning stuff, please be patient.) I did try downgrading graphics but that did not help either and the Unhandled Exception i mentioned earlier did not show up. When you first said update or downgrade the graphics, I had a thought of a rather unfortunate case scenario of my graphics card overall needs to be replaced (3years old no significant problems). My computer sometimes doesn't want to work right when i need it to.
Working on: Animaniacs (Genesis)
Post subject: Audio and Frame issue after v2 Update
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/22/2016
Posts: 9
Desktop, All my graphics are up to date and I would rather not have to uninstall and reinstall my graphics to find out if the problem lies there. But I do get a Uhandeled Exception everytime I close TAStudio. In the meantime I will use v1.13. since it does not have any notable problems (although it does have some occasional slow downs).
Working on: Animaniacs (Genesis)
Post subject: Audio and Frame issue after v2 Update
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/22/2016
Posts: 9
I compared both and nothing was different between the two. Still having Slowdowns in v2.1 when TAStudio is open.
Working on: Animaniacs (Genesis)
Post subject: Audio and Frame issue after v2 Update
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/22/2016
Posts: 9
For some reason after upgrading from BizHawk v1.11.9.1 to v2.1 I kept getting nothing but Unhandled exceptions then after a few open and closes they stopped. My main problem is that when I upgraded I kept experiencing audio and framerate issues. When I play what I have worked on; the audio clips, slows down and generally goes down several pitches throughout the entirety of what i have worked on. I then found out that having TAStudio open causes this slow down in Bizhawk. Next, I deleted all files, unzipped all, and ran v2 prereqs again. now when i play it the audio no longer changes pitch but now the framerate is locked at 50fps causing the game to be slower playing with all the controls nothing worked, again TAStudio being open causes slow down. I downgraded to Bizhawk v2 and that outright crashed when I opened the project in TAStudio. Finally I downgraded to Bizhawk v1.13.1 and that like v1.11.9.1 had no issues.
Working on: Animaniacs (Genesis)
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/22/2016
Posts: 9
Tried many times and each time i select a new Marker the entire game starts at the beginning as if i clicked the Power on marker instead of the one i want. For the time being i will have to work around it until a fix can be made.
Working on: Animaniacs (Genesis)
Post subject: Modification Problems
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 12/22/2016
Posts: 9
Every time I want to make a minor adjustment (Minor movement changes, Flair. Etc) and scroll back after a certain point I end up having to watch the entire game all over again from Power on. I have watched the game play several times from the power on to the last point of commands that I set, Deleted and reentered my bookmarks, gone to the Interim build, did a dummy run of random commands in the game but every time go back to the very beginning, closed and reopened EmuHawk/TAStudio, even restarted my computer. I have been unable to figure out where this point is, this has only begun to have in the last day or two. Although when i close TAStudio I get this Exception text: System.InvalidOperationException: Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created. at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args) at BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.TAStudio.<InitializeSeekWorker>b__b(Object s, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnProgressChanged(ProgressChangedEventArgs e) at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.ProgressReporter(Object arg)
Working on: Animaniacs (Genesis)