Posts for Konnan

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/10/2007
Posts: 3
I don't know about any glitches, so I can't give any comments on that. I'd rather like to see a non-glitch run though (and slam that 16 minute border on PAL speed), but that's my personal opinion. Some feedback points: - The octopus route is much slower then the normal route. I also tried it when i ran the game. - The money collecting can have some better planning. Liked your first level though! - Map 4: At the end of this level (after the long text) Alex doesn't have to pick up the helicopter. He will have it anyway in the next map (also: see my speedrun). - Map 5: Fall in the water earlier. - Blue castle: : in the room after the 3 moving ground flames you can go a bit faster by pressing right while falling down near the end of the room (pretty hard to describe but see for yourself). - Blue Castle: get past the flames at the end with invisibility powder, buy this in an earlier shop, eventually should be faster I think. (You also mentioned this) Jankens castle: pretty early in this level there are 2 flames and a scorpion. It’s possible to go faster here. (See SDA video) These are the points I can come up with. The rest of the run seemed strong. Hope it helps you to get a better time.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/10/2007
Posts: 3
First of all, I did the speedrun of AK:IMW on SDA so I also put quite some time in this game, but from a different (console) view (obviously). I really liked your test run, well done. I really liked the part with the lightning clouds and also the trick in the first castle where you go in between a few flames. Nice job in finding these tricks. Like you mentioned, some things can be done faster. I'll give some concrete feedback later on! Too bad the emulator runs faster then the speed I played the game in so it's hard to see the difference between the TAS and my time. It would be a damn big difference though :D.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/10/2007
Posts: 3
How do i watch the mmv file?