Posts for Lynxis

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Joined: 4/8/2007
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No response in this thread in months. I tried doing this back when Tafatt was doing his 2nd run and so I understand why people tend to drop this project. For one, because the in battle RNG is difficult to manipulate, too much time is spent performing trial and error to get preferable results. Likewise, level ups are also difficult to manipulate. The other thing is the ship minigame. No one has been able to figure out how to manipulate it into providing specific prizes. Because of this, it probably shouldn't be abused the way we have been trying. It doesn't seem difficult to manipulate a single Megalixer and Emergency Exit but getting much more out of it is very difficult without spending a lot of time figuring out exactly how it works to get fangs and such in a timely manner. Besides that, even if you get the fangs for instant death against certain bosses, manipulating the in battle RNG, as described above, is difficult. If the chance of success is only a few %, the number of rounds you might have to wait to get it to work simply wouldn't be reasonable. If someone wants to do this by manipulating the ship game and battles for best results, I think they better be experienced in hacking and reading/manipulating the hex variables for the RNG, otherwise you will waste countless hours performing trial and error for a single battle or item. That said, I think this is a perfectly possible TAS by other people but it will have to be done with some limitations in mind, in the interest of actually completing the project. 1. Ship game manipulation is kept to a minimum. You can probably get a megalixer and an emergency exit with relative ease. Don't count on anything else. Use them wisely. 2. Abuse the Bazaars tonics and accept that you might need to grind a bit. I had a save file with a group of level 16 characters on my actual game cart that were standing infront of Chaos. He slaughtered me in no time, regardless of what I did. I spent a couple minutes grinding and came back and fought him with my group at level 25 and was able to win. 3. Planning your path. The same path used for the NES run might not be the best path to take considering that you will have to fight the bosses straight up. For example, my regular play path: Canoe -> Airship -> Class Change (would be skipped for TAS) -> Oxyale -> Waterfall/Cube -> Rosetta Stone -> Bell -> Tiamat -> Kraken -> Marilith -> Chaos. I do it in this order because it gets me the endgame gear as early as possible, making Kraken and Marilith much easier and saving time overall but this works best in an ordinary playthrough so I'm not sure if it would be faster in a TAS. For example, you would probably kill Kraken at the same time you get the Rosetta stone in order to save time so you do not need to come back. Also if you use a mnk/blm/blm/blm group, gear doesn't really matter so this order may not be faster at all and would simply pit you against the harder bosses earlier. If anyone is interested in picking it back up, I recommend taking these things into consideration. I would love to see a good run made of FF1DOS. I would make my own run but I simply don't have much time to devote to it anymore and it wouldn't be very good to begin with.
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Joined: 4/8/2007
Posts: 5
While the peninsula of power may make things easier, it's basically not nessicary and probably won't save any time. I managed to get to Chaos by running from every single random battle on a cart. Here, we have emulation, save states and manipulation on our side on top of that. The issue is just that Chaos is a beast all his own, more than twice as powerful as any other enemy in the game. If you do go to the peninsula, you've gotta spend the time manipulating some red fangs and then more time getting to and manipulating an engagement against the frost wolves. There are *FAR* better places later in the game to gain some quick EXP.
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Joined: 4/8/2007
Posts: 5
Good point. Still, I think at some point you'll be required to run around gaining levels and wasting time in order to beat Chaos. =/
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Joined: 4/8/2007
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The Razer (formerly Bane Sword) does not work exactly like it used to. For one, I remember in the old thread that someone said it seemed certain enemies were immune to it entirely, including Chaos. While on the field, manipulation of the RNG comes from waiting a certain number of frames. By this method, you can avoid all random encounters if you wait a frame or 2 before you step into the tile that activated a battle before. You can also manipulate a different first round result by waiting a certain number of frames before activating the battle. Once you're in battle, frames are inconsequential and the RNG then changes based on the final decisions you enter. You can plan your battle out at full speed and as long as you make the same decisions, your results will be the same played again frame-by-frame. Keep in mind this is only true after you have entered battle. Going into the battle a frame latter will give you a different first round result ... and consquently, all other rounds. All this info was available in Tafatt's thread when he started though so credit goes to the people who initially found all this out. (I think that thread is gone now?)
Post subject: My FF1 TAS
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 4/8/2007
Posts: 5
I started a TAS for this back when Tafatt started his and I believe a monk and 3 black mages is the way to go as well. I followed Tafatt's example when I started mine. Goes up to me destroying the Canal. I made several mistakes though and like Tafatt, got frusturated at my inability to manipulate appropriate prizes out of the boat game and stopped there. Thinking about it, you would want 5 emergancy exists total. Marsh cave (crown), earth cave (ruby), ice cave (floater), water cave (slab) and waterfall (cube). You would also want to manipulate a bunch of Megalixers, one each for the unavoidable battles so you won't have to waste time traveling to an Inn, on top of several for Chaos. Then there's also a few battles where you can make use of things like curtains and fangs. For the record, I've got a party at level 16 infront of Chaos on my actual FF1DOS cart AND they're transformed. I can't even come close to killing Chaos with this group. (Knight, Ninja, Master, Red Wizard) Chaos kills my party within 4 turns. If you're going for time, you probably won't transform and your party will likely only be level 15 instead. So getting to Chaos at a minimum level is possible, it becomes a bigger problem to kill him unless there's some trick that he's vulnerable to.