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I find it quite offending that people are directly telling charles1q2w that he should burn in hell or that his TASes suck. Instead, in spite of what he did earlier, couldn't you just tell him how to improve his work?
Post subject: added link to the new boss endurance TAS
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The run is nearing its completion. The only problem preventing me from finishing it up is a flaw that forced me to redo some thousands of frames and this stupid CPU player part. This part needs some crazy luck-manipulation and I haven't been lucky yet... Anyway, look forward to it :) Edit: Also, here is a new TAS of the boss endurance. I'm rather surprised that I could make such a big improvement over my old version. Enjoy!
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Hehe this is quite a fun game. I'd like to see another one of this kind.
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Hmm I somehow forgot to post my comments about this submission. Nice to see you were able to shave that much time off nineko's movie. Ironically, due to how short it is now, this movie is less spectucular. But it's still impressive to see the game be beaten with so many consecutive Tetrises and in such a short time too. I liked it.
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	errstr=MemcachePool::add() [memcachepool.add]: send of 32768 bytes failed with errno=11 Resource temporarily unavailable
I get this one often these days... It appears randomly on all pages.
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How about using a script that chooses a random screenshot to be displayed?
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Ok, I've just had this problem. I couldn't access the emulator at all. It did show up in the task bar but that was already it. Killing the process via task manager and restarting the computer didn't help. I eventually solved the problem by downloading a new version. Just wanted to get rid of this...
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Ok, I want to apologize for my rash actions. In fact, I already voted yes before Baxter first posted in this thread because the submission looked good enough. On second thought, considering it 'only' has 1000 re-records and that 7 line clears vs. 13 line clears debate I think my vote would still have been justified. This is the currently best record but I feel you didn't try long enough. It feels like you did this movie within a span of... 3 hours maybe. I don't know how long you worked on it, I'm just saying it feels like it wasn't a tedious job to create it. (Note to self: I should learn to think twice before voting -_-)
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According to google, Tetris is becoming 25 years old today. Good timing! The GB version is the only version I know very well and that I have played when I was younger. It's also a very good game in terms of music and graphics etc. I think I have to trust Baxter (the Tetris master ;)) about the 7 line clears here and thus I'll probably vote meh on this. Good luck next time, I'd like to see more GB Tetris TASing. ^^
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I didn't know the 6% run uses SRAM corruption. What kind of SRAM corruption is it? I can't find the relevant information in the submission texts of both this and the 6% run. I might reconsider my vote after all.
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I experienced this problem about a year ago also. Only thing you can do is making back-ups and be very careful when you want to play back your movies. I always check if it's the play-back or recording window I'm in after selecting in the menu.
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I do not feel that this movie should be published for the reasons discussed in mmbossman's post. Also, 14% is no longer the low percent threshold.
^ This I think 4 categories are enough. I already have my gripes against the differentiation of real-time and ingame-time, and now there should be a low% run published that isn't truly low%? Besides, I'm not a fan of Super Metroid. When I watch TASes of this game it sometimes just doesn't entertain me at all - I don't know if I should base my vote on that... I can't name examples but I think there are some games out there that went to the grue because the majority didn't know the game and was therefore not as much entertained as people that actually played the game. This doesn't particularly have anything to do with this submission but I'm sometimes wondering: Should the publication of a run depend on how many people there are that played the game? Maybe I'd appreciate the movie if only I had played the game at some time. But since I didn't, I don't find it entertaining and since I think there already are many movies of Super Metroid published, there shouldn't be an additional one. My vote is therefore "no".
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Nice movie. I remember well that I worked on this game back in 2008, but I gave up on it when I found Zefiris' WIP that had faster times. I already watched your movie on Youtube and as soon as I saw the submission popping up, I voted Yes on it.^^ I'd also be in favor of a no-damage run. But what about the bonus levels? I can remember playing the first level of it half-way through with the use of savestates but it just was awfully long that I lost interest in seeing everything of it.
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Just to notify you, I'm still working on the 100% run. I postponed the project a few times to work on other projects, so progress was a little slow. But now that I'm back, I'm making good progress everyday. If I didn't already state it, I'm using the US version in the new any% run, but I'll stick to the Japanese version in the 100% run for the reasons I already mentioned. Missile might be of use in a boss fight (which means, I'm dealing more damage than in the US version) and I don't want to restart from the beginning. Also, I found a neat glitch today that might be of use:
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I had watched the WIP and liked it. I request a rough encode. edit: nevermind. I mistook this game for 'Bonk's Adventure'. I'll still watch it when I get the time.
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TakaM wrote:
I hated Partners in Time, such a crappy sequel. I hated the absence of a true overworld, it just felt like going from dungeon to dungeon, the babies kept crying all the time, and mario's run anim when not carrying a baby was fucking terrible. Using items instead of bro attacks was a terrible idea too.
You pretty much summarized my feelings towards this game. I also don't think it would make for a great TAS.
unlike the first Mario & Luigi?
You can actually play through the game with the latest versions of VBA, but it has terrible emulation lag and sprite-flickering.
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I'm not very familiar with Castlevania runs... I voted meh because the excessive character-switching throughout the run annoyed me.
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Wow! Good job so far! Looks very optimized, and I loved the tunnel clipping. Hope to see more someday.
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After further thinking about this submission, I came to the conclusion I'd better have voted meh on it. While the glitch is cool, there isn't much comboing going on. Your first combo challenge video on Youtube was really impressive. And this submission is merely a glitch demonstration in my eyes... IMO, a TAS of this game should also be longer than just one minute. I've checked out the gameboy version (one of my first gameboy games). The pills can be manipulated there. Just thought, I'd inform you. I haven't checked the GBA version.
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eternaljwh wrote:
That treasure's also skippable with good old-fashioned kirby-floating. So, why don't you avoid it that way? ne'ermind. doesn't work, tried it. That lag is bad emulation, you should be able to reach that tier of the mix scale faster if it's emulated properly.
It appears to be bad emulation to me too. Such lag also appears if there are bushes burning with +3 elements on-screen. Now I wonder how you know that this lag is a result of bad emulation. Did you only estimate it? I'll get hammer quite a few times which would add seconds of lag. I'd rather like to wait for an emulator version that fixes this lag. If it is completely accurate and part of the game, I'd keep going.
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Well done, yes vote. One question: Do other ports (GB, GBA, etc) also use a predefined sequence of pills?
Post subject: edit: Isn't the term called "speed/entertainment trade-off"?
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I got the game recently. It's quite funny! I haven't progressed much in the plot though. All I want to express with this post is that a play-around or speed/entertainment trade-offs may be a better choice than a pure speedrun. Didn't the author of the GTA advance run (I can't remember his name) do the same?
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I gave AviSynth a try now. But when I try to install it, an error message pops up saying that I'm lacking administrator rights. That might be caused by the laptop I'm using. I could try to install it on my own PC once I'm back home (I'm at school right now). I also read the wiki page of AviSynth and it notes that the software is controlled entirely by scripting. And I'm not good at the field of programming, scripting and the like. Help? Isn't there another software out there that supports overlapping two media files (or any way so that it creates the outcome I mentioned above)?
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That glitch is really neat. You cleared two rows, and it just doesn't make any sense... (It seems to sometimes clear lines although the viruses aren't connected with each other but sometimes it doesn't.) Would be great if you managed to clear all of level 20 with that glitch. I also like how you randomly place pills everywhere. I never knew what you planned. (I'm watching the latest video now)
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How would he have known that the existing topic is using the Japanese name?