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BoltR wrote:
Maybe Nintendo should have put one of those gray scale images which PC game makers have been putting in their games. "IF YOU CAN"T SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE TWO BOXES YOUR MONITOR IS TO DARK"
Nintendo actually did with Twilight Princess. Nice move of them, I'd say. I would respond to most of your article, JXQ, but I feel that I would mostly be reiterating what others said in some form or another. I didn't find the game too dark, I didn't find it easy to get lost, etc, you've heard it all before (though I do agree that there is too much stuff on the HUD, I don't feel as if it detracts from the game at all. I just ignore it). So I'll spend the remainder of my post detailing why I disagree with what is probably your least mentioned point: the control scheme. More specifically, moving from single-stick with lock-on to dual-stick. Hell no. Why? 1. The buttons that would be involved are unsuitable for it. It would require moving the 'fire' button to a shoulder button, as the thumb would normally be in use already. However, the Gamecube shoulder buttons are analog pieces of crap. Not being instantly clickable gives them a slight delay between press and fire. Furthermore, have you ever played Luigi's Mansion? My finger hurt after extensive use of a shoulder button in that game, and it was half as long. Keep all common tasks involving pressing it rapidly/holding it for long periods of time off all shoulder buttons, please. Plus, it is analog, remember: it can wear out completely. And the Z trigger is the worst real button on the controller; we shouldn't be using that either. Lastly, the c-stick is the worst analog stick I've ever touched. Try moving it around and then try moving around the true control stick. If that doesn't work, try moving around a ps2 stick. See the difference? I wouldn't want to use it for anything that would require a high level of accuracy. (it would also make using the beam combos (super missile, wavebuster, etc) harder, but I assume a button remap could correct that deficiency) 2. Dual-stick use would remove the lock-on feature. There's absolutely no point in having both features in the game, even if the ergonomics could be handled gracefully. You would run around, lock on, and then proceed to not use the button to begin with. It's a waste of a button. So if you're not using the dual-stick in battle, where are you using it?... Most likely to look around. Which you can do with R normally. Probably while you're standing still. Pointless. 3. Lock-on is inherently better than dual-stick control. You try platform jumping when your view is shifted behind you. Keeping the view locked in the direction you're moving in even saves you the work of having to constantly rotate it. Platforming would become tedious. Furthermore, the game is not a typical FPS. Quite simply, I don't want to have to bother with aiming. I don't want to fight a boss battle and end up missing a vulnerable spot on a particular boss battle because it's too small and moves too fast. The game elements hinge on exploration, on strategy, and moving the focus elsewhere would detract from the game in my opinion. Those are my opinions. Take with a grain of salt.
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This is why I said over at SDA that you should do a practice run. You spend less time finding out what you'll have to fix later. I personally recommend going through the game once and then recording the real thing after all is said and done. Turn this run into a testrun or something...
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Your keyboard might not be able to handle pressing that many keys at once. Try binding all the keys you want to use to one button and then pressing frame advance. (edit: I blame laughing_gas)
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Especially when he links to the hack in his submission text...
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Great run overall, and I really loved how you butchered the marble and labyrinth zones. Easy yes vote.
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Even if you could skip the owl there, iirc, you would have to avoid that screen forever. I think he shows up if you enter that screen again... you could always try save/quitting after you get the key and see what happens when you go back, my memory's fuzzy.
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I've had it go off twice here, but both times were people burning stuff in microwaves. The best story I have is of the building next to mine, however: don't ever put plastic in a toaster.
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I recommend d/ling the HQ version before doing anything similar to that. Also, the video almost certainly passed this test (another example) before getting the ok. The context of the links is that someone (a guy named metalsmasher) tried submitting emulated vids to SDA and got caught. I'd be surprised if nobody went through to look for this sort of stuff before posting.
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All you'd need would be some component cables and a source of electrical interference. That said, I personally think this run is real...
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This one, currently. Switched to it about two seconds before I saw this topic.
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I vote for Oni Link personally. If he can use non-oni-link's items, I can't see him losing at all. If he can't, he just has to run away from link until nayru's love runs out.
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Dance Dance Revolution and/or Guitar Hero. You could TAS it, but have fun watching everyone else finish in exactly the same time. :P (is there a version of ddr on a system with a rerecording emulator?)
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I could go on a rant about the entire hip-hop/rap genre, but... no. I'll just say that this album won't make someone who doesn't like the genre suddenly convert. All I have to say. Then again, I'm hardly your target audience...
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D/led it, watched it, was entertained and impressed. You certainly didn't copy the speedrun, which is good. P Despite the possible improvements, none are major enough to warrant not publishing this run. It was an easy yes vote. Nice job, Stef. Congrats.
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AngerFist, I think you just found your new avatar.
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With horribly crappy quality. NES movies may not be hit too hard because there's not much there graphics-wise, but some genesis and snes games will look horrible on a tv screen if you don't reencode some of the current avis. I think the most telling argument I can make that the current avis aren't good enough in quality for a dvd-r is already on this site. Check out the run for the Genesis game Gunstar Heroes. More specifically, this text: "Sorry, an AVI of this movie is not being made. This game is so colourful and motionful that even a 140 MB file would look just horrid." :/
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Probably not the case for all, but many (if not most) of the avis on this site really aren't of high enough quality for a project like this. So you'd need to make new ones. You'd need to A: make a new avi of each movie or B: download all the avi movies and pick and choose which ones to keep and which ones to redo. Then you'd need to compile these all into ISOs, making sure to group similar games together for topicality. That would probably require posting a topic here and allowing for debate on which files to include on which disk. Doubt it'd take TOO long since most would appreciate whoever's doing it and not make it too complicated for him/her, but still. Then have fun seeding it. [edit: heh, didn't see JXQ's post]
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But I don't remember hitting any boss twice with the same spin attack...
Well, you can. You can hit something twice with a spinattack if timed right iirc. This would double the damage. If you pull it off twice, you might be able to kill the boss moblin in one go. And either way, I think getting a PoP at the beginning of level 2 would be fastest overall. You would be able to keep it when you fight the genie, alone making the time up, and you would be able to use the speed benefit through the entire dungeon (unless going through one of the 2d tunnels erases it - I can't remember. if so, ignore me, since getting to the genie with a PoP would be impossible).
This is like 10-15 seconds out of the way to get. You mention one way to use it, but there aren't really any other good warps that you can't do in a better or more convenient way (that I can think of, at least).
(in reference to going to the angler keyhole after level 2) You lose 8-9 seconds if you go there, then go back, without saving and quitting. It takes more than 8-9 seconds to get back. I'd say go for it. Beyond that, you could break into Kanalet early, which would look cool at the very least. (and yes, I would sacrifice a couple seconds for pure style points in this case, even though I don't think you'll have to) I'm going to read the topic now to find out how the hookshot thing works exactly. More specifically, can the sequence breaks in level 6 be done on a console? And as for the rooster thing, I swear I've tried that before with no success. :/
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At Tompa's request, I watched it anyways. Is there a checkbox for "I hate you!" when voting for whether or not to accept a movie? There should be. >_> On another note, I probably should apologize for not watching it and giving tips earlier, but... -Walked through grass at entrance to m. woods -No perimeter walking in a couple of places, you only lost a frame each though -Didn't save/quit after roc's feather -Hit moldorm/boss moblin twice with same sword charge like you did the hinox in level 2? If so, could possibly save PoP for dungeon 2/Genie -No save/quit after getting bowwow -Room in level 2 where you push two blocks together to form stairs: left block first -Loved the way you fought the genie :) -Should've grabbed the chest in the swamp before level 2 -After level 2, go right and activate the warp hole near the angler keyhole, then save/quit or:;board=consoles_older;num=1148724340;start=60#69 -Maybe save/quit in level 3 after getting last small key? I'm not sure... -Definitely save/quit after pegasus boots though. -Holy crap, your slime eyes battle ROCKED. -Are you sure playing the mambo after getting it is faster instead of going right, through the tunnel, and to the warp hole there? -After level 5 boss, stand above the heart and hookshot it to you. And don't you need to get the power bracelet l2 to push the grave open and get the rooster?
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And I also found out a EVIL glitch when using a super weapon on him...HE ZAPS YOUR ENERGY!!!
Can you explain? I've never had that happen to me. The only thing close to it was the independent exploding energy bolt bouncing around when you're fighting Tiger Force.
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Would probably be better to lay the bomb before he comes down and hit him into it. Also, be sure to time the difference between killing him and letting him get up + jump away. I did the latter to save arrows, you're saving one already. I haven't been keeping up with this run because I simply don't like l+r. I'll watch it once it's finished, but... yeah. I stopped trying to make my own because I went on vacation and, when I got back, I knew I'd never catch up with you. Best of luck, chef.
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I'm aiming for no left/right because it requires a hardware modification - it's in the same category as using the crooked cartridge trick on n64 games to me. I'm not going use any warp glitch (select or any of the other ways) simply because there's already a movie with them. I do plan on walking through stuff, but I'm not warping across the map.
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Can anybody get across this pit without the feather? spockybiemmichab: It's faster to go to meowmeow's house so you can save/quit and reappear there.
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Heh. I'd started working on a TAS before you posted that, but due to procrastination/redoing it over a couple times/more procrastination, I'm only at the sword at the beach. However, I pick it up at frame 4881 while you pick it up at 5013. Also, I'm playing on the original b&w version. Also, no l+r either. I inherently dislike something that requires me to disassemble my GB to do. :/ (rapidshare link, for chef)