Posts for PureRok

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It was a lot more entertaining than the other one. I liked this a lot more. I'd vote yes.
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Holy...! You should record some videos of those in turbo. That would look awesome.
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Tafatt wrote:
Try this strategy vs Chaos. Monk uses Giant's gloves to gain attack power. Black mages uses temper to strengthen monk. Use Hermes's shoes on monk for the haste. The monk should be able to deal very high amounts of damage with this. Use megalixirs & phoenix downs to survive the battle.
That could work. I just did a run on Chaos using the all Knight thing again doing a pure brute-force attack. Doesn't work. Those mages will be useful. I have a .vbm of it. The save I used was a (E) save, sadly, so you will have to use the (E) ROM. My actual run will be on the (U) ROM, though.
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Well, I grabbed a save that was at the end of the game so I could test out Razer (aka Bane Sword) against Chaos and I had no luck getting it to work. I may be forced to level up my team a bit so they can properly fight him. One thing I wonder if it's possible to Silence Chaos (I really doubt it, but maybe there's a chance.). If I could then that would make the final battle a lot easier, but I think he's immune to pretty much most "effect" spells.
Sir VG wrote:
I think the GBA version went to an MP system, which throws out the Level system (somewhat). You're only limited to which characters can cast that spell.
Well, spells also have a level requirement to be bought and used. Example: A Black Mage can use Thunder at level 1 because it's a level 1 spell, but they can't use Thundara until level 8 because it's a level 3 spell. Physical attacks are nearly useless toward the end of the game. The save I used to test out the Razer sword had nothing but Knights (level 69) and they did horrible damage (except the Knight equipped with Excalibur). If I remember correctly (from when I beat the game) spells are a lot more important in the end game. When I beat it originally I used two Fighters/Knights, a White Mage/Wizard, and a Black Mage/Wizard. I think my knights were pretty useless against Chaos who has something like 20000 HP (roughly 4x as much as Tiamat). Since I can't instantly kill him I'll definitely have to do some leveling throughout the run to be able to cast certain spells. The spell Flare will most likely be my best friend when I fight Chaos, but that means I'd have to do the class change and be level 39, which may not be that big of a deal if I can level up fast enough. We'll see. I haven't planned that far ahead yet. I'll do one initial test run to get a feel for what I'll be needing to do before I make any concrete decisions.
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I already have VBA watch, but I'm not entirely sure how to use it. I've tried adding locations to it but it doesn't work; I just get a black screen.
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Meh. I can't get it to work right. I give up.
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I may try that Wind Waker Link. I think I'll draw it in Paint first to get a more "pixel perfect" idea of exactly how it should be drawn in the game.
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Well, I've got a WIP here using the new team which ends at Pravoka (the second town). I manage to get through the fight with Garland without taking any damage (not that it really matters since I have to use the Inn in Pravoka anyway). You'll probably notice I jerk a little when I'm walking on the overworld. This is because I haven't gotten the stopping to avoid random encounters figured out exactly. Download the WIP This WIP is 5:37 long, 20192 frames, 203 rerecords.
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From what I read from these two threads: You are able to completely bypass a random encounter by stopping for a number of frames before the encounter (or something like that). This means you can go the whole game without a random encounter ever occurring. The Bane sword (renamed to "Razer") evidently doesn't work as well as it did in the original. It seems a bit more difficult to manipulate the battles once they have actually begun.
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That was pretty good. On the second level I was surprised to see him without any clothes on when the camera came back, but I figured you had just gotten hit. It got a tad repetitive, but the diversity of the levels and the in-between mission bits helped to alleviate that (for me, at least). The bosses seemed really weak. I'd give a "Yes" if I could.
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That sounds awesome. I support that if anyone would be willing to take the time to do such a thing. I may try my hand at drawing something. I used to play mario paint all the time when I was a kid; I would animate a short scene and create my own sprites. Thinking about this almost makes me want to go back to flash animation...
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The run had potential but it felt like it wasn't completely optimized, as Baxter said. The FAILURE parts were also kind of grating in the fact that they felt out of place; you should have tried to complete the bonus levels. However, the run entertained me, so I wouldn't vote no. I'd give it a "meh" if I could vote.
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Post subject: Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls
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Since I like this game so much I've decided to do a TAS of Final Fantasy 1 on it. I've been looking at different information about the game for a few months now as well as other people's plans on how to run the game (both NES and GBA versions). I've beat the game before normally so I have an idea of how things run in the game. The only problem I have is the fact that I've never done a TAS before so I'm sure I don't have all of the tools I could have. I've read the two threads in this section on this game already and I'm surprised both seem to have died. Anyway, I had tested running through the first part (to the point where the bridge is rebuilt) before I read those two threads. I hadn't realized that random encounters could be completely avoided until I watched the .vbm posted in one of the threads. I also modified my team to reflect the Monk & 3 Black Mage team. The only tool I'm really using right now is Frame Advance. If anyone has any tools/tips for me they would be greatly appreciated. I have read through the FAQ and a lot of the stuff relating to that. I have worked with hex before (I had done hex work with the original Final Fantasy I) so I'm not worried about having to watch for values (perhaps a program recommendation would be nice, though). Here is a .vbm of me running before I had read the threads on this forum using a set up for the original NES version from the speeddemosarchive forums. Looking back at it now it definitely looks bad and I see quite a few places where I could have done it differently. This was just a practice run though, so I don't feel too bad about it. Let me know what you think. Edit: To be clear I was using the following from this thread:
Warmech wrote:
Segment 1 (Target Time: 4 minutes) *Enter Coneria and buy and equip 4 Rapiers and 4 Chain (-360 Gold) *Kill Garland in two rounds or less (130 XP [Divided by 4], 250 Gold) *Save Princess *Talk to King and Princess *Buy Cure 1 (-100 Gold) *Return to inn and save
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