Posts for Satoryu

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Yes vote for sure. It's a fun watch.
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No way would that qualify as a separate category. There aren't that many Yoshi levels, the skips aren't on an especially grand scale, and they do far less "damage" than, say, BLJ tricks in Mario 64. Not to mention comparing it to warping is silly. With infinite flutter you're skipping portions of levels. With warps you're skipping entire worlds.
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You keep Speed Up in PoR as well.
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Cool run. How could I not vote Yes?
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Sir VG wrote:
So don't judge as a separate publication.
Doesn't change my opinion. I still think the Normal mode is better.
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I'm gonna say no. There is some new stuff in Wily 4, but there are a handful of glitches removed throughout. The remaining 92% of the run is identical to the Normal version. I don't think it's different enough to warrant publication.
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I had a hunch that was the reason.
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Flashman is Esperanto (Stage 2) from Mega Man Zero 4. And the boss splash screen song is from Mega Mari.
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Not only is this run stupid fast, you finished it real quick too. I am doubly impressed. Some things looked a bit odd, though, like a slight delay before entering one of Scaravich's teleporters. And I dunno if doing Heatnix first in the refights is worth it. But that doesn't change my Yes vote.
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There are some spots that look awkward. But this is still a real good movie of a good MM2 hack. I say Yes. Although I too am getting tired of MM2 hacks.
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Hot damn.
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I'll throw another No into the pile. The hack is better than the previous 2, but it still feels too much like MM2. And I did notice some spots that looked improvable or otherwise awkward. I've probably brought it up before, but I think a good hack to run would be Rockman no Constancy.
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Awesome job. Looked really clean. Yes vote.
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That was great. I loved the playing around with all the special weapons. Made the autoscrolling parts interesting. Definite yes vote.
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Another thing I remembered. I believe it's quicker to scroll the text in the cutscene when you first enter City of Haze instead of skipping it. At least it feels that way.
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gocha wrote:
Satoryu wrote:
A backstab attack doesn't work. It has to be an attack where you go off the top of the screen. And the Axe is the easiest available one.
No problem!
Oh look at that. Someone lied to me, then.
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A backstab attack doesn't work. It has to be an attack where you go off the top of the screen. And the Axe is the easiest available one.
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That was very nice. But it's definitely not submittable yet, not with the mistakes present. One thing you didn't do, for example, is use the Axe special attack to skip pushing the train at the beginning of 13th Street.
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upthorn wrote:
Satoryu wrote:
Look, I was already dissatisfied with Rockman L. I didn't think the level design, or any of the design choices for that matter (the Robot Masters looked horrible), was anything spectacular. But this hack is just bad. The stages are really boring and amateur. They look like things a 10 year old can make in Powered Up's level editor. I only watched the first two videos, and have no intention of watching the rest. I'll abstain from voting because of that. But my vote would be No either way.
You don't have to watch a whole movie before voting no. If the first 5 minutes are so bad you don't want to continue, it is still reasonable to vote no.
I still don't like to do it, though. It's not fair.
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Look, I was already dissatisfied with Rockman L. I didn't think the level design, or any of the design choices for that matter (the Robot Masters looked horrible), was anything spectacular. But this hack is just bad. The stages are really boring and amateur. They look like things a 10 year old can make in Powered Up's level editor. I only watched the first two videos, and have no intention of watching the rest. I'll abstain from voting because of that. But my vote would be No either way.
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I didn't like it. The hack is just too similar to Mega Man 2. There are much more interesting hacks of MM2 out there. Though I will give this one credit for creative use of Quick Man lasers, I'm going to have to say No on this due to poor game choice.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Can you find any examples of English being switched to Japanese?
Slowking wrote:
I would really like an example where a game was switched from japanese to english without the english version having a hughe glitch the japnase one doesn't. Can you bring me one? I vote Yes. I'm in the camp that believes that the staggering improvement outweighs the text differences and the possible improvements. What exactly is wrong with having this movie up while the new movie is still in progress? Cause I can't find a reason other than pride.
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Kickass job. Definite yes.
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Would you happen to know what the game's clock keeps track of? Just curious, cause while looking at stuff from my old run and my in progress run, I noticed that the times you get after a level don't add up on the save screen. There must be something the Mission Report doesn't keep track of, but the game's clock does. My guess is the boss fights.
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Weird. I personally think Player's blocks are more of a bother than Turtloid's rain. The blocks show up in every area, I believe, while the rain only shows up in about half the areas. And in a couple areas, you'd find yourself going left, making the rain an advantage instead of a handicap. You could manipulate it so you don't get the areas with rain. Or you can do Scaravich before Heatnix and Turtloid to not deal with either problem.
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