Posts for Satoryu

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All very true. If it weren't for Hyper Dash, X probably would be the best choice. But yeah, Zero's the way to go in this situation. One question, though; does pcsx eliminate any of Rekkoha's lag?
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Assuming you don't use X too much beforehand, Heatnix would still be level 1. And you can probably get away with moving Turtloid up. More Ensuizan invincibility can only be a good thing.
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I thought it was determined that Guard Shell was not worth using in a TAS. pault had comparison videos made a while ago, showing that SDCing Turtloid with Guard Shell was slower than wthout. I always smelled a rat with those videos, to be honest. The irregular pace he SDCed with GS just doesn't seem right. But also, he was using the old method of SDC, not the one Fractalfusion came up with. I don't know how well GS works with the new method. Anyway,
Mothrayas wrote:
Now, we need rank A to be able to use 1 part. For rank A we need 500 Nightmare souls. This typically means destroying 3 Investigators for 200 souls each, so we'll do three short or otherwise useful stages first:
You could beat 2 bosses and collect 13 soul orbs in their stages. That might not be possible with the stages you have in mind, though.
Mothrayas wrote:
if Rekkoha, Yammar Option or Guard Shell don't kill the donut minibosses quickly, I don't know what does
Charged Metal Anchor is the fastest way to deal with them. However, X is not going to be able to equip Hyper Dash for Heatnix's stage without already beating at least 2 other bosses with him. I don't know if a Zero w/ Hyper Dash can beat an X without.
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Wasn't meant to offend.
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DDRKhat wrote:
Mega Man 9 [0:26:30] Is this the fastest video so far?
You don't check SDA much, do you? The best single segment time there is 21:37, but he has a small improvement he's never made public. As for best time period, 19:18 should still be the record for now.
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I really don't like that train of thought. Never did with X2, either. To me, the X2 100% run is really a 90% run because it doesn't get Zero's parts, something you can collect. Likewise, the Z Saber in X3 is something you collect, but unlike the plot items in the previous game, you can actually use this in X3.
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You don't get anything for killing Bit and Byte, just a different boss. That doesn't count as a percent. Tiger is done before Seahorse because you need the upgraded buster to get the Ride Armor. And how would Tiger benefit from Seahorse, anyway?
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Unless there's some glitch out there, that is the route to use. Really, nothing can be done differently to your advantage.
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Nicely done. Yes vote.
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That's a portmanteau of Tokimeki Memorial, another game series.
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Okay, I see what you're talking about. And of course you don't even have tornado yet, so of course you're not going to use it on Fistleo. However, how does that prove the tornado isn't useful elsewhere? You might be able to do the same thing to Flammarl, but tornado could still be good for some later bosses. Maybe. I'm just putting it out there. And ammo isn't going to be an issue by that point, if you stick with your plan to lvl4 Hurricaune.
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I'm not a fan of Hard Mode. I don't think it's different enough from normal. But I do agree with using SRAM to skip the cutscenes. They're annoying. And needless to say, this movie was friggin fantastic. I loved every minute of it. Yes vote, Star vote.
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I'm not sure I like getting a Lvl1 on Hivolt. He has the easiest weak point to avoid, and HX ammo should be VERY important. Is it not possible to rolling slash him to death without hitting the weak spot as much?
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computerbird wrote:
Tornado? i'm really don't think it's a very useful skill in vs Fistleo, and Flammarl.
Are you kidding me?
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There's a Seiryu in the room right before Bone Golem. I believe it's in the second to last candle, but my memory of the original is a bit fuzzy and I don't know if its position was changed in Dracula X Chronicles.
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I'll cast another No for the reasons everyone else has.
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I would've preferred the All Clear code wasn't used, but I guess there isn't really a way around it. There are only two questions I have: 1) Could you have gotten the Seiryu before Bone Golem, and used that to kill the miniboss in 3' in one hit? 2) Was death an option after rescuing Iris? I know dying is faster on the PSP version, but there could be some difference in the original. Otherwise, I really enjoyed the run. Nicely done. I vote Yes.
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Still, why level up FX so much? Is the down charge that useful?
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It's really worth it to avoid the fire bosses' weak points and not just spam HX's charge attack? That's really surprising. I'm also curious why you'd lvl1 Hivolt and lvl4 Hurricaune. For saving the people in Fistleo, what do you mean best way? I remember that being a linear path; just save them as you go along. Also, wasn't there a shortcut in Hurricaune that required FX? Does that not save time?
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I say do those bosses earlier because they'd have less health. If you put off Mijinion, for example, until he's lvl2 or 3, that a couple extra Z Busters to finish him off. But guys and Yammark and Sheldon of require a few more frames of SDCing, even at lvl4. I am very, very doubtful Hyper Dash first would work out in a game time 8boss run. In fact, I did quick test runs that supported my hypothesis. Which means I am even more doubtful for it working in a real time run.
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I assume you're talking about an 8boss run, right? If so, I may have some pointers. For getting Zero, one possibility is to go to Turtloid's secondary area, cause that place has the Reploid with Hyper Dash and Z Saber Plus. The downside is that's a long trip, and I don't think you can make up that lost time with just quicker dashing. Ideally, there are Nightmares you want to avoid. Turloid's rain, Player's blocks, and Scaravich's blocks are the prime offenders. So you'd have to either undo those effects quickly, or just do those three bosses as late as possible. Putting Turloid off is a very bad idea, though, as Ensuizan is very useful, if not only for the invincibility glitch. Many parts I'd imagine would be identical to FF's 1boss, save for maybe being able to equip some parts. For the rest, I imagine Zero would get far more use than X. The only other place I could imagine X being faster in is Heatnix cause it takes Zero a long time to kill all those minibosses, even if you can manipulate Rekkoha to kill them in one use. Finally, it might be better to try to first get rid of the bosses that cannot be SDC'd. Guys like Mijinion.
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Wasn't aware of that frame window. Oh well. I already knew using Zero in the final stage w/o SDC is a terrible idea. The method you used doesn't seem too easy to pull off either. And 8boss and 100% both get plenty use out of Ultimate X. Though I don't think I'll be going back to X5 any time soon.
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Atma wrote:
Think much, if any of it. would be useful to the speedrunning community?
HyperDash+Hisuisho definitely would help. As would using Denjin on the last part of Zero Space Purple. For the rest, I'm not sure.
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My favorite parts were making Serges and Sigma stay perfectly still while you pummel them with pellets. Everything else was superb, too. Definte yes on this one. However, during the refights, you were able to kill Snail while standing on top of his shell. Couldn't you have done this the first time as well?
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Damn this is good. Awesome job. I especially liked using HyperDash+Hisuisho to move around, and the new SDC for the ravey final stage. I spotted some things that looked like errors, but they're very few in between. Despite Zero's rank at the end is MEH, I vote yes.
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