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if that is the hack we're talking about, it's a very lame hack. you barely do anything in it. and if that video is of this particular run, it already has a lot going against it. gameplay is incredibly inferior, to the point where it could be played quicker without TASing. you really shouldn't have to bomb jump at all. not to mention this run doesn't start from clear SRAM.
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not all of them do. MM2 Search for Wily as Mega doesn't defeat Wily. but at least he tried.
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i don't have a problem with this run. it's really fast, and i couldn't spot the speed/entertainment tradeoffs. there's nothing that immediately jumps out as a mistake. i vote yes.
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SDA uses the game's timer. this run uses real time. and it's half the length of the SDA run, both in real time and game time.
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true. but it can't take more than 10 minutes to do all three routes.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Yeah, people go overboard with the "Shortest time to no more input" goal. I want to see EVERY boss have one weapon rapidly spammed into it! Hmm, a single playthrough is pretty short; maybe there should be a run that goes through all three modes. And definitely two-player, for variety, even if the second player turns out to be mostly useless.
agreed on both counts. ending before killing Wily is a terrible choice. and doing all three routes would still be very fast. a "no" from me.
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it's faster, and if the antics aren't more entertaining, they're at least as entertaining as the current run. a quick and easy yes.
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having multiple categories for a run never struck me as a problem. if they're unique enough, there's really no reason why they shouldn't be here. the site provides entertainment, and the runs would (should) be entertaining despite being of the same game. there is such a thing as too much, but it's certainly not 5. the amount of categories Metroid Prime has (13?), now that's ridiculous. having said that, while i did enjoy watching run, it unfortunately is a little too similar to both any% runs. i also agree with moozooh's complaint about omitting tricks. if it's faster, use it. i also say "meh" to publishing it. if an improvement were to be made, one that solely focuses on getting the best time with 14% completion, that would have a better chance of being a yes. even moreso if this new any% does in fact unite the real time and game time categories.
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but because the differences are so minor, there's no point in having both.
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true. you get more enemies, an extra miniboss, and superior music in Tengu Man's stage. i would prefer a Saturn run.
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they wouldn't. souls do the bulk of the damage in this game. and if you do have to use a weapon, land cancelling is usually all you need, and that only really goes for things early on. the trip to Yoko costs a lot of time as well.
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Catastrophe wrote:
I was testing more random crap, and I discovered that I couldn't use a Ticket after I killed Albus. The game forced me to walk out of the mansion for no good reason. It's as if they locked the Tickets while you're fighting the boss (normal) but then forgot to unlock it afterwards? Lame. So that beings my Ticket count down to 5. I better test my other Ticket opportunities, too.
that doesn't sound right. you should be able to use a ticket after beating him. if you can't do it from the boss room, you should be able to exit that room and then warp out.
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Beibin wrote:
I think it would be better to manipulate enemies so they drop energy capsules when killed,
this. you should have a lot more Mega Balls for the miniboss. and it would be nice if you could kill Grenade Man before he does Crazy Destroyer.
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there's a shortcut you missed. at 1:09, you can jump directly to the ladder on the right. check here for reference.
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arukAdo wrote:
Well, on another hand, im also ok about massive giltching that allow to skip boss for exemple, even if its the last one (thinking about AoS right now) But at least, you realy get the ending in that case, with staff credits, unlock boss rush ect... Its still like you would have beat the game Even if its trough warping means
that's fine too.
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imo, Castlevania speedruns should always get the good/best ending and beat the true final boss. as arukAdo said, getting the bad ending pretty much equates to a Game Over.
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arukAdo wrote:
I founded out (too late) you can mute voice :/ But this assume wasting time in menu
oh, i didn't know you could mute it. in that case, i think it would be preferred if all runs muted the voices for the sake of sounding "better." runs like Metroid Zero Mission sacrifice some time to fiddle with sound settings, so it would be fine here.
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i knew the JONASAN!!!-SHAROTTO!! was going to be annoying. but it was actually amusing as well. i love the new stuff thrown in to the run, like sword hovering. at it's certainly much cleaner than the test run. given that the Final Sword route doesn't end up being faster, i don't know how this could be topped. definite yes. though if there is a next time, i'd like to see alternating between English and Japanese voiceovers, just for the sake of variety. and to hear Death say "MY POWER! USE MY POWER!"
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just to put it out there, what would a nonSG run disallow? just warping outside the map to get glitched souls? or would it also disallow warping behind boss doors, requiring you to fight Death, Abaddon, Paranoia, and Aguni? if the latter's true, i'd propose that the nonSG run fight all bosses. if you're trying to make the runs as different as possible, including Puppet Master, Rahab, and Gergoth would seal the deal.
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in Julius Mode, you can get out of bounds during the fight with Bat Company. use Alucard's Bat to fly in one of the corners, and if Bat Company grabs you, you go OoB. i don't know if the same works for Soma's bat.
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i dunno about getting Redire. i have a hard time imagining the detour required for it being undone by the time it saves. and i believe the Nitesco Sword Union does both Holy and Fire damage.
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yeah, i don't think much can be improved from groobo's run, aside from more optimized movement and BDCing. maybe small things like getting more Axe Armor souls so it beefs up the attack to lvl2+. there might be a rare drop somewhere that might help out, too. klmz: unfortunately, to get the bad ending, you'd have to do the same exact stuff the normal run does up until The Pinnacle, more than half of the run. that's the first place where you can encounter a Succubus, and it's also where the Dario/Aguni fight is. so you can't glitch your way to the fight.
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arukAdo wrote:
I still dont know what the hell to do with the "bad ending" deal, point is anyway, i would do 95% the same route and drop sword same way, the rest of the run been the boss... witchever its dracula or sisters doesnt impact much Obviously sisters will go faster, but im quite sure they require also final sword, i dont see how you would kill them at lvl6 with weaked whip or short sword (1dmg...?)...
imo a Castlevania speedrun should never end with the false ending. they should always beat the final boss.
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Snake wrote:
btw. why is everyone of you so "entertaining" horny?
the site's goal is to provide entertainment.
Post subject: Re: Starting OoE!
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Catastrophe wrote:
You can cross the gap in the Tymeo Mountains with a single jump if an enemy cooperates. It doesn't really save any time. In fact there's no reason not to just come back with the double jump. But it is possible.
how does that not save time? it cuts out a normally mandatory revisit.
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