Posts for Tanooki_Teabag

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GAME: Monster Party AUTHOR: Me SYSTEM: NES STATUS: Test run completed, currently optimizing TOPIC: Link to video
Rayas wrote:
Dunno if I'm really clear. I need to drink more.
adelikat wrote:
The idea was to kill off my family to avoid lost time to them getting sick and other inconvenient things.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (201)
Joined: 1/24/2011
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Here's my full WIP on YouTube: Link to video After watching my WIP several times and working on some optimizations, I've decided to slightly alter my route to save time: STAGE 4 WIP: I get pills from a scorpion in a corridor in order to fly up to the third boss fight. NEW ROUTE: The cat boss drops a "?" item which can be manipulated to get pills. This would more than likely be faster than killing the scorpion and wasting ~30 frames waiting for it to explode and drop the pills. I go by the "?" item anyway, and it only costs a minimum of 2 frames to get it (you lose 1 frame when jumping and another one when landing). It may take up to ten more frames to manipulate it into giving pills instead of health or points, but I think it will still be faster than killing the scorpion. STAGE 6 WIP: I take a slight detour and destroy a chair to get pills to make my final transformation. NEW ROUTE: As before, it would probably be faster to get the pills after a boss battle - this time, against the Chameleon boss. This boss likes to be an asshole and hide in the upper-right corner, but I feel that I might be able to manipulate its movements and keep it in one spot while using the Hover Glitch to destroy it without (ideally) having to move. I've started on a new version - I'm up to the middle of level 3 and I've already saved 474 frames. Some of the input is the same as the WIP, but I've added in some damage boosts and health pickups to speed things up.
Rayas wrote:
Dunno if I'm really clear. I need to drink more.
adelikat wrote:
The idea was to kill off my family to avoid lost time to them getting sick and other inconvenient things.
Post subject: When Should Input End?
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (201)
Joined: 1/24/2011
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I'm working on a run of the NES game Monster Party, and I'm not sure when I should end the movie. Most movies end on the last necessary input (to beat the final boss, for example), but the ending of Monster Party requires player input to progress. It seems to me that I have three options - I could end the input on the last necessary frame and let the viewer/encoder go through the ending text; I could end the movie on the last button press during the end sequence (which would inflate the frame count beyond actually "winning" the game); or I could submit the run as being as long as the last input but still scroll through the text before ending the movie file. Is there a standard procedure for handling this dilemma?
Rayas wrote:
Dunno if I'm really clear. I need to drink more.
adelikat wrote:
The idea was to kill off my family to avoid lost time to them getting sick and other inconvenient things.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (201)
Joined: 1/24/2011
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I think the Zelda games are pretty broken - LttP and Link's Awakening all have major movement glitches that let you beat the game in minutes. Final Fantasy VI has a bunch of bugs and glitches, but (thus far) nothing game-breaking. I have videos of a bunch of them on YouTube, including some fairly strange ones (Magitek Zombie Brigade!). Here's a playlist:
Rayas wrote:
Dunno if I'm really clear. I need to drink more.
adelikat wrote:
The idea was to kill off my family to avoid lost time to them getting sick and other inconvenient things.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (201)
Joined: 1/24/2011
Posts: 108 Complete Test Run: 52820 Frames (14:38.89) ROM used: Monster Party (U) FCEUX 2.1.4a 5,831 ReRecords There are a few parts that I'd like to redo, but I'd like to get some feedback first. Here are some of my notes on the run: WORLD 1 I take damage to save time (and get a slight boost) at several points in the level. I have to have at least 3 life left over so I can take ten hits in the next area, so I can't take advantage of all the possible damage boosts. EGGPLANT: This boss is killed using the hover glitch, activated by alternating between A and B every other frame while ascending from a jump. DECEASED CRAB: This isn't even really a boss. He just apologizes for being dead (so polite!) and then you leave. Too bad you can't skip him (I tried)... PUMPKIN HEAD: All of the bosses that hop around are tough to optimize. I had to kill him when he got as close to the left side of the screen as possible in order to minimize the time spent walking to the door. I was able to kill this one right after he turned around. WORLD 2 This area, along with World 4, are probably the hardest to TAS because of the tight spaces involved. I used two warps to bypass long stretches of damage boosting, allowing me to come in with less life from stage 1. There are lots of enemies (the puking mouths and the alien eggs) that can't be dodged and take upwards of six hits to kill, so I had to boost through them or else lose a bunch of precious time. I got a nice 2-for-1 boost off a "reverse mermaid" right at the start. The one glaring flaw in this stage, to me, is the fact that I couldn't boost in the proper direction off the mouth after the Medusa fight. This is because I'm on a ladder, which limits my options drastically. I couldn't jump and attack it, because the ladder wouldn't let me move down in time to enter the enemy in order to gain the boost. In the end, I had no choice but to boost in the opposite direction and pass through while invincible. It still saved about a second (as opposed to killing it) but I'm still not happy with this result. MEDUSA: A pretty easy boss - I used the Hover Glitch at the farthest possible point to minimize the time spent walking back to the door. I also had to find a spot that would deflect all of the snakes. TEMPURA: Probably the weirdest boss of all, you have to fight three bosses in a row - a fried shrimp, an onion ring, and three on a stick! They all appear in the same place, so positioning isn't as crucial as in other boss battles, so I concentrated on pure speed here, getting in as many hits as possible with as little delay as possible. I used the hover glitch to deal damage multiple times without having to move, most notably against the skewer. HAUNTED WELL: Just like the Medusa, this battle consisted of finding a spot that deflected the projectiles (plates in this case) and was as far away from the boss as possible to minimize travel time. WORLD 3 This stage wasn't too hard - I only took a few damage boosts because I needed lots of health for the following stage. Not that there are terribly many opportunities, anyway... In the part where the road splits (after the Umbrella Bats) it's about a half second faster to take the low road. MINOTAUR: This boss is the first one so far that doesn't have a set pattern - he reacts to your actions, and thus can be manipulated to move as far to the left as possible. I jumped over him a few times to move him to the left, saving lots of time in the end. MUMMY: This boss is one of the harder ones to optimize - he moves like the Minotaur, but also shoots lots of projectiles, limiting your movement possibilities. I think I did pretty well against him, though... I got him to the left side of the screen and trapped him there. SPIDER: This boss, unlike the other two, has a pattern. He's similar to the Pumpkin Head except that his projectiles seem more accurate. This will not be the last time you see him, either, so beware... WORLD 4 This was probably the hardest stage to TAS in the game. This is the first time that I take pills to transform into Bert, a flying dragon-bird-thing-guy that shoots lasers. I do this to take advantage of a shortcut that saves far more time than the six seconds lost to the transformation sequence. I had an extra point of health left over. This is because I was going to boost through the last moving block. but it turned out to be a few frames faster to just fly over it. I might try to edit in another damage boost, but that might desync things. We'll see... SLOWPOKE SAMURAI: This boss is the slowest of the moving bosses, so I was able to use the hover glitch to practically double (or even triple) my damage output against him. CAT: Another stationary boss - as a cat owner, I feel bad having to harm a kitteh, but that's what the game wants me to do, so I guess I have to do it. Also, it appears to throw dead mice at me, which is kinda nasty. PUNK ROCKER: This is the first boss that I fight as Bert, and he's a nasty one. His pattern isn't that different than the Spider's, but the fact that I'm playing as Bert, who can't deflect projectiles, makes it a frustrating battle, indeed. This battle could probably be improved. WORLD 5 ZOMBIES: No, the movie hadn't desynced... to beat this boss, you just have to wait about 30 seconds and watch their dance. If you hit them, they'll start all over again. I decided, out of my own free will, to hump the floor in time to the music instead of just standing around. HANIWA: I tried approaching this boss from the front, but it's actually faster to go around back and hit him in the shoulder. This is the last boss that I fight without transforming... WORLD 6 This level is a maze of doors with only one boss. I transformed into Bert for the last time - I take pills at strategic locations to keep my transformation through the rest of the game. CHAMELEON: He dies in like 4 hits. Yawn... WORLD 7 This level is vertical, and thus the flying Bert is a huge help here. There are three bosses in this stage, but you only have to kill two of them. Because of having to keep my transformation going, I decided to take on Royce and the Spider, leaving the Grim Reaper out of it. ROYCE: If I do this run again, I'll try taking a hit against him to see if it saves time (as opposed to having extra health to damage boost in the next stage). SPIDER II: For some reason, this guy has the number "II" written on him. He's even easier than before... WORLD 8 This is the last stage - just three regular bosses, and then the final boss! DRAGON: This is the only boss battle in which I take damage to save time. I was able to manipulate him into staying to the left, thus saving oodles of time. ZOMBIE: Ducking and shooting as Bert gives a short-range shot that can be rapidly fired. This is put to good use here. MUMMY MASK: Like Royce, I could PROBABLY take some damage to save time here. I'm not sure if it's really worth it, though. FINAL BOSS This boss's weak point is his nose. He has to open his nose in order for you to hit him. I was able to manipulate him into opening his nose as frequently as possible (as far as I've tried...). He only takes seven shots - I did four the first time, and three the second.
Rayas wrote:
Dunno if I'm really clear. I need to drink more.
adelikat wrote:
The idea was to kill off my family to avoid lost time to them getting sick and other inconvenient things.
Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy VI: Possible Major Glitch?
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (201)
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neo_omegon wrote:
For your reference, the TAS with sketch bug was completed by Catastrophe. -> Your discovery may improve the run but I’m not familiar with sketch bug. So I won’t make a new run.
I've seen Catastrophe's sketch bug run, but I'm thinking about something different. My goal is to find a way to get a similar (if not identical) effect using the "Equip Anything as a Weapon" bug in the Japanese version.
Rayas wrote:
Dunno if I'm really clear. I need to drink more.
adelikat wrote:
The idea was to kill off my family to avoid lost time to them getting sick and other inconvenient things.
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I'm thinking about taking this game on again and finally getting a proper run of it on the site. I did a test run of Round 1 and finished it in 5,967 frames (not counting the 180 frame intro). The difficulties I've had so far are:
    Figuring out which enemies I should damage-boost from, which ones I should kill, and which ones I should just avoid. In my test run, I damage-boosted at every opportunity in Round 1, which left me in a bad position health-wise for Round 2. Practically none of the enemies there can be dodged, and some of them take up to six hits to kill, so damage-boosting through them is necessary. My current plan is to kill the enemies that die in 2-3 hits and boost through everything else. Particular enemies won't appear unless other enemies are killed. The most important use of this involves getting pills, but I only need pills in levels 4 and 7 (it MIGHT save time in 8, but I'm not sure). Getting health pickups isn't worth the agonizingly long wait unless you're already transformed and can use projectiles. There might be a few instances in which killing one enemy will change the enemy lineup down the road, saving time in the end, but I'm not totally sure. Finding and optimal way to kill the pumpkin-head boss in Round 1. His speed is the same as yours, so it's difficult to stay within hitting range, since you lose a bit of speed whenever you attack. Battles involving moving bosses will be tough to optimize (Pumpkin Head, Tempura, Spider, Minotaur, Sphinx) because of this. There are hidden warps in Level 2 that save a LOT of frustrating travel and damage-boosting through unavoidable enemies. So far, I know the locations of two of these, but there doesn't seem to be any info on them on the web that I've found. Could there be more of them? In level 7, you only have to kill 2 out of 3 of the bosses to get the key (in fact, if you kill all 3, you lose the key and can't get it back). I want to be transformed for the entire level, so I imagine the boss lineup will be determined by the number of pills that I can find. Transforming wastes about 3 seconds every time you do it, but collecting additional pills doesn't cost time beyond killing the enemy holding them. There's a major shortcut in level 4 that you can only take if you're transformed, and I think it totally saves more than six seconds of transformation time. Likewise for the vertically-scrolling Level 7. If it's possible, I'd like to keep that transformation through Level 8, since it's the last area of the game, and I'd save 3 seconds by not having to transform back into a human. Is there a way to manipulate the "?" icons that appear after you kill bosses? It only costs a few frames to pick them up after most fights, and if they can be manipulated, I could gain extra health for damage-boosting or extra pills for transformation power in levels 7 and 8.
Okay, that was a bit rambling. I really like this game, particularly the really weird bosses. Name another game that has you fight a giant fried shrimp and onion rings! I think I might be able to clock in at around (or under) 15 minutes, so it wouldn't be a painfully long run to watch.
Rayas wrote:
Dunno if I'm really clear. I need to drink more.
adelikat wrote:
The idea was to kill off my family to avoid lost time to them getting sick and other inconvenient things.
Post subject: Final Fantasy VI: Possible Major Glitch?
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (201)
Joined: 1/24/2011
Posts: 108
Okay, here's the scoop: while experimenting with the sketch bug on a v1.0 ROM, I ended up finding a major glitch - when one character attacks with the Goggles equipped as a weapon while another one opens his/her Magic menu, the magic and item menus can get mixed up. This results in battle-usable items casting spells, usually desperation attacks, Interceptor's attacks, or enemy-only spells. I made a short video of this glitch in action: Link to video (this video was done in realtime - I can get it to work on the first try with frame advance) Being able to use desperation attacks at any time (and any number of times) during a battle has the potential to speed up much of the WoB. Also, if you use an X-Potion in the glitched Magic/Item menu, it will use BabaBreath, a nice OHKO against anything. And since it doesn't actually consume items, you can BabaBreath over and over again with just one X-Potion. There's just one problem: this requires the Sketch Glitch to pull off, and by that time, you have Joker Doom and other such OHKOs that require far less setup time. That's when I realized that this would be perfect for a run of the Japanese version, since you can use the "equip anything" bug to weaponize your goggles once you reach South Figaro. The only problem is that the goggles don't seem to have the same effect in the Japanese version as they do in the US version. If there's anyone here who can potentially help figure out how/why the goggles glitch works, why it doesn't work in the JP version, and if there's any way to make it work there, I'd really appreciate the help. I feel like I'm on the cusp of a major time-saving glitch, but my skill at RAM watching and such just isn't good enough to figure out how this works (or doesn't) by myself. I can provide savestates if it will help with the search.
Rayas wrote:
Dunno if I'm really clear. I need to drink more.
adelikat wrote:
The idea was to kill off my family to avoid lost time to them getting sick and other inconvenient things.