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ars4326 wrote:
teo420 wrote:
Would love a temp encode, as I'm on the road w/o my computer, and absolutely love this game! Can a brother get some love, please? :D
Not sure if someone is yet in the process of making another, but TheAngryPanda over in the game's SNES thread made a "temp" temp encode that ends just after defeating the final boss. Here's the link (everyone please be mindful that he has the video unlisted): (I'll update this post if someone ends up making a temp encode w/ the full ending included).
Thanks ars for tossing the video up here, I should have thought of that initially, my bad guys. The video is no longer unlisted, by the way, it was only that way so we could all watch it on Meta's stream since it is/was a big deal there for that community. It went public immediately afterwards. I didn't include the ending on that particular video because it was meant to be the RTA comparison video. I can make another video with the ending if you guys would like that, but it won't go live until probably ~10 or so hours from now (working on stuff today). This is my first submission, so if there's any tips/critique to improve future videos (which there will be many of I hope), I'd love to hear them. Good or bad. Thanks everyone.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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This is a really cool idea. Wish I could help somehow, but I'm not that talented in most of the areas you guys probably need.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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So this is a project I'm looking to pick up and finish at least one category for (probably Any%, 100% is definitely an option though). I was wondering if anyone knew of any sort of notes documentation from previous projects people did that they could post in here. Would save me a ton of time research-wise and let me skip straight to re-route/optimizations. I've already been through this thread and jotted down a handful of things such as the fisherman RNG testing/addresses, the boss strategy developments, and other potentially useful stuff. That being said though, I don't have any of the critiques Nitrodon made of Dessyreqt's WIP, which knowing Nitrodon, are probably very valuable to have. I don't know anything Dessyreqt might have found that was optimal in the progress they made. Etc... So yeah, if anyone has anything at all, I would absolutely love to get my hands on it to speed this process up. Going to go scour through the SDA forum thread for this game now to try and find some more fun stuff there. Thank you in advance. Update #1, Or something....: So it seems as though the RTA waits a specified amount of time through the demo that plays from the title screen in order to assure a specific RNG roll when they head towards the cave to spawn the fisherman on RNG call 52. The TAS, however, starts at power on. I don't plan to wait through the intro because a) it's boring and b) I just don't want to. So that's obviously my stance on it. However, I am curious what all of you think about this and am entirely open to suggestions on what to do. Actual work on this TAS should start next week sometime unless something comes up.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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So here's the link to the unlisted video. I am leaving this unlisted until I get someone to encode the whole thing for me (which will involve some discussion about some BS this game has at the end of it post-"the end" screen). Once that's done + notes are typed up, I guess it's going to be submitted. I intentionally didn't time it out for RTA yet, but I'd guess around 1:11:xx . Update #1: So the RTA comparison time is 1:10:40. I also put the TAS notes together today, you can read/critique them here: If anyone is interested in helping with 100% for this game, let me know. Update #2: Does anyone know anyone that can encode this for me? That would be greatly appreciated.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Alright, sounds good to me. I'm currently working on the Dark Toaster fight and it's going about as miserable as it was expected to. Hopefully will have a nice update soon. Awesome Update #1: Dark Toaster down. That's all. Matter of time now. Awesome Update #2: I'm done with the Any% TAS, started outlining the 100% TAS, and started researching a different project. I'll have the video, notes, and other things on here when possible. Really hope this lives up to everyone's expectations. If not, oh well, I tried; lol. :D Will post link later today, going to sleep for now though.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Rimsalas are getting done today, hopefully. After that, it's going to just be about dropped the doppleganger (bad boy clone) which is easy after I find the best position to do so within the map area. My guess is that bottom-right or bottom-left will be most suited for this and the next fight (dark toaster). Dark Toaster is all about manipulating no dodges, which may be impossible. I basically have an entire attack animation frame window to manipulate no dodges for things to be faster, but this enemy has a notoriously high dodge rate and is also very quick to react after being hit. If anything is going to delay the TAS from finishing, it's this fight and this fight alone. Expect either a quick 1 day finish of this one or possibly up to a week, assuming I actually get the capability to work on it. Metal Magmar is a joke. Carltron is just manipulating as few jumps as possible, which may take a while and one or two may end up slipping into the fight, which is fine as long as I attack on the last frame it will register, because then my next attack will hit him when he comes down if I delay 1 or 2 frames (depends on all the action on the screen). This delay is acceptable to me, though I'm going to try for no jumps at all. After that it's just A/B spam until everything is done and over with. Not really sure when to "stop" the TAS movie though... Saturn stops at the final "The End" screen, which is a VERY long waiting time. Anyone have any ideas?
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Yeah, let's just say life kind of happened and this got put on the waiting list for me. Anyways, I'm slowly getting back into things. I'm a little disappointed though in the final fight area. Once again it's because I'm focused entirely on speed, and the fastest thing to do is stand around at certain points... So yeah, not happy with this, but the frame loss is too large (for me) to merit running around and moving the camera due to the delay it causes on the next wave spawning. Other than that minor annoyance, I'm on the Rimsalas in the final fight sequence. Should be interesting to optimize. I've also started typing up notes for the route, which made me realize just how boring Act 3 is due to all the cutscenes. As for future stuff, I'm planning on attacking SoE 100% after Any% is done. Alongside this will be either Secret of Mana, Terranigma, or Illusion of Gaia. That all being said, sadly I do not have any idea when things will be finished, but they will get finished. I did start typing up some notes though, which is how close we are to finishing: .
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Yeah, I'm trying to get it done, it's just being a royal bitch honestly. Basically, what's happening is that the raptors are either rolling an evade chance or I'm rolling a miss/critical chance near the end of the raptor sequence(s). If I happen to make it past that part, the rimsalas haven't really been an issue since they spawn in static locations and I can force them to go where I want/predict outcomes and adjust as needed. The real problem comes with the Dark Toaster and how it loves to dodge 13 times in a row with a 5 frame window for manipulation per each attack input. That's assuming I'm going for perfection, I typically allow a 7 input frame window because of this unreal dodge amount to just get something going, and even then I haven't been able to accomplish that so far with the RNG I'm given so far. That doesn't really sound too bad until you realize that you have to backup into previously "perfected" parts of the fight to alter the manipulations and then roll the same perfection again or find a way to get back on the RNG rolls you were on before in those fights through other means. The worst was going from Dark Toaster all the way back to re-do'ing the Saturn Skip to get into the final boss rush because I simply was not capable of finding a proper RNG roll to manage a decent Dark Toaster fight. Probably the heaviest blow the game's dealt to me in terms of motivation alone. Generally speaking, if I get past Dark Toaster, the TAS is finished. If I don't, I just get pissed off and do something else the rest of the day. Pretty tedious/frustrating after a few weeks of it. Anyways, I'm going to start routing out 100% sometime in the near future to take my mind of Any%'s nonsense so I have some sense of progress going on, which will hopefully give me some motivation. As always, all that progress will likely be done on my stream or updated in a gdoc I'll make or tag onto the SoE Guide I created for the RTA runners, so if you're interested in that, I'll leave the links here for you guys. Minor update 1: Apparently it's faster to just stand around and do absolutely nothing between enemy waves once you get into position. Not my an insignificant amount either, something like 30-50 frame variance across each wave. So, that being said, there will unfortunately be a bit of standing around during the final boss rush. I'm not particularly happy about it, but I can't justify sacrificing that many frames for the minor entertainment it would provide for those brief few seconds. If it were only 4-10 frames, it'd be different, but yeah... :(
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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What determines the boss code is still an unknown and likely won't be discovered anytime soon since 100% hasn't been routed for TAS'ing, and it has no importance for Any%. As for the flowers in the greenhouse, the only thing I can think of it maybe camera/menu clipping through whatever might be blocking you, but in both 100% and Any%, this is bypassed either through Saturn Skip or clever routing (in theory). Also, if people are curious about the Any% TAS, I'm still working on it ~2 hours every day, the final fight is just bonkers and very frustrating. Probably just going to knock it out and call it done on the next really solid attempt. Typically the raptors either destroy the chances due to how they're pathing/damage works at some point OR Dark Toaster (evil dog clone) screws everything with a ridiculous amount of dodging.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Yeah, sadly I got super sick a week or so ago. I'm still getting over it and well, let's just say TAS'ing while sick results in redo'ing entire sections due to poor judgement on my end. :( Anywho, the TAS is sitting at the doorstep of the final boss, just need to start feeling a bit better before I get back to it. Sorry for the constant delays. :(
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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So somewhat major update on the TAS: I am officially past Verm Skip territory and working on finishing up Act 3 + Collection Stuff. Here's the general plan: ~week or so to do the rest of act 3 + collection crap ~week of testing certain things in act 4, or what little of it remains ~week of optimizing the final boss and the boss rush before it So yeah guys, final stretch! Then I'm gonna hand it to some select people and we can watch together and come up with some solid notes. So yeah, hopefully a video of Act 3 soon! :D
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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okay, so I messed with Verm Skip on the TAS finally today... Here's the general theory everyone is gravitating towards: The audio tracks for both dungeons (or something to this extent) are played at the same time, the game can't handle it and freaks out. That is the theory, here are the facts: - You get one of 2 different outcomes when you first enter the room under more or less any circumstances. Option A (the bad one): After the glitchy sounds are played out, you lose all background music entirely. Option B (the "good" one): After the glitchy sounds are played out, you retain the background music until the next instance of conflict is presented, which are the gate opening buttons on the ground. - Opening gates acts just the same as entering the room, glitchy sounds and a chance of failure between the two options. - The results of the above scenarios are both frame perfect, one after another, endlessly... At least as far as I can tell they are. - The game softlocks during the loading of the next map after the dungeons, the assumption here is that the music cannot be loaded because that part of the program is basically beyond all repair and the rest is just running until it can find an excuse to bomb out on the player. Now then, what does this mean for the TAS? It means I'm gonna have a fun time blowing my ears out trying to get solid RNG while maintaining some kind of respectable pathing/timing through this damn place. I am pretty much completely unhappy about it... Regardless, it'll get done sooner or later. This also means that if I can manage to get a working method through there, I will likely be at Carltron in a matter of days, but this is quite a large interest point and I'll probably spend a while on it. What about the other version of the TAS? Probably going to finish it as well one day to see the differences in frames and get an accurate measurement of "value" for the trick itself to weigh against the absolute bullshit RNG it throws at you in the process of doing it for real-time runners. That and I guess I kind of want to finish what I started so I can move onto Terranigma without any regrets/annoyances. What about real-time runs? Don't do Verm Skip for now, it's just not worth losing a potentially great run over. I know some people (including myself) will think/say to just go for broke because it's faster, and that's true, it is faster, but it's also one more death point for a run that rarely ever sees past the first minute of attempts. That being said, I'd argue it would be worth including into a route and going for if you never want your run beaten, because nobody else is doing it.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Okay, so here's Act 2 Verm Skip route. Going to work on both variants of the route for Act 3 sometime in the near-ish future. I lost my tracking excel doc due to some corruptions during a backup, so that blows, but it'll be okay I think. The total frams lost to manipulations during the Aquagoth fight is 10, the total saved compared to the extra 2 casts in the non-VS strat is pretty awesome though. After this fight, I'm going to try and get to Verm Skip so I can get the people who were interested in looking into that sort of thing the proper stuff for it so we can maybe get that figured out for real-time runs as well as optimal TAS routing/manipulations. Once that's over with, we move towards Carltron, which will be a ridiculous fight to handle and route out. So yeah, closing in on the end guys. :D
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Just to update people on this project. It isn't dead. I'm just dealing with a lot of other issues currently for various projects, both in the speedrunning community and with my job(s). I did run into the problem of Bizhawk finally outpacing the TAS, 1.7 completely desyncs it in the beginning before the character name entry is even pulled up. I'm not sure if I can manually edit inputs to bypass this and see if the rest is affected or whatever. As far as I know, I'm stuck on 1.6.X and that's fine, but if there is a way to do so, I'd like to at least try it and see what other areas are different. I'm unsure of what causes the desync, but either way, just wanted to let everyone interested know I'm still planning to finish this off eventually, stuff just keeps coming up. :(
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Odongdong wrote:
So I skimmed the game on pro difficulty. Apparently, the gameplay differs by difficulty - not only the items, but the bosses' behavior too. For instance, there were two lizardmans in first mid-boss fight on normal, but there are four on pro. Thankfully, as far as I know, damages taken from any enemies don't change, so there's still enough room for damage boosting. Unfortunately, I also found a bug on Bizhawk when running this game. It doesn't affect the game itself but I'm afraid it might mess the movie up later. So till this is fixed, I think the project is on hold.
What exactly is messing up? I'm curious because I also thought about looking into this game for TAS'ing.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Awww... that's a good idea with the shifty eyes guard, damn. I'm unfortunately gonna have to pass on going all the way back to the market and messing with stuff there, I simply don't have the patience for it. That being said, I'm definitely going to do this in the 100% TAS Lambchop and I are planning to do at some point in the future because it's probably going to turn out hilarious. Something some other people pointed out was the two sons of set or whatever they're called that i double attack/double kill on separate occasions. Figured I should address this here for future reference. The double kill is what looks faster, but in reality the other double attack method is actually the same overall speed because the death animations just so happen to keep the character from progressing forwards, and by the time that 2nd attack animation is finished, both bodies are cleared and the time is equal to the double kill method. This alternative kill method is influenced by what the bone buzzards are doing in the hallways to the top-right and right of the area. If they're all mashed up together in the top-right, it causes the left-most son of whatever to spawn later (frames later, maybe 2-3) than the right-most counterpart of the pair. Conversely, if the group is in a more normalized distribution, the pair spawns at the same time, yielding a double kill path. Again, these are the same in terms of frames lost on clearing the way. Ideally you'd despawn them, but this (to my knowledge) isn't possible in the TAS because you're going too quickly. Slowing down to despawn them ends up being slower than just killing them like I do in the current movie(s). So for people wondering about this in particular, that's my take on it. I still haven't fully decided if I want to finish off Act 3 on the non-Verm Skip TAS before finishing up the Act 2 Verm Skip TAS, but I'll figure that out pretty quickly I imagine.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Posts: 99 That is mostly what Act 2 will look like. I wanted to upload the non-Verm Skip version first to get some feedback on things that aren't during the 14 minute timer (Market playaround crap which takes forever). I'm really happy with everything else in there, the only difference between this version and the Verm Skip version will be getting the 2 Wings off the Mad Monks just before dropping into Aquagoth's area. I guess let me know what you think about it. Verm Skip version will get uploaded the day/night I finish getting the same (or better if possible) luck on Aqua damage manipulations. Act 3 should go by fairly quick until I make it to Verm Skip, in which case I'm hoping to not get a crash right away, then force a crash somehow so we have stuff to study in order to figure out that trick and hopefully make it controllable for RTA runners and future TAS movies of the game. Act 4 basically doesn't exist. I do plan to upload both versions of the TAS for comparison at least for Act 3 (Stopping after Mungola probably). This is mostly to determine a more accurate reading of how much time is actually saved by the Verm Skip since it will more or less remove player influence and have perfect movement outside of manipulations should any be required. Act 4 will not have both versions because I am simply just not going to do that boss fight twice.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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I can't begin to even test until I have access to the area alongside the non-skip version. So basically, I gotta get Aquagoth done, then optimize the path to where the verm-skip starts before I can even consider looking into things. From that point, I'll probably have to make various different movies for testing various things (for access to more and more save states for address comparisons and whatnot) unless something immediately pops out to me. I just hope it ends up being something player's can actually control in RTA, the TAS will be amazing regardless.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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On the non-verm skip TAS I'm just after defeating Timberdrake. On the verm skip TAS I'm at the beginning of the fight with Aquagoth. What little work has been done with it so far is me trying to get a proper RNG pattern for Aqua since it's not the same as the non-skip movie. This means I need to find a pattern which will cause Aqua to try and cast a specific skill (Corrosion) on a frame in which I'm casting my 4th or 6th fireball. Either of these will work because the game will "delay" his cast until my Thunderstorms go off animation wise and let me cancel out the damage and effect of Corrosion that he casts. Unfortunately, he's being a real jackass right now and not giving it up, but I'm pretty close to figuring out the proper position/frame to begin progressing into the damage manipulation part of the fight. Even with the above, it will take a while. I've considered just finishing the non-skip version (obviously won't submit it) just to have some kind of rough time to go off of or compare against for the final version, which would include the skip. The TAS has multiple things in it that we (the SoE community) literally have no idea how much time is gained/lost from them, just that it's presumed to be faster. Also, regarding the Wings theory Crawek mentioned in the SDA thread, as I mentioned there I don't think it's really going to affect anything based off of Wings effect or it's animation or whatever you wanna call it. I think the trick is still (for RTA purposes) entirely 50/50, which means we don't know. And since some stuff in my life is somewhat hindering my capability to really focus on this TAS at the moment, I can't devote tons of time to hand off a movie to someone that could figure things out. This paired up with Aquagoth is why things are so slow. I think GA (glitch-hunter for SoE) has a solid lead on what might be causing issues during the verm skip though. He stated in the thread that we've got overlapping sound (known), a gate sound (known), and other various sources of sound (unknown specifically, but known about) that occur during the prison sequence(s). He thinks the gate sound is causing the problem, or rather, it is contributing to said problem in some manner which causes a very distinct sound to "play" and mucks up things for the game. This isn't saying that it's what causes the crash, simply that it is a known issue and the sound reacts to it. My theory piggy-backs onto this in that we're already stacking sound files and the game hates that, thus the sound issues in the prison. So if we're doing the prison optimally, we'll likely trigger the gate for the raptor GA mentions at roughly the same times, each time, every time, during specific sections of the music tracks playing. This might mean that perhaps during certain sections of the music track, other sounds introduced trigger a hang or distortion of the tracks and yield the crash once we try to leave, as indicated by the sound royally screwing up. If this is the case, then the Wings theory Crawek posted has to be considered as being nothing other than a delay which prevents us from triggering this specific chain of events happening because we won't reach the same point as the previous route through the area did. ^that's all cute and everything, but it's a very assumptive and specific theory that doesn't hold up based on other variables that get introduced in RTA. Because of this, it can never be properly tested, and neither can Wings. So until we have some magical breakthrough with the skip, it will retain it's 50/50 nature, you're either going to crash, or you're not. It's unfortunate. Hopefully things will get figured out and we can stop assuming things. Anyways, yes the project is still alive. tl;dr Project still alive. I have motivation issues due to some real-life stuff. Lack of RTA interest = more motivation issues. Aquagoth is a dick = lots of motivation issues.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Okay, well I'm working on getting a version of the TAS up to said area, hopefully with saves in proper places. I'll post that here and maybe someone can take a look through it. I also plan to do some pretty significant testing of my own just with movement/items/menu'ing/etc... within the prison itself to see if maybe there's a way to negate certain things and hopefully discover what manipulates each different sound glitch. Most sound glitches are very specific to things happens and very different from others in the same area, so maybe that can lead somewhere. That being said, I want the version that gets to that point to be equally optimized as the version that doesn't use VermSkip so I don't have to re-do anything should we figure out how it works/doesn't work. This could take some time, but I'm quite familiar with all the manipulations up to that point for enemies/bosses/etc... The only issue should be Aqua's optimizations and getting ideal wings drops from the 2 mad monks before the Oglin Tunnel. Hopefully we can get this all figured out and implemented into not only the TAS but the RTA route as well. :D
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Posts: 99 That's some testing Crawek was doing trying to store/bypass some sound glitching so he could progress. It seems like sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. I asked specifically if this was on Bsnes, and it is. Now that being said, there's also the case of Darklink's testing, which shows that the petal being utilized upon entering the prison isn't even required. He also enters as the dog instead of the boy on multiple testing scenarios: *significantly longer testing sessions because of save location, which may or may not be related to success rate. We're supposed to be testing full attempts sometime in the near future specifically to test the glitched prison stuff. If it's simply a matter of saving to inject/reject clean or bad data, we can do that in multiple places very optimally, in fact, it may even end up saving time depending on how far back we can go with it due to implementing more risky strategies. The TAS, however, has about 2 locations that are optimal, both of which are in Act 3. I'm somewhat hesitant to say it's related to those things Omni, simply because of how the Early Mad Monk trick works in Ruins. You basically have the weapon obtained event playing while loading a new map, which then tries to play the secondary music piece for obtaining a weapon when you activate the bridge with the spear, this results in garbage sound glitches and the exact same soft lock on screen transition. The problem we have in prison is we have no way to rest the sound by leaving/re-entering like in the Ruins. This, originally, is why it was never included in the route, but given recent testing, it seems like it's success rate isn't quite determined by things such as that. So I dunno... maybe it is something set earlier by an event, sort of like how Dragon View has a bad value written after the first boss, would that be something to consider? Thanks for the insight, as always.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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If you don't mind creaothceann, could you go into more detail on that? Do you know if Bizhawk operates under the same sort of mechanic since it's a (heavily?) modified version of bsnes' core, because if it does, I probably won't be able to utilize this trick. :( As for other emulators, what about Lsnes? Thank you for the information.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Okay, so we're having a small problem regarding routing options which could save a significant amount of time in the TAS. It seems like after looking into the old Verminator Skip, that we were able to get past the softlock on the transition out of the prison portion of that route, which previously would always lock up as you left the area. There's lots of theories floating around right now that suggest various things, however, nobody actually knows what's causing the glitch. Which is why I'm posting this. What would need to be provided for someone to help look into what's going on with the game itself? I, unfortunately, don't have the experience or know-how to dig that much into games at the moment, otherwise this would likely already have been figured out. Some current theories: - Audio pieces playing too much, game locks up trying to dump/load on transition - There are technically 2 events playing at once, this probably has something to do with it - Potentially tied to a cutscene prior to the area itself? There's quite a few. Things that have been claimed to "work" but don't actually yield results across the board: - Using petal to cause a musical piece which overrides one that causes issues - Entering the area as the dog (has mixed results, not sure what I think personally) - Loading from a save (wouldn't be worth it anyways) That being said, there are some issues with other suggestions which may come up. 1) You cannot leave the area without doing the prison fights because all the exits are "locked" in some manner. 2) Wrong Map Movement might work, but hasn't been thoroughly tested because I'm still getting the TAS back up to that point. 3) Finding a way to skip certain scenes, or trigger them w/o staying on the map as long, might prove a viable solution. Has not been tested at all to my knowledge. 4) There are other ways to bypass it crashing, but they cost too much time, finding a way to reduce this lost time would make them viable again, but also slower than the crashing variant of the route. 5) Weapon choice doesn't seem to matter 6) Entering with the dog seems to change a few things, but we've still gotten crashes this way as well. So I'm out of ideas, and I'm making a separate version of the TAS to get back up to that point so I don't lose all progress on the non-VermSkip route. People have gotten out of the area without crashing on Snes9x and console, but not on bsnes. I haven't gotten the opportunity to try it on Bizhawk yet, which is what I'm currently progressing towards. edit1: More confirmation of it working on console under various conditions over in the SDA thread by DLDarkLink. He's hammering out attempts at the glitch from a save in Act 2 before anything in act 3 is triggered (hopefully) and at least once during a full attempt. The bad news with this is that he's reporting that waiting until the sound glitches stop, then proceeding, seems to be working. Perhaps something going on during the actual sound glitches is what causes the lock? Once the glitches stop you can hear Ebon Keep's music in the background. Now, even IF we have to wait around for a bit for the sound to calm down for it to work, I still think we've got a nice amount saved. Now to get that version of the TAS to that point, which hopefully will happen tomorrow or sometime before the weekend. So this is a massive delay, but other than that, the TAS is actually making fantastic progress. Also, sorry if anyone's been missing streams (although I greatly doubt it), some stuff has been going on that's drastically reduced the quality of my internet from it's already pathetic state.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Update Time! 1) Just got my ass handed to me by GreenAmbler again. Apparently there's a way to melee kill the Mad Monk through the wall at the cost of some very boring manipulation (it will be boring due to how it works) and time. This will likely save us a ton of time and will be incredibly beneficial in the 100% TAS as well when/if that happens. 2) Aquagoth has some unexpected issues, he has a permanent aspect of storm around him apparently, meaning I can't do the originally intended 8x8x Storm/Flare combo, which is now 8x3x Flare/Storm, which HAS to be in that order. I haven't toyed around with Heat Wave yet, but plan to once I get back to that point. 3) Pyramids went beautifully, it's an absolute shame that I have to re-do it because of this Mad Monk stuff. Every manipulation was done perfectly, every enemy cooperated, and the lag reduction movement even worked after a certain enemy manipulation. That being said, I think I can still improve it by 4-5 frames across the entire thing with some ridiculously good luck and AI manipulation again, but it will be difficult to even match the previous route through there. I can't simply copy inputs because the RNG will have changed by the time I'm back there again. 4) 90 Call Beads is definitely quicker than leveling alchemy, but the menu'ing is slightly longer, which I forgot about originally. This doesn't amount to anything super significant though, it's an extra 8 or 9 frames per menu operation. Comparatively, the total time spent doing these operations across the rest of the game amounts to very little given that I'm still using a significantly lower amount of 8x casts and menu cancels. 5) As for the actual Early Mad Monk. It's a nightmare to manipulate since it's basically 100% blind and there's lots of movement involved. I plan to go the double redundancy check route and have every single frame check with every frame before and after it in all possible manipulation paths across ~8 save states, then take the best of those for each frame until I'm at least near the wall. Assuming I make it this far and don't go completely insane in the process (hopefully I find an easier manipulation method...) I need to line up a sword attack and then immediately use storm + menu cancel to essentially one-shot the mad monk. Doing so SHOULD enable me to immediately swap to dog and run out of the room before any lag is introduced. This skip saves a TON of time not only by cutting out walking around the entire area, but also means we don't have to wings out of the area which means I have that pair of wings available for the Maze, which will make that section infinitely more tolerable to manipulate enemies in, and probably break even frame-wise considering that's a pretty troublesome location for no-invulnerability route. We also start MUCH closer to the event where the boy throws the spear after the Early Mad Monk kill, so that's even more time saved. ^Video of the trick being performed by GA himself. :D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edit1: So I haven't slept, but I have worked on optimizing the route to the Mad Monk for a quick kill. Currently my best is a 33.8s savings over the previous route. I'm going to probably sleep some then work on it some more and see what happens. An unfortunate side effect of this trick is that I can't do any messing around during manipulations because it will change things, so this will either be very boring or very awkward in regards to movement once I'm in the proper positions. Manipulations That Work: -Pressing/Releasing R -Directional input within a certain radius of the Monk (radius is currently undetermined) -Attacking (I'm forced to attack at least once)
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.
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Joined: 5/28/2013
Posts: 99
Yup, I'm gonna have to cut it out of the TAS unfortunately. There's no way I see us figuring out a way to bypass the lower amounts of damage... Anything involving more casts of HB require massive frame loss elsewhere that far outweighs this trick and anything during the fight that actually works results in a cutscene getting triggered anyways, which completely negates the entire fight. An example of that last part is that I did manage to kill him with some fancy footwork/AI manipulation, but at the end, you lose control and the dog launches back to the cutscene trigger area, enables the trigger, and basically makes all that work for nothing since v1.7's method was faster at that point. You can't swap characters either (I tried all 77 frames worth of opportunity to do so) because the boy either immediately dies or the game has a flag enabled that prevents you from doing so on that particular frame. Very disappointed that I can't get this properly into the TAS, it's a cool trick and has a lot of very mechanical aspects to it in how the game works... I may go back to an older TAS version and utilize the 12 HB it uses to show it off sometime. :( :( edit: Finally got past Thraxx this morning after roughly 1 full week of working on it. The fight looks awkward though, i'm not happy about this, but it's required for the proper manipulations. I guess I'll have to get used to it. Grumly posted in the SDA thread about a value he fixed at 64 to achieve 133% damage on every cast of Hard Ball, this led to me figuring out the range of said value. Ironically, the range almost always ended up being equivalent to Nitrodon's level 0 formula with Hard Ball (11 to 20). So naturally, I began messing with this. Getting higher values achieves higher damage on just about everything EXCEPT Thraxx. Thraxx seems to be inverted and takes much higher damage from lower values. The v1.7 achieves a 500+ with 11, so does v1.8. This possibly could lead us one step closer to actually understanding the way the heart damage works, but sadly I haven't been able to discover the formula(s?) for how it does so. It's not really needed anymore for me personally, so it's less of a factor in my progression, but if anyone would like to try their hand at it there's tons of info in the SDA thread. The address is 7e358e. Nitrodon's formula for the alchemy spell damage can be found either on my excel doc under Panda.Notes or buried in the depths of the SDA thread as well. An interesting effect happens when you skip the cutscene and proceed to get the auto-level up from Thraxx but not from the maggots when killing the boss at lower levels. I have 4,XXX,XXX,XXX needed exp to level up now, yet killing a single thing will progress the level and give me what I need. Unfortunately, this ALSO means that because I didn't kill the maggots automatically from Thraxx, I'm not sitting at a nice 60+ hp for Magmar. I think this will be fine in the long run, I just may have to spend a bit more time and possibly a few frames to avoid some of Magmar's nonsense he can throw out. It shouldn't matter if I can do this. Total savings from cutscene skip: 756 Adjustment losses incoming: Kill 3 mosquitoes, probably 1-4 frames (select, attack, select, resume sprint) I will be editing this post from now on with updates unless something major is accomplished/discovered/changed. edit2: Getting closer to end of Act 1, working on the Magmar fight off stream right now. Probably won't finish the fight until tonight or tomorrow morning though since I'm manipulating every single aspect of it instead of just magmar's pattern. May as well shoot for absolute perfection instead of as close as possible right? :) Anyways, on the way, I found this: Now, unfortunately, there's invisible walls/pipes blocking my path to OoB into Magmar's door initially, BUT, this still saved me 93 frames in total, which more than makes up for anything lost during the new Thraxx fight revamp and it's consequential minor losses elsewhere. Overall, I'm looking at being around 800-900 frames ahead of my previous v1.7 movie once Act 1 is done. Super motivated at the moment because Thraxx cutscene skip became possible. I pretty much attribute this to Grumly's address he posted, which removed an aspect of the fight I was blind to. Still no actual formula for Thraxx heart damage though. The mosquitoes I chose to kill were: 1 - Quicksand Cliffs - costs 4 frames (select, attack, select, sprint begin) 2 - Quicksand Cliffs - costs 3 frames (select, attack, select) 3 - Volcano Sewers - costs 1 frame (dog attack, abusing sewer static speed) Hopefully I'll be posting the Act 1 video in the near future for you guys. edit3: Did some testing and discovered that I can get 90 Call Beads in lower pyramids. This completely changes the core route from leveling Sting to simply spamming base power Storm + Flare against Aquagoth and Verm. Possibly even utilizing Heat Wave in select areas to force lag and lock sprites on the screen, thus despawning others. I'm not even sure how many frames this could potentially save, but here's my rough layout: Normal Route = 7 8x for level 3 Sting + 1 8x for Aquagoth + 1 8x for Verminator Theory Route = 2 or 3 8x for Aquagoth + 3 or 4 for Verminator Even if I end up needing to use an extra cast somewhere, it's still much quicker. There's also the benefit of me not needing to manipulate water drops in the desert OR pick up stuff by the river/eastern beach, which costs me tons of frames previously. The downside to this is finding a way to make the 14 minutes entertaining... At this point it may be easier to find a way to skip it, lol. :( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- edit4: Act 1 Completed! Youttube: .bkm: edit5: Act 2 is planned to be finished within the next week or two, depending on other, more important things going on. Things I've done during the timer: - Killed some enemies to increase hit rate and hp buffer in case I'm forced to take a hit later on in the movie for whatever reason. - Manipulated 45 jewel drop from every enemy. Sometimes I'll kill 2+ at once, I only manipulate 1 or 2 items drops depending on the amount of enemies (1-3, 4, respectively) because I would rather kill them in a decent amount of time and move on to the next thing instead of wiggle around for 6 minutes to get a 4 drop from 4 enemies off the same attack. This doesn't affect anything other than my sanity and patience. - Some movement geometry/stuff as sort of a play around thing, spiders like getting in the way a lot. - In the Market I'm grabbing the Jade Disc to give me a higher hit rate, because why not. I also might waste some time blowing myself up on chickens or buying pots just to see if I get a Chocobo Egg. It's not relevant to the movie at all, but it'd be something to do. - The 14 minute timer is MASSIVELY demotivating, I'm very resilient to getting burned out on things, but this timer is pushing the boundaries pretty damn hard. Got ~7 minutes of it done today though, so that's something. Hoping to finish it up tonight or in the next few days, then things will speed up some. - I did some testing and determined that Full Blimp Skip is faster than triggering the Blimp scenes DURING the timer. Hilariously enough, it isn't faster in RTA because of other reasons (menu buffering to get the frame perfect char switch on a "blind" transition). - Call Bead spells are replacing Alchemy in the TAS. This is a TAS-only thing, it likely will never happen in RTA unless someone gets incredibly lucky. IF it does ever happen in RTA attempts, that run (barring any horrible play) will likely be unbeatable by normal standards. In other news, I am done with anything related to real-time aspects of this game. There's simply not enough people pushing the game hard enough for me to stick around and be useful. I'll likely transfer over to Secret of Mana, Terranigma, or some other games. That being said, I do intend on doing a 100% Secret of Evermore TAS and will likely start it up sometime in the next couple weeks to see what I can get away with in terms of routing. As for things I'd love help with, AsFarAsIGet discovered that the mapID for certain Act 1 caves and Act 2 caves are shared (meaning they're on the same map). This means if we could somehow force an event to occur that pushes the boy/dog out of bounds and then run over to the proper exit, we could have dog at River pre-timer, which implies that we could completely skip a TON of things. This obviously means that the current TAS I'm working on will be entirely outdated and redone. PLEASE find a way to make this work, I have tried just about everything that comes to mind and have obtained zero results. IF this gets working, the RTA attempts will likely become sub-hour or close to it as well. The TAS time will likely be incredibly fast and possibly not even have to do Thraxx. If you're bored and want to break the hell out of a game, I definitely encourage giving this a shot. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit6: Finally finished off the market timer. Possibly one of the most demotivating things ever and obviously took much longer than I initially thought because of how boring and anti-fun it got. That being said, got a much quicker kill on Vigor than in the previously comparable TAS (v1.6, v1.7 never got that far). The reason I go around behind Vigor to attack is to prevent a softlock that can occur if you kill him before a certain event is loaded. This is either the music track or the flex Vigor has attached to his fight, both are "enabled" a frame or two (not sure exactly when the music is loaded) before the kill. Going to make my way to Rimsala today, then probably Aquagoth tomorrow. I'm hoping to get Act 3 done in a couple weeks. It's pretty straight-forward. There's really nothing that special about anything else honestly, I'm going to get 90 Call Beads in Pyramids lower level. Then just stomp my way through all the bosses because this game's horribly broken.
My Stream: Mostly SoE TAS and casual playthroughs.