Posts for TorZelan

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Got the exact same thing right now in Explorer (and it has always worked previously, even within last reboot and I have installed/removed nothing) so if anyone solved it, do post ^^ -edit- Working again.
Gamer, musician, bonesword wielder.
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Really looking forward to seeing this thing. I'd try now, except previous comments indicate it being a hassle and since I don't think I can vote yet it seems unneccessary to mess around with. Also,
nitsuja wrote:
Secret of Mana has 3 players and a run of that is in progress.
...insomnia ensues. The day this is done, oh man...
Gamer, musician, bonesword wielder.
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Wow, that ruled. Love the feeling and the lyrics, also am envious of all the people who seem able to speak without breathing for like 3-4x longer than me. Although I'm ~80% metal, I always get inspired by other stuff and I've already tried making some "techno"-kind of thing, guess what I think I'm going to try to do now? Hehe. Hard to come up with such awesome lyrics without main language vocabulary though...
Gamer, musician, bonesword wielder.
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That, is wicked. I remember watching the X-games double run, and then again with a friend of mine, and then yet again with two friends more. This will SO be chips drinks and lots of dropped jaws. If that last part would actually work, technically.
Gamer, musician, bonesword wielder.
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Like my second post or something so might seem stupid but whatever, I've lurked since the dawn of time and read most in here + spent some time in the IRC lately so I'm active in every way except getting a cool post-count (...or contributing, which I just don't have time for :'( Cursed money-dependant world). Anyway. Most recent (and still old) image I have, taken with my phone so not much. Side-ambush! Hair hair. Photoshoot-thingie, 3 years old. Kind of cool, don't really look 18. Taken after the above, "strike-a-pose" by request of the man with cam, Lach. ...and that amazingly accurate page telling you what celebrity you look like.
Gamer, musician, bonesword wielder.
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Well written, Vidar. Personally I'm just confused as to why there is any complaining at all. I might have missed something but I thought it would seem better to have something instead of nothing atleast and most importantly, if better can be done... Just do it and upload, geez. This is the best we have now and that would be the best we'll have then. It's not like he's taken the single diamond in the world and shaped it like a three-legged dog when people would have wanted a regular one, he's just taken one of the infinite supply of diamonds so if you're not happy, take your own or wait for some one else to shape theirs...
Gamer, musician, bonesword wielder.
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Good to me, also NrgSpoon is spot on!
Gamer, musician, bonesword wielder.
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Location: Northern Sweden
.avi eternally stuck at 56.7% downloaded, the only unseen Rock/Mega Man TAS to date - insomnia ensues, worldwide depression, help the poor :'( -edit- Hey, look at that. Some one must have been struck with random generosity and decided to share the remaining half soon after asking. Oh well, rather look like an idiot than not ask and not get it - all according to Murphy's Law. I'll defomately help out with the sharing of this one though, since it would seem it needs it atleast for the moment. So uh anyway, hello everyone, fanatic TAS-watcher and long-time lurker here. I never attempted (and probably never will) a TAS of my own since it would take time that I don't have but I think I'll show my face around these forums anyway just contributing with whatever talents I believe myself to possess such as common sense and logic. And yeah, way too long posts. Off-topic (apologies BoMF) mini-introduction over, time to watch that speedrun :) Edit #2 in the vicinity.
Gamer, musician, bonesword wielder.