Posts for Twelvepack

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Pausing for only a few frames is enough to upset the randomness for this game. Shouldnt be too large an issue.
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It would makem ore sence if the "sonic team" didnt turn into one big creature, but all three of them get +3/+3 or something. and as long as we are fixing wordings, on the wall it would probably read "<name> deals 1 damage to every creature it blocks."
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Bah. I get massive desync, and I think I have the right rom (1.2) and all the plugins match. Thing is it doesnt even seem to load the levels properly.
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If you ever make yoshi, thing work out nicely since red and white are both the ally colors of green, the obvious color for mario's favorite mount.
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Fe Fi Fo Fum I smell the blood of... nevermind.
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Were the contry stats determined from IP adresses? That way you dont have to ask anyone anything, makes for better statistics.
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Im embarased that I understood that.
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Called a "powerslide" which causes a "miniboost" I believe is the term used in the nintendo strategy guide.
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I really dont see why runs as good as that fox fast clear one are allowed to die, but runs as retarded as lagoon and jaws are published. There is something seriously wrong with the submission process here if that fox run was rejected.
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To be honest, I was suprised there was a N64 version of this game. I played it a lot, but my experiance is almost exclusivly the arcade version. That said, I do decently well playing in real time, but I dont have the knowladge about how the game itself works enough to be helpful in a run. The whole key to this run will be figuring out exactly how to manipulate what colors you get. Im not sure to what extent its set, and im not sure how its affected by what colors are still on the board. What I can tell you is that once a color is eliminated, as long as your "next" isnt that color, you will never get another of that color. This is true at all times, but I bet you already knew that.
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Avoid ... objectively unclear in terms of goals
The crux of the issue. It would be a simple thing to get a run acepted if you simply won as fast as possable. A run for this game would work. I'm just not so sure about this run.
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Voted no. Neither won as fast as possable, nor did it maximize score. Points per second feels like a bad idea, pick one goal, and put it first. You did well, but the thing that put me in the (suprisingly small) "no" camp was that you got many bonuses up until fighting polygon team, but then didnt even seem to try for polygon ranks (the award for killing all 30 in the order they spawn).
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Good improvment. Really good touch at the start of the level on the hover bikes. Obvious yes vote.
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Wish I could help, but I cant seem to get deep very quickly. The colors jsut arnt right.
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Or just replace every noun with "marklar"
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If a ts did, it would defete the purpose of most runs. It would either load from a savde state, or would have to have objectives beyond killing bowser3. Would end up as a concept demo if you were trying to show how fast you could get start after you get this powerup.
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Its not a straight port, but the main mechanics and plot points are the same. For example, in FF1 there was no MP, you had a cirtain number of times you could cast each level of spell. There is also some strange side dungeon I never explored much myself, but that probably wouldnt come into play in a timerun. Botom line, it would probably make the most sence to compare to the original nes version.
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Awsome run. Yes vote! on a side note, I know linking to roms is against the rules, but would I be allowed to say the name of a site that I know has such a rom?
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you also dont take fall damage after you triple jump. Not sure that actually helps much of anywhere, but it might.
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Due to bad detection on some of the surfaces near the top of the castle, you dont even have to BLJ to get to that room.
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I dont get why the japanese rom was used for this game. I can tell it didnt actually matter because it didnt desync using the USA rom, but I dont understand why they would choose to use anything else. Doesnt this violate some of the guidlines for rom selection?
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Should change the screenshot to the part of the end sequence where the old guy says "When I did this I only used one life, and it took less than an hour!" Just because it matches so well.
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Even if you did... This might jsut be an example of a game best left un-tassed...
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I feel kinda bad for the amount of work AKA did, only to have the record for a week or so. Still, this diserves to be published, and I think everyone here knows it.
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The point isnt how hard it might be to do, but if anyone has been able to do it at 100% speed without savestates, we should expect our tases to be at very least that good. Think of it this way-- had you played your run on an emulator, you could even submit it to obsolete this travesty of a run.
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