Posts for Unknown_User

Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Favorite bands: H.I.M, System of a Down, CKY, Slayer, Slipknot, Radioaktiva räker, coca carola and Diapsalma. Favorite singer: Vile Valo from H.I.M Favorite musician: Guitarist Scott Ian from Anthrax and S.O.D. Favorite song: The Sacrament - HIM Favorite song i ever played on guitar: green day - basket case
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
BoltR wrote:
KennyBoy wrote:
saying messages like "you can't run this file et:¨¤ illiegal rom version" and sometimes it just messes up the rom
Tried this?
i've tried what i could understand, wasnt that much. could someone with a friendly intention and heart of gold maybe send me a fully working version^^?
Post subject: funny webcomic VGcats
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716 cats, videogames, violence. can it get much better then this?
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saying messages like "you can't run this file et:¨¤ illiegal rom version" and sometimes it just messes up the rom
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Anyone played this game? Anyway. The ones who have played this would have noticed that the creators of the game had really good times on beating allmost every stage (i beat one about three years ago). how about a speedrun on this game? it could be really cool. the game is about a woman called darcy steirn. she is a female police officer and is to cleanse the city of the evil gang "Wildcats". you have to run, jump, climb, slide and fight to get anywhere in this game. what do ya say?
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
once again i say to ye, famtasia be the only nes emulator that works for me.
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okay, so i looked into the eggs a little, but i think i allready took most of the fastest paths. if i would to miss the last egg on the first lvl i would miss the dinosaur mount and get into the little easier lvl(2-1) but i would be mount less wich makes me alot slower. and some path's you can chose may even be longer and harder. so heres a list on what i've decided to work on most. *Slicker jumping. *Less fruits.*didn't realize until a late part that the timedifference acctually was important when the countdown begins. *Faster "menu" movement. *better timing on attacks, even though you can sling axes at an boss and they hit while they blink they doesnt do damage. so the water boss is still going to take a while and is impossible to kill in one "turn". *i think i had the uphill jumping figured, can't see where i ran up an hill:/ *have to get the sea mount for the water lvls.
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hahaha=) yea its from Ingmar Bergman's movie "sjunde inseglet". my alltime favorite quote^.^ goes on like; - "Vem är du?" - "Jag är Döden." - "Kommer du för att hämta mig?" - "Jag har länge vandrat vid din sida." - "Det vet jag." - "Är du beredd?" - "Min kropp är rädd, inte jag själv." ... - "Vänta ett ögonblick." - "Så säger ni alla. Men jag lämnar inga uppskov." - "Du spelar ju schack, inte sant?" - "Hur vet du det?" - "Jag har sett målningarna, och hört visorna" - "Ja, jag är verkligen en ganska skicklig schackspelare." - "Du kan ändå inte vara skickligare än jag." and so on:) "who are you?" "i am the death" "did you came for me?"*sounds naughty in english* "i have long watched beside you" "are you ready?" "my body is afraid, not I" "wait a minute" "everyone tells me that, ------------" "you play chess doesn't you" "how did you know? "i have seen the paintings, and heard the songs" "i am a very skilled chess player" "you can't be better then me" and so on....
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yea i am to rerun this game, anyone know where i could find a guide about these eggs?. and about the FCEU emulator, i just can't get anyother nes emuator then famtasia to work:/.
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
no, not at all. thats just "immoral"
Joined: 1/1/2022
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okay i just sent it in for verifying, have no idea wher ei can upload to let you guys on the forum check it out though. any suggestions?
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i believe this game was called mother. and i would love to see a speedrun on it^^.
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Take Protoman, very secretive character we don't know about, and he looks good too with sun glasses and bandana.
i would think everyone thought people who were sun glasses were cool, atleast when you were little and played the games more =)
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
get video lan media player, [insert commersial music] ~~plays Everything~~.
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links awakening, i would die to see one of those. had such a good time playing it on my old gameboy.
Post subject: Adventure island 2 nes
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
hello. i'm a big fan of console timeattack and i'm currently working on my own from adventure island 2. i was just wondering first if anyone knows any usefull glitches, and second to know if anyone would be intrested in checking it out when its done. btw Walkerboh you rock!
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This movie is great and funny. Highly recommend it!
Post subject: Adventures of Batman and Robin
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Howdy, all... I've been a non-posting reader of these forums for a while, and been collecting time attacks for nigh on a year and a half now, so I figured it's about time I apply my well-honed aesthetic to a ROM and get going on making my own, and I've decided the SNES version of the Adventures of Batman and Robin would be a fun challenge. I've got [what I think is a] minimal run through the first level almost completed, and it's a lot different than I thought it would be. Takes less time than I thought it would, it's a lot more fun than I imagined, but it's not nearly as easy as I thought it would be. How those three fit together, I'm not sure, but that's my impression. Anyway, the reason I'm posting this is because I wanted to get a discussion going with anybody who knows the game to see (a) if anyone else is currently attacking this game, (b) what nifty timesaving tricks anybody knows for skipping parts of levels / getting through bosses faster [which is kind of a pain in this game], and (c) whether this game is really worth making the attack of. After all, though it's one of the most gorgeous games ever released for the SNES, it's definitely not super-fast-paced: your movements can be limited by the smooth animation, and the bosses take a long time to beat. Thoughts, anyone?
Joined: 1/1/2022
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You've made a mockery of the game. Very well done.
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Hi, I've seen the movie and I'd to like to comment on your run. I didn't like it, you don't go for killing everything that moves nor you go for a "pacifist" movie, it's just like watching some good player play. The ship "trembles" too much for no aparent reason, do you do this to manipulate enemies/enemie shots/whatever or just because?!?! The only things I liked are how you kill the bosses, and I liked when on the second stage (the stage with that purple moving stuff on the background)) you dance between a line of enemies, that was the best part in the entire movie, IMO. I've played a bit and I've noticed that you can upgrade/downgrade the ship's speed with select, a feature that I think could/should be used to display some "impossible" manuevers between the enemies, since the game is incredibly fast, as you said it.
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I have a 1733 MHz Athlon. A typical 300kbit/s 256x240 video encoded with x264 uses about 12%-15% CPU to decode and display, using a recent mplayer. With emulator playback captures, there's no excuse to scale the video to a larger resolution. On a ~645kbps 720x352 video (unresized cropped dvd widescreen movie) I get about 45% CPU usage. On ~700kbps 720x480 video (unresized uncropped 4:3 dvd video) I see up to 50% CPU usage. libavcodec-based players (mplayer, ffdshow, vlc) using an older libavcodec offer h.264 decoding that is both slower and buggier. If you use windows, you can get a more recent ffdshow here: Likewise there are recent mplayer builds for windows: As for encoding: if you are getting better video quality with XviD, you're simply doing something wrong. XviD is of course excellent for an ASP codec but on "typical" source, you should be able to match its quality with x264 using 5%-30% less bitrate. There is a guide for using mencoder to encode videos with x264; while it's neither complete nor entirely up-to-date, it will at least point you in the right direction.
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
SXL wrote:
check the faqs on the site. just needed 30 secondes to find this : also, there's a search function on the forums. look harder next time :) good luck on your runs... hope to hear from you soon :p
found that one already myself and all it gives is this:���x��R�څazGL���Z�"=!�nN&,602����Gi5�h����ļ٣�����6�sI��גi:�Ct�'��w<��.�܋�+���J���c.�hя�~���VR�#k�SO��1�Ԕ8�� ɮT�ڛ�60�:��:�Z��Co��;�*�@�����1����5�q1 �3���M<B� {�j=U�O���&"S8�~ >Ӊ�I��@�+�Aך��mͤ�z��$�׺�p���)�:nǸ�!���.0Uv �� and so on.... if you have the patched version you can always mail it if you want to? edit: i've got it!! eerrr sorry for this, i feel like an ass but at least i have it:):):):):)
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
hi everyone, i checked out this forum and i got really interested to do a time attack myself but i can't seem to find a patched version of fceu that records movies. I don't know nothing about linux stuff so is it possible to get an already patched version? i've found the link but all i get is a page full of symbols (codes maybe?) thanks alot
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
The directory was read-only, thanks for the help Omni. EDIT: Hmm. I made the directory and sub-folders contained within not read-only, but everytime I apply the change the folders automatically switch back to read-only once I reopen the properties window. If it helps, my rom files are contained in a folder that is located in My Documents (specifically C:\Documents and Settings\2004\My Documents\ROMs)
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Hoe wrote:
8000a90h is some mystery function. I'm not sure what that formula is suppose to do, but it will always operate on what ever the pointer in 0x02000008 goes to, then moves it back there, it seems. Possibly 'randomize.'
It's a PRNG alright. It's from "FORTRAN 77: An introduction to structured problem solving," I believe. Period is 2^29, so no, it's not 'extremely static'. The map was never really very good: it just dumps the top 2 tile layers for each room using its map location. Then again, if it doesn't need to look pretty...