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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
The SNES has a bigger screen, right? So you can see more.
I love you Bag Of Magic Food ;)
Maza wrote:
Thanks for your support Xaphan ;) I think the only difference between snes and gba versions is that in gba version there is "now saveing..." in few screens. Although I'm not absolutely sure about this since it has been a very long time since i played the snes version.
You're right there are no such screen on the SNES version...
Maza wrote:
sry for this if it's disapointing someone to see my replies without any visual progress. :)
I'm really really disappointed (just kidding) :)
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I'd like to see a T-shirt with the moto : "Perfection exists : we have created it" ;)
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AnotherGamer wrote:
Also, terrain's not that major of a factor in either of those, other than maybe criticaling/shieldpushing enemies off a high elevation and killing them that way. I'd suggest FE mainly because TO AI seems to take way too damned long to decide what to do on its turn, while FE AI just rushes right in. Also, FE fights go by a lot quicker due to skipable animations that both SDA runs use, although not having a SRAM with game beaten eliminates the ability to speed up movement animations by holding down A.
You got one Point :D
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33 = 4 ? + 4 ! - 4 / 4 34 = 4 x 4 x √ 4 + √ 4 35 = 4 ? + 4 ! + 4 / 4 36 = 44 - 4 x √ 4 37 = ????????????????????? 38 = 4 ! + 4 ? + √ 4 + √ 4 39 = 4 x 4 ? - 4 / 4 40 = 4 x 4 ? + 4 - 4 41 = 4 x 4 ? + 4 / 4 42 = 4 x 4 ? + 4 - √ 4 43 = ( 4 ! x 4 - 4 ? ) / √ 4
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And so...? easiness is not my moto ;) I shall go for some more : 21 = 4 ? + 4 ? + 4 / 4 22 = 4 ! - √ 4 + √ 4 - √ 4 23 = 4 ! - √ 4 + 4 / 4 24 = ( 4 ? + 4 - √ 4 ) x √ 4 25 = 4 ! + √ 4 - 4 / 4 26 = 4 ! + √ 4 + √ 4 - √ 4 27 = 4 ! + ( 4 ? + √ 4 ) / 4 28 = 4 ! + 4 + 4 - 4 29 = ( 4 ! + 4 ! + 4 ? ) / √ 4 30 = 4 ! + √ 4 + √ 4 + √ 4 I shall post them ten by ten it shall be easier to read
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4? is the summing operator, it works like the ! operator though you have to add the number between them instead of multiplying them... I shall try to find the others tonight... that's a nice guess FODA
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I got 3 = ( 4 ? + 4 - √ 4 ) / 4 4 = √ 4 + √ 4 + √ 4 - √ 4 5 = ( 4 x 4 + 4 ) / 4 6 = [ ( 4 ? + √ 4 ) / 4 ] * √ 4 7 = ( 4 ? + √ 4 + √ 4 ) / √ 4 8 = √ 4 + √ 4 + √ 4 + √ 4 9 = 4 ? - [ ( √ 4 + √ 4 ) / 4 ] 10 = 4 ? + √ 4 + √ 4 - 4 11 = 4 ? + [ ( √ 4 + √ 4 ) / 4 ] 12 = [ ( 4 ? + √ 4 ) / 4 ] * 4 13 = 4 ? + [ ( 4 ? + √ 4 ) / 4 ] 14 = 4 ? + 4 + 4 - 4 15 = 4 ? + 4 + 4 / 4 16 = 4 ? + √ 4 + √ 4 + √ 4 17 = 4 ! - [ ( 4 ? + 4 ) / √ 4 ] 18 = 4 ? + 4 + √ 4 + √ 4 19 = ( 4 ? - 4 / 4 ) + 4 ? 20 = 4 x 4 + √ 4 + √ 4 I will stop here for now... Tell me if some are wrong or if i was bypassing the rules (i hop that you can use the √ twice in the same line...)
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So i guess that Tactics Ogre would be more entertaining to watch as a Time Attack than Fire Emblem... Because using terrain as your advantage is really something hard to do
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Actually there isn't any (noticeable) differences between the SNES and the GBA versions... In my opinion, as Maza has already begun a run on the GBA and that he has almost finished it (I watched his WIP and it's quite good...) it would be useless to run it on SNES... Though I also think that more people would be able to see the SNES version of it as SNES emulation is more popular and SNES Roms are easier to get than GBA ones... Edit : Go and see Maza's WIP if you can !!!
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feitclub wrote:
I've been hooked on this game since you posted this! Thank you! After much practice, it's not that hard to finish. Frankly, I'm surprised it ended when it did. I think the key is to take it slowly on the high levels so as not to overwhelm yourself in enemies. Also, you have to avoid that "?" item like the plague - every time I touched it my weapon power and energy was reduced to level one.
I spent hours on it with some friends during our exam period :D... The most annoying bonus thing is the bomb that spread the enemy to its smallest form overwhelming the screen with monsters...
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Bisqwit wrote:
But it's a writing system. Way to write English or Finnish text. One I devised ~10 years ago.
That's awesome!!!
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Thx a lot Nitsuja, it's a lot clearer nox for me...
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To my mind, it looks like more an electrocardiogram...
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if you want ideas see the GBA Games Run Wishlist topic... You may find a good one to run :D
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There are three fire Emblem games on GBA (two in english and one japanese only), i do not know which one would the best to try... AS far as I know there is only one Tactics Ogre game... personnally I think that I'd prefer Fire Emblem to be runned...
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Post subject: Fire Emblem/Tactics Ogre
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I post those games under the same topic because they have quite the same gameplay system... I do not intend to do a timeattack of those games but i wanted to know if it was worth trying one day... You know, one could try to beat the game with the less turns as possible or something like that... I was wondering that because those games kick ass, especially the Fire Emblem games... Though i guess watching the animation would be quite long in the end... However, as Saturn runned through Secret Of Evermore on SNES, i guess those ones would be quite cool to see one day on this site...
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I'll watch it tonight....
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I understand clearly your point meza, certain points would make you redo a lot of levels, though continue on the good way... and good luck, you may get more comments... and continue to post your WIPs here
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Hi, I've seen your WIP and i shall make some comments... Some people such as McBain or Mike Uyama may comment it better than me, but it's still good to have one's opinion... so, here are a few things : - In Pirate Man's stage, you can kill the rotating things that slide right and left on the ground with Wave Burner, it shall be faster than jumping over them... - During Your fight against Pirate Man, you lose time dodging the mines he throws, you should not care about being hit and hit him as soon as he has finished blinking... In other words BOSS SHOULD NOT STOP BLINKING (yeah it's hard I know...), I'm not sure but I think you did the same mistake against Cold Man... Though your Burner Man fight is very good... - In Burner Man's Stage you kill with Ice Wall the third "blue ball thrower robot", i'm (almost) sure that's unnecessary, you could simply jump on the other side while not losing the time to fire an Ice Wall... - Still in Burner Man's level, you were using the ice wall to kill the above-mentionned robots at the beginning of the stage then you kill some later with the normal buster... i don't know why... (Maybe if i recall well it has a hidden wall in front of the robot... if it's the case, you should use ice wall to go through the hole and ice wall to destroy it... if possible) I do not recall anything else... The overall impression is still very good... continue and good luck...
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I've read your messages on MSN Mike, but i was deeply sleeping, so i did not answer you... I'm going to check what you told me, but really i do not know if i'm going to redo it... As I said, this game is really a lot harder than RMZ4 to run because of a lot of things... Though as I also said, nobody seems to be interested in it... And I don't know why...
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I hope something can be done about the site... it's true that's a small site and that would be a lot of hassle to handle cheque claiming business or anything like that, but i'm sure something could be done... I don't want to see this site closed for a money reason or things like that... Maybe you should find some people to handle some business operations... Moreover Bisqwit's T-shirts would be cool...
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Post subject: Alien VS Panda Predator
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Location: France This one is just fun... But you need the Shockwave player to play it :) I've finished it, but it's really hard (in my opinion)
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So many different people HAHAHA... So here is me but it's a bad picture...
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Today I'm 21.814 approximately... So did anyone manage to calculate an average age thanks to the data gathered so far on this topic ???
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I may try as well to beat your time, that shall free my mind from that damn MMZ3 TA... I like this game as well... hehe :)
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