Posts for agopo

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Saturn wrote:
Oh my.. how embarrasing. I've mistakenly thought that you were the creator and maintainer of Shakespeare's site. Guess it just adds up to my winning-chances then..
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Saturn wrote:
sorry, about agopos technique I forgot to say that I mean against a human player. Of course it will not work against a 8 star CPU perfectly but a human don't have that fast reactions to see the throw-attack after the jabs fast enough.
ANGERFIST: You may be correct about my technique not working well against a CPU enemy. But like Saturn has said: It is supposed to work against humans. I hardly ever played the computer. Usually we'd go against each other in human vs human matches. There the technique works sufficiently if you throw in a hadoken from time to time. Also I sometimes jump straight up and do a hard-kick shortly before landing, in order to surprise my enemy and do a little change from the constant jabbing-throwing thing. I like your idea though of adjusting the hadoken speeds and shoryuken heights to your enemy's position. We really should battle this out sometime on zbattle to see who is the true master ;) My bets for now go to Saturn though, I checked out his combo-site and he seems to live beat 'em ups..
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Saturn: I will check out zbattle when I have the time to (lots of exams and articles I got to write these weeks). Sure thing though I'd go against you for a couple of rounds!
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Saturn: You're right; trying to reverse the throw seems to be the technique to go against this tactic. What my opponents do (as I'm usually only playing two of my friends here, one picks Sagat and the other E. Honda) is to hammer the jab button while they're still on the floor to counter-jab when rising OR hammer hard-punch to counter-throw. It seems kinda random who gets the throw then, we couldn't exactly figure out what creates a priority. Nice to tech-talk about SF2 though :) Had an awesome time with that game.
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I used to play with Ken a lot against human opponents and also had a combination of moves which noone was able to beat - at least if they didn't know how to. But it was not exactly a combo, it was more of a playing style. What I did (and what ANGERFIST maybe did as well) was: Knock down the opponent, and once this was done to crouch directly next to him and spam jabs (light punches). As soon as my opponent got up again he'd receive jabs in the face or block them. Either way I'd stop jabbing to make a quick step towards him, then grab and throw him. After that rather, rinse, repeat.
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Post subject: Take you time
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As long as you keep working on this run it's all good. This is coming along nicely (and - as it's one of my favourite games - I can say this with emphasis!). :P Just don't make us wait too long pls.
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Post subject: Zombies ate my gf's panties
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What a fun game! Chucky, Marsians, Cheerleaders - it's 70s/ 80s B-movie horror at its best. A YES vote from me. The run seemed very well executed. And yet I imagine that there are another couple of seconds which might be shoved off, due to the myriads of possibilites that different pathing for the two players and different item usage offer. But since this run was high quality, it's definitely good enough to be published without searching for those 3 frames in every level.
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I can't wait to see the run, good thing you picked this game up. It was so much fun back in my school days when I played it, one of the best SNES games I think (just look at the title.. completely summarizes the fun factor :).
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Nie job Saturn, it must have been so much work for you but we all appreciate it! It's executed very well and fun to watch ;)
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One of the most entertaining movies I've seen in a while. GBA games seem to be great sources of superplay movies. /me is hoping for more!
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Post subject: genre name
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Phil: I always thought the genre was called "beat 'em up". So no spelling mistake as far as I can tell. Although I may be wrong, too, of course *ding*
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Mega Man really should learn how to jump higher. Dr. Light might have to pull another ace out of his sleeve to let him.. Anyways, a very good run by Tinister. Can only hope for more runs to come. YES vote.
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Post subject: Game is terrible, playing was good
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The game is terrible. But there are a lot of terrible games on the SNES (just like there are plenty of fantastic ones). Gameplay was solid. YES vote.
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Post subject: Long but good
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This game is so tedious and the movie is equally long. Well done though. Therefore it deserves the YES vote I think. And yes, I also have to admit that every now and then I tabbed through the one or other scene; it was just too long to watch it all in one go. Keep it up Spezzafer.
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Post subject: Saturn and Shakespeare
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I hope that you two will develop a clean competition on who produces the fastes SF2 runs! Since you seemingly both know fighting games very well it should make for great movies.
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Post subject: Good enough.
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Rocksolid gameplay, tried to do different (= more entertaining) combos. Great barrel bonus stage. Did an eight-hit-combo against Sagat. Ken is not the most character to watch; although not the least one either. YES vote.
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After your first encounter with a medusa head you turn twice on a platform, although all you needed to do was climb up. Was that on purpose? The glitch is a killer. Looks like you have total freedom. Good run. YES vote.
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I watched the movie. Although Ryu may not be the most fun character to watch, Shakespeare did a flawless job as far as I could tell (and I used to play this game a LOT). It may be possible that a few frames could have been saved by foot-sweeping certain enemies instead of repeatedly light-kicking them, but I understand that Shakespeare did it on purpose for the sake of variety. YES vote. *edit* because I´m an idiot.
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