Posts for akdsjfakldsf

Joined: 1/8/2020
Posts: 1
OK, let me calm down and say something. I changed the e-mail, so that account is abandoned now. PASSWORD for that account and this one is: [MOD EDIT]---------. You can do everything you want to those two accounts. I just want you to delete my account and my movies in this site. Delete my account and my movies in this site. Delete my account and my movies in this site. (Say 3 times because it's very important.) I don't know why it's so hard for you to delete my account and my things. You just need to click some times with your mouse. Do you still think you want me to stay here with my bad actions? Is it good for you? Is it worthy? Deleting those won't make big influence to this site. It's being famous. And many people submit their good movies to this site as usual. Just delete my own history in TAS. It's just bad for me, one person. In any network game, I can delete any things, including my own character. Even I've cost so much money. But why can't I do it here? You didn't pay any and I didn't, either. I just gave you that and you keep that because both of us wanted at the beginning. But in someday, oneside doesn't want that, why you still stay it? It's not fair for we real-authors. Why don't I be allowed to delete my own things? A ROM could be deleted by the game-author in a ROM download site. A video could be deleted by the uploader or the real author in a video site. A link could be dead by any reason in every site. But I can't delete the movie as the movie-creator in this site... As someone said I said bad words. That's because another guy did that first, I just paid back. He said "hell" once, "shit" twice, and "bullshit" once. One word in once. I beared 3 times then I did that with just 2 bad words in once after his forth time. Both number and times of me is fewer. How funny that only I was warned... I don't care if you don't allow me to say anything in the forum at all. Because I can still submit rubbish movies and say something in the submission text. Or I can register new accounts, too. I can change my IP address with VPN or using random computers in a random cybercafe. If I do that, I do know I can't make any big influence to your site. But you and I can't have a good time during these days. And I'll waste many time to do those bad things, you'll waste many time(maybe less than me) to delete those bad things. Thanks for a boy tolerating my not good things during these years. Gave me useful suggestion and help with my work. Persuaded me with a gentle tone in a previous year and a previous month for twice like a big brother. Thank you very much. But what I want during these months is just making my movies and my account disappear here. Even I gave you a very very bad impression at last. I think it's very worthful. Deleting my things in this site is the first in my mind. I can't understand why you keep so dirty me and every my dirty things nowadays... You can keep that 2 submissions submitted by me which contains another author. And you can keep the video encoded by you before, if you want, if you don't fear to be stained by those things. But delete those submissions including emulator's movie files and all comments made or written by myself (including the text history). I've deleted all my WIPs and videos containing "" words in youtube uploaded by myself. It's time for me to say goodbye. Only if you delete my things. That's my last demand.