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The offset thing had to do with a bad memory location, I assume, and really doesn't mean anything without a debugger and knowledge of the code. In any case, Mupen just crashed for some reason. If you deleted that DLL while Mupen was running, then maybe that is the problem. I highly doubt that removing Rice would have caused other issues with your graphics card though... Removing Mupen completely, reinstalling it (or unzipping from the archive it came in), and putting Glide64 back into the plugin folder should revert everything back to what it was before. Glide64 needs a wrapper because it was originally written to only work with Voodoo graphics cards. The wrapper makes Glide64 work on all other graphics cards. You shouldn't have to reinstall your video driver.
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Well, that breaks an assumption I have had for a while about integrated graphics cards. I guess it doesn't use your CPU after all, but it uses the RAM instead of dedicated memory. In any case, I bet that integrated GPUs are not nearly as powerful as a dedicated graphics card, but modern integrated graphics are good to some extent.
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I used Rice 6.1.4, but if there is a newer version, it might be a good idea to use that instead. I have seen Rice come as an installer before, and in that case you just have to specify the path to the emulator. If it comes as a zip folder, you should extract it to the Plugin folder in your Mupen64 Rerecording v8 folder. It won't overwrite any of your INI's for anything else. You said it is integrated, so it doesn't have a GPU (it uses your CPU instead). However, it may still be capable of running the game at full speed. Oh, btw, I used the DirectX mode in Rice. OpenGL ran just as fast, but apparently my video card doesn't like OpenGL... It caused polygons to disappear when I pressed the fast forward button... However, I think that's just because ATI doesn't quite get OpenGL right, or so I've heard. If Rice doesn't work, have you tried Jabo's video plugin? It doesn't show as much as Rice and Glide64 are capable of, but it runs really fast in comparison.
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Did you try using the Rice video plugin? That's what I used and it ran without lagging at all. A few special effects were missing (motion blur in Impact scenes appeared to be missing and the ending credits don't quite look right since I didn't have the framebuffer on, which would add a TON of lag), but I didn't miss them until I took a look at the encode of the Impact bosses only mode demonstrated in a regular speedrun. I also ran it at 800x600 windowed because it started to lag significantly (all the time) when I increased the resolution beyond around 1280x1024. I do have a discrete ATI GPU in this laptop though, but it is mid-low end, not a super gaming card.
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May I ask how you have the full 4 GB usable? In my 32-bit Windows, it says that only 3 GB is usable and I have 4 GB total (I have only gotten up to 2.3 GB total usage, I believe, probably due to the system stuff you mentioned or Windows just being efficient with page file usage for idle processes). If you have a 64-bit OS, then all 4 GB are definitely available to you, minus what the system requires. According to an article on Microsoft, in a 32-bit OS, a single 32-bit process can use 2 GB of RAM without a special flag and 3 GB with a special flag. In a 64-bit OS, a single 32-bit process can use 3 GB of RAM without a special flag and 4 GB with a special flag. (of course, I'm talking about Windows here) Mupen64 rerecording is exclusively a 32-bit program.
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Make that 3 GB for 32-bit Windows. (I'm still not quite sure why it's limited to 3 instead of 4, but I'm sure there's a reason) There is also a limitation on how much memory (both RAM and page file) may be allocated to a single 32-bit process: 2 GB (it appears that a gigabyte or more may be additionally allocated, but the required flag for this appears to be set in the program's code). So if the Mupen64 process ever attempts to exceed 2 GB of virtual memory usage [both RAM and pagefile], it will crash. Running Mupen64 to watch this TAS with the specifications I listed in a previous post, without capturing video, took up about 215 MB of virtual memory by the end. That's pretty big, but, if the emulator is crashing due to using too much memory, I wonder what in the world is causing such a large inflation. If it were a memory leak, it should have been detected by now... this isn't the first long N64 TAS, after all.
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Mupen 64 rerecording hasn't been updated in years, and I don't know if there is a previous version online anywhere... However, if I recall correctly, Mupen 64 rerecording will crash when the AVI gets to be 2 GB in size. There is a patch to fix this (called avisplit; the video is split into a separate file whenever one reaches 2 GB in size), found on the following page:
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I was able to watch this TAS at full speed using Rice video with DirectX at 800x600 (OpenGL was causing some weird polygon issues when fast forwarding, but I think that's due to my ATI card being bad at OpenGL... or at least, that's what I heard). I didn't try using Glide, but Rice looked fine, minus some weird tearing effects on the trees at times and the sepia-tone applied to the game play images in the credits did not work (due to the lack of auto-detect framebuffer emulation in Rice). The music was being a bit choppy, but I think that's due to the plugin or Mupen64 itself. I do have to say that the emulation was very choppy when I attempted to run the game at a higher resolution... I think I was trying 1280x1024 (or a step down from that). But rendering at 800x600 plus zooming in with Windows Magnifier [full screen mode] filled my screen up nicely. :) Now that I think about it, Glide might have slowdowns because this game appears to use the framebuffer to do motion blur on 3-D objects. When I watched this TAS [using Rice], the final boss fight had no motion blur at all on the boss, but only on the 2-D sprites of the arms of the robot as they punched out the boss. However, when I saw a video of a speedrun of all the big robot bosses, I noticed that the final boss had motion blur as it moved around. Since I didn't see that myself, it must have been a framebuffer effect. Since Glide automatically detects when the game needs to use the framebuffer feedback [I think that's the default setting], things like that final boss fight must have caused the emulation to really slow down...
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Epic robot punchout. Nobody has a chance against them rapid punches. Yes.
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Yeah... that's one of the weirdest things about ePSXe. But if you push ESC to pause the emulation, you can close the small window that replaces the emulation window and ePSXe will close properly. Also, you definitely need to use a frontend if you have multiple games, since there is no other way to save your configurations for each game (easily). Otherwise, it's probably one of the best emulators, other than PSX, which strives to look exactly like the original PSX with no enhancements, but I like enhancements... [I didn't grow up with that system, after all] I guess either one of those emulators is OK for me (I don't want to argue one way or the other), but PCSX was kinda wonky when I tried to use it...
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ePSXe is not open source, therefore there is probably no chance of having rerecording support. I have no clue on the status of the ePSXe team, but as far as I can tell, it's either dead or crawling. It took nearly five years for them to release version 1.7, and most of the changes were under the hood. The only thing on the surface that I think was new is that it now has rumble support, or maybe it was rumble visualizing?
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mmbossman wrote:
I'm not the best person to analyze IP addresses, but I can tell you that each of the three submissions mentioned (the two you linked and this one) have the same IP address of, however the last half of the addresses are all different.
According to an IP Address Locator, those two numbers indicate that they are in the Czech Republic, possibly somewhere near Prague.
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*grumble* VLC must have internal codecs that work... I don't get why ffdshow doesn't work. Huzzah for needing yet another media player. *grumble*
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I just downloaded the latest version from the link you gave me... And I realize that, but I never did the big no-no of installing it twice. I just removed it though. EDIT: I will have to try again later when I can afford to reboot my computer... maybe that would solve something.
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I already have both of those and I just reinstalled them... nothing changed. I even uninstalled both of those and the K-lite codec pack, then reinstalled ffdshow and Haali Media Splitter, but it still doesn't work.
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Both the MKV and MP4 cannot be played. I am using Windows 7. In WMP 12, I get a black screen and audio only. Media Player Classic knows the length of the video, but it can't play it (the slider and time do not advance when I push play). QuickTime plays audio only with the MP4 and shows a green screen. RealPlayer plays audio only with the MP4 and displays some random color blocks in the upper left hand corner (which do not change throughout the video). When opening the MKV with VirtualDubMod, the following error message appears:
[!] Couldn't locate decompressor for format 'ÿÿÿÿ' (unknown). VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable. Only 'Direct stream copy' is available for this video.
Then again, VirtualDubMod appears to be unable to open any MKV from this site that works in a media player, so I assume that the videos encoded here use DirectShow decoders only (or I just don't have any of the VFW ones). I think the problem is that everyone else uses H264 and you are using avc1, according to the FourCC of your MP4 file verses an AVI that someone else made here. Strangely enough, the MP4 can be played fully in Chrome... (it supports HTML5, so it just takes the MP4 and plays it like a HTML5 video tag) but the problem with that is the lack of full screen video playing. It is possible that I have a codec issue, but you think that QuickTime would use native codecs only and not the ones installed with Windows. Not too sure about that though...
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Aktan: I'm not sure how you are encoding your videos, but I have never been able to play them on my computer. I am able to play videos encoded by other people though. Perhaps the thing that is causing my computer to be unable to play your videos is also the reason why Dailymotion cannot get a high quality encode out of the video. I voted yes, btw. It's not a particularly exciting game, but the sound effect that is played when you reach the end of the level sounds cool. :P And no, I don't know why.
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The proper way to pluralize nemesis is nemeses. Good day. *floats away inexplicably* On topic, also waiting for an encode here. I have never played this game, but it sounds like the minigame might be a good watch.
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Ok, so the ads on the main pages are in English, but they are way too distracting. Not only do they have a different background, but they destroy the symmetry of the pages (no margin on the left but there is a margin on the right). Also, they make these (and many other) submissions off center: Probably due to the submissions not having long lines of text that need to wrap around the page.
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I uploaded MKVs to YouTube recently. They were DivX 7 HD Plus MKVs (I didn't want to keep the original fat MTS copies, so I ran them through DivX Converter to cut the size down by half), but that shouldn't be any different than other MKVs unless you used a weird codec to make the video stream.
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Post subject: Strange Google Ads
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For some reason I am getting random Google text ads in Spanish on both the home page and on forum topic pages. I am not living in a Spanish country. Is there any reason for this?
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That version doesn't work at all for me. Perhaps the issue is that you don't provide any of the plugins other than input? It would be nice to know what I need to use to get it working... Specifically, the only plugin set that sort of worked for me was Glide64 "Napalm," zilmar's Audio, Jabo's DirectInput 7 1.6, and Hacktarux/Azimer hle rsp plugin. It outright crashed using all but Glide64 for video. It also disliked Jabo's DirectSound 1.6, and RLE RSP Plugin. With this plugin combination, the games run, but at maximum speed (about 700%) and with no audio.
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It's hard to say. The menu system takes a few frames to change its selection and any input while changing the selection is ignored. In terms of walking, alternating controller input doesn't seem to visibly change speed (though you might want to analyze the RAM for that, of course). The only thing I see that changes for walking is that pushing in opposite directions on one controller makes Ness move, but opposite directions over two doesn't make him move anywhere. I don't have the time to make any deeper analysis than that. Something might come out of it, but I can't guess what.
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<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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