Posts for cwilliams

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Sorry to hear about this. At one point I was running a webcomic and opened a Adsense account. I earned over $400 before they closed my account for "invalid clicks". I guess Google just gets to keep that money. Your lucky if you only lost $21. Good luck getting anything more than automated responses from Google. Their adsense support is a joke. Even if other people were causing invalid clicks, how can that be my fault (or yours, in this example)? I signed up for Yahoo's Publishers Network. I haven't used it yet on my personal site because I am too lazy to set it up, but I've actually had a manager from YPN call me and ask if everything was OK and leave me a phone number if I ever need to contact him. Wow. Blows Google away. I would recommend trying them based on that alone, even though I actually haven't implemented the code or received payment. I wouldn't redo Adsense. Why would you want to relist with them after they closed your account and stole your money before?
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Huh, board didn't email me when the post was updated...must resubscribe. I've been meaning to upload a few more of my favorites. Plus a few that are up have been obsoleted. I don't know if anyone ever changed all the genres to "Gaming", but that needs to be done. Also, the links should be changed to the new domain name. I'll try and get some more time to work on it. I have been extremely busy with work and school lately. If anyone else would like to contribute to the project, and someone else in the forums can vouch for you (I am not very familiar with the people in this community), I'll give you the login information (other people have it as well, such as FODA and Bisqwit). I still think having the videos on Google Video are a good idea: • Increases Exposure to our videos • Allows people to start watching immediately with no download (in fact I think a "watch now at google video" should be added on this site to videos on google video) • An archive if anything happens to this site • probably more good reasons I am too tired to think of So far almost 800,000 videos have been viewed and almost 20,000 downloads have occurred on Google Video. And that's only with the 54 videos uploaded by me and a couple others. So I think it is a worthwhile project, I just haven't had time to work more on it.
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I agree that it wouldn't be boring, but I'm as hardcore of an SOM fan as they come. I guess for people who never played the game it might be.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
I've never heard of that trick. Sometimes the game gives you two weapon orb chests in a row (where there seems to be only one) but this is probably because you have missed an orb somewhere, and this is the game's way of repairing the situation and getting you where you should be with the weapon orbs. I think this has just been misinterpreted as a multiple weapon orb trick here.
I agree. I've noticed the game does that at times to make up for lost orbs. I would agree that someone probably misinterpreted this as a glitch.
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But it is clearly gaming related. I agree that it should go under Gaming.
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Google wrote:
Hi, Thanks for your detailed reply! We appreciate you bringing this to our attention, and we apologize for any inconvenience. As for the issue of bolded search terms interfering with hyperlinks, we're aware of this problem, and our engineers are looking into it. We hope to have it fixed soon. Google Video, like other Labs projects, is a work in progress. We thank you for your patience, and we hope you will continue to visit to see our additions and improvements. Sincerely, The Google Video Team
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Wow, Google has actually already gotten back to me requesting more information. I sent them a very detailed response immediatly. Looks like they may actually fix this quickly. I also pointed out the problem that if you arrive at a video after searching for a term present in the URL, such as "nesvideos", the bolding of the search term in the description destroys the link as well. There have also now been over 100,000 views of our videos so far :) Someone should get back to adding videos. I am swamped with school/work right now, I'll try to get back at more videos in the near future though.
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Bisqwit wrote:
But I do not want to do the same effort for addresses that never existed in the first place. If I starts supporting those false addresses, I would need to maintain the redirections for also those false addresses when I move pages around.
Ah, gotcha. Thanks for explaining your reasoning :) Well, I notified Google through two channels. I doubt the change will happen quickly, but heres hopening it happens eventually!
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I have a question, just curious so don't take it the wrong way, but is there a reason to not automatically forward all requests without the trailing slash? Just curious.
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Yeah, I'll do it right now. Edit: Done. We'll see if they deal with it. Is a fix on the server side out of the question?
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Well, I've been playing around for a few hours, and have reached the conclusion that I am not the man for the job. I've been doing tropicallo, and I can only get within a couple hundred frames of zer0s, let alone match or beat it. Someone with more skill at TAS (and more free time) should be the one to do it. I'll still watch this thread and help in any other way :)
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Highness wrote:
One can always watch the run over at to get a rough outline of what has to be done right?
I'll try to watch that. Not sure if its going to help, but it couldn't hurt.
Zer0 wrote:
badrad wrote:
I'd volunteer, but I've never done one and am new to the community so I am probably not the best person for the job. Especially after watching Zer0s movie (the luck manipulation was real good, I wouldn't have thought of all of it.)
I actually thought my try wasn't that good ;/ It's not hard to learn how to TAS, so if you have good knowledge of the game and patience you might should learn and give it a try ;)
I am contemplating making one as a learning experience. Probably a tough game to do for a first though :) One of my questions is about luck manipulation. For example, in your run Zer0, at one point running up left after exiting pandora you do this little left right dance, which was luck manipulation to time it so the monsters move and you can get a large diagonal dash. How would I know to do that?
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Bisqwit wrote:
badrad wrote:
Still haven't heard from bisqwit on the "Watch now at Google Video" links.
No… What you expressed in the e-mail seemed to be different from what has been discussed in this thread. I’ll consider this suggestion.
Sorry if I wasn't clear in the email :)
FODA wrote:
I would suggest changing the title slightly to add more info about the movie like "warpless" "no damage" or "2 player" whenever it seems important and is an impressive feature of the movie.
Sure, its something to consider. On many videos we are already bumping against the title length limit, but it may be worth adding to the videos that they fit on. I do include all the things like that in the notes of the video already.
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Good to see your files moved over FODA. You didn't add the extended information we've been adding to videos, were you against it or just too lazy to do it? I'll do it for you if you want. Theres two other videos I gotta give info, and Ill do them all at once. Still haven't heard from bisqwit on the "Watch now at Google Video" links. I'm going to go ahead and delete obsoleted movies. Only a few people have weighed in, but everyone seems to favor deletion over marking obsolete as obsolete.
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Just watched Zer0s movie. Very good start. I don't think a SOM TAS would be boring at all, but then again its like my favorite game. Have we figured out if luck can be manipulated to generate more crits? And why wasn't Tropicallo timed so that he can take more hits? I know earlier in the thread zero said he couldnt get it, but Im pretty sure Ive gotten more then one longer above ground with him even with normal play. So no one is actually planning a run, right? I'd volunteer, but I've never done one and am new to the community so I am probably not the best person for the job. Especially after watching Zer0s movie (the luck manipulation was real good, I wouldn't have thought of all of it.) The hardest parts of the run would be figuring out what items to get and when, and what to level and when. Am I right?
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nitsuja wrote:
Have you watched Zer0's (apparently abandoned) run? There's a short leveling session already in that, but I'm not sure how necessary it was.
I tried in both ZSNES and Snes9X and couldn't get it to work. I really wanted to see it. I tried it on the (U) rom and everything.
nitsuja wrote:
Well, there doesn't seem to be a reset sequence (unlike almost all Square games made after this one) so it'd require dying to reset the game, at least with Snes9x as it is now.
Wrong. L + R + SELECT + START = Reset.
nitsuja wrote:
Wouldn't it be faster to use some attack magic to stop the enemy from casting the spell in the first place?
Yes, your right, but the glitch could still be useful if for whatever reason you can't stop the attack.
nitsuja wrote:
Yeah... for traveling it would probably be fastest (most of the time) to keep switching characters to never stop running, except when their AI would do something dumb. In battles probably 3-player is fastest except for the consecutive magic trick that I think requires at least 1 CPU player. Good thing it's so fast to switch characters and activate/deactivate players.
I agree, I agree. Running is fastest with 1p because you can chain their sprints. Battles 3 players would be the fastest and most impressive. And your also correct that you need the player casting the magic to be the CPU to chain it. I'm becoming very curious at what the time of such a run would clock in as.
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nitsuja wrote:
I'd like to know if there's any excuse that could justify whacking the monsters while running by. I'm guessing there isn't (unless it could avoid a leveling-up session somewhere?) but I get the feeling it'd make it more fun to watch than just running by everything.
That's the question, if killing just the bosses will give enough levels/magic levels to be enough. If not and a leveling session would be needed, then perhaps whacking em as you go would work.
nitsuja wrote:
I know that multiple hits can stack additively (into a single big damage number) if timed well enough, I'm not sure yet if physical attacks can combine with magic damage but charged hits and (I think) criticals can combine with other normal hits.
I'm pretty damn sure you can add on physical damage while an enemy is under an offensive spell. But with the glitch to get permanent status effects, which supposedly stack, I was thinking any of these effects might be useful: -Gnome->speed up - permanent hit and evade increase -Gnome->defender - permanent defense increase -Lumina->lucid barrier - permanent protection from attacks -Dryad->Wall - permanent protection from magic -Luna->Moon Energy - permanent crit increase -Luna->Moon Saber - permanent HP steal It cant take too much time to save and reset the game. The mana sword glitch was mentioned earlier, again not sure if it would be worth it as it requires going through the whole intro again! It's worth pointing out, if it was useful you can do this more then once and level your sword early as long as you don't try to forge past level 9 (if i remember correctly, received a 10 orb doesn't bug the game, its when you try and forge again). Another glitch that might be useful?: ------------------ Avoid magic attacks using pygmy hammer/Moogle belt Whenever an enemy character casts an attack spell on you or an ally use the pygmy hammer / moogle belt on the character being attacked , do this twice before the spell animation ends and if done correctly the character will completly avoid taking any damage. This trick is especially useful when you are fighting the Mana beast. ------------------ Another thing not explicitly mentioned is that if you have to level magic, with the girl its easy to do it by someone like luna who you can replenish your MP by simply talking too. And I know its been mentioned, but obviously the more places you can use 2-3 players the more entertaining the run would be.
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Being my favorite game of all time, I'd love a run of this. If someone does this run, I'd help going over the plan/route. Would these glitches help at all? Wouldn't the ability to get permanent power bonuses be extremely useful?
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I'm gonna to email bisqwit to point him here. Bisqwit, I think it would be useful to have a link on the submission that are on Google Video, something along the lines of "Watch now at Google Video". Nitsuja pointed out that the current system would probably only allow "Download from mirror site (", which is decent but Google Video is really for watching the videos immediately, not for downloading them. What do you think? I've also thought perhaps we should creat a sticky post/ wiki page that has the list of videos on google video, video uploading guidelines, etc so people dont have to dig through this thread. And are we in agreement that old videos on Google Video should be deleted (versus marked as obsolete) when new ones are released?
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FODA, After logging in, select the reports tab in the upper left. The stats can lag by a couple days, so I usually select the time perioed "all time".
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A couple of things: - no one has any thoughts of creating a sticky post/ wiki page that has the list of videos on google video, video uploading guidelines, etc? - no one has added "watch at google video" style links. What access would I need to add these, and who would decide whether I got that access - several videos of games I like have been updated with new faster versions. What is our plan here, to simply upload the new version and mark the old one as obsolete, or actually delete the old one? - Google Video stats show that so for the nesvideos on Google Video have been viewed over 35000 times and downloaded over 1000 times. - FODA and Neofix should delete their videos and reupload them to this google account, but have not yet done so.
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Yeah, quality is not its strong point, that's why this is not a replacement to the high quality downloads, just a supplement.
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One of the editors is still going to town giving uploaded videos details, so here is what our list looks like now: NES Castlevania 1 in 11:43 by Phil Cote & Jean-Francois Durocher (aka. Genisto) NES Castlevania 3 - Dracula's Curse in 25:57 by Jean-Francois Durocher (Genisto) GBA Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow in 27:46 by Atma Castlevania: Circle of the Moon in 05:34 by Mike Lastovica (aka. OgreSlayer) GBA Castlevania: Circle of the Moon in 23:43 by Mike Lastovica (aka. OgreSlayeR) SNES Chrono Trigger in 4:21:12 by Ryan Foley (aka. hero of the day) Genesis Comix Zone in 14:13 by Richard Hinteregger (aka. zer0) Genesis Contra: Hard Corps in 15:51 by Emmitt R. Kraft (aka. Gigafrost) NES Crystalis in 43:39 by Frank Amoroso (aka. TheAxeMan) SNES Donkey Kong Country in 25:19 by Alex Penev SNES Donkey Kong Country in 48:19 by Alex Penev (in verification) Genesis Ecco the Dolphin in 24:14 by Nitsuja GB Zelda - Link's Awakening in 04:22 by Paul Acito (aka. DonamerDragon) NES Gradius in 14:12 by Morimoto Genesis Sonic 3 & Knuckles in 45:56 by Gavin Ward (aka. SprintGod) NES Marble Madness in 02:51 by Andreas Delikat (aka. adelikat) NES Mario Adventure in 56:01 by Olli Uuskoski (aka. Kyrsimys) SNES Mega Man 7 in 38:55 by Justin Rawson (aka. Tinister) SNES Mega Man X in 30:44 by Sean P. (aka. DeHackEd) SNES Mega Man X2 in 32:23 by Justin Chan (aka. FractalFusion) SNES Mega Man X3 in 38:15 by Justin Chan (aka. FractalFusion) SNES Mega Man X & X2 in 41:41 by Sean P. (aka. DeHackEd) NES Ninja Gaiden 1 in 11:19 by Dan C. (aka. BoltR) NES Ninja Gaiden 2 in 09:30 by Josh Ballard (aka. FunkDOC) NES Ninja Gaiden 3 in 11:30 by Frank Amoroso (aka. TheAxeMan) SNES Out of this World in 15:26 by Nitsuja Genesis Rocket Knight Adventures in 34:20 by Danny Fowler NES Mega Man 1 in 16:58 by Joel Yliluoma (aka. Bisqwit) NES Mega Man 3 in 31:53 by Nick Vatcher (aka. Vatchern) SNES Zelda: A Link to the Past in 1:20:16 by Darren Smith (aka. flagitious) Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in 21:40 by Quietust Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog in 18:28 by JXQ SNES Super Castlevania 4 in 31:16 by Phil Cote and Jean-Francois Durocher SNES Super Demo World - TLC in 2:13:18 by Fabian & JXQ SNES Super Demo World - TLC in 19:33 by JXQ N64 Super Mario 64 in 16:27 by Spezzafer NES Super Mario Bros 1 in 18:58 by Phil Cote & Jean-Francois Durocher (Genisto) NES Super Mario Bros 1 in 05:00 by R.Yoshizawa (aka. Pom) NES Super Mario Bros 3 in 10:35 by Jean-Francois Durocher (aka. Genisto) SNES Super Mario RPG in 2:40:26 by Spezzafer SNES Super Mario World in 10:36 by flagitious and VIPer7 SNES Super Mario World in 1:23:38 by Tim Offermann (aka. VIPer7) SNES Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island in 1:38:57 by Spezzafer SNES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV in 18:55 by Nitsuja (in verification) NES Legend of Zelda in 25:29 by Phil Cote (in verification) NES Zelda 2 - The Adventure of Link in 06:17 by Emmitt R. Kraft (aka. GigaFrost) SNES Zelda: A Link to the Past in 3:48 by Michael Reilly (aka. OmnipotentEntity) Good job whoever has been adding the details. These are the videos in the shared account, hopefully those people with videos in their own accounts will delete them and move them here. Should we perhaps have a sticky post or a page in the wiki where this information is held, so that other people then me can update the list? And what about the idea of putting something like "watch now at google video" as a link on the submissions entry?
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Just logged in to the nesvideos google video account to add some details to videos. Looks like someone else with access has already added a lot more details to videos I uploaded! Here is what is online under our shared account so far: NES Castlevania 3 - Dracula's Curse in 25:57 by Jean-Francois Durocher (Genisto) NES Castlevania 1 in 11:43 by Phil Cote & Jean-Francois Durocher (aka. Genisto) GBA Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow in 27:46 by Atma SNES Chrono Trigger in 4:21:12 by Ryan Foley (aka. hero of the day) Genesis Comix Zone in 14:13 by Richard Hinteregger (aka. zer0) Genesis Ecco the Dolphin in 24:14 by Nitsuja GB Zelda - Link's Awakening in 04:22 by Paul Acito (aka. DonamerDragon) NES Gradius in 14:12 by Morimoto Genesis Sonic 3 & Knuckles in 45:56 by Gavin Ward (aka. SprintGod) SNES Mega Man X & X2 in 41:41 by Sean P. (aka. DeHackEd) SNES Out of this World in 15:26 by Nitsuja NES Mega Man 1 in 16:58 by Joel Yliluoma (aka. Bisqwit) SNES Zelda: A Link to the Past in 1:20:16 by Darren Smith (aka. flagitious) Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in 21:40 by Quietust Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog in 18:28 by JXQ N64 Super Mario 64 in 16:27 by Spezzafer NES Super Mario Bros 1 in 18:58 by Phil Cote & Jean-Francois Durocher (Genisto) NES Super Mario Bros 1 in 05:00 by R.Yoshizawa (aka. Pom) NES Super Mario Bros 3 in 10:35 by Jean-Francois Durocher (aka. Genisto) SNES Super Mario RPG in 2:40:26 by Spezzafer SNES Super Mario World in 10:36 by flagitious and VIPer7 SNES Super Mario World in 1:23:38 by Tim Offermann (aka. VIPer7) SNES Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island in 1:38:57 by Spezzafer NES Zelda 2 - The Adventure of Link in 06:17 by Emmitt R. Kraft (aka. GigaFrost) SNES Zelda: A Link to the Past in 3:48 by Michael Reilly (aka. OmnipotentEntity) A few more will be live very soon. I will try and keep this list updated. As you can see, here our the criteria I think we should follow for submissions: TITLE: The title is identical to the submission title minues the country of the ROM. In practice this means the titles usually look like System Game Name in time by author(s) My reason for obmitting the rom country is twofold. First, the titles are already quite long, even bumping into the google video maximum, so leaving it out gives us more room. Secondly, most people will not know what it is referring to. Description: The description opens with a descriptive statement that all tool-assited runs recieve. I took it from FODA's descriptions, and I think it should really stay. "This movie was made using an emulator with savestates and slowdown. It's meant to show the game pushed to its limits. For more information on emulator videos, please visit" After this a specific link is given to the actual movies entry on nesvideos. This allows the person to download the high quality bittorrent or see any additional information. "This specific movie is located here:" Next the notes for the run are copy and pasted. The notes are usually of interest to a person watching the video. "Notes: Blah blah!" Lastly the list of, I dont know what to call them, item notes such as "takes damage to save time" are given: "This movie: -blah blah -blah blah 2!" Language: English Production Company: Author of run Genre: Animation Date: date of run URL: Credits: none Advanced options: defaults I think this is a good blueprint for how we should do them all, although its obviously open for discussion. Omega has mentioned that once he nails down what license the videos fall under we should note them, and I agree with him. I also think someone with editor access should go through and on all the entries that have a google video add a link along the lines of "Watch this video now at Google Video" so people could watch it if they want. Lastly I encourage everyone who has runs uploaded to their own google accounts delete them and upload them to this shared account. For the record, following are all the runs on Google Video that I am aware of that are not under our nesvideos account. First, FODA has uploaded these, and hopefully will move them to the shared account: Genesis - Alex Kidd in Enchanted Castle - hardest mode in 6:55 Genesis - Pit Fighter - hardest mode - no damage NES - Battletoads 2 players warpless - in 24:57 NES - Excitebike all 6 tracks finished total 5:58 NES - Gauntlet in 12:24 NES - Kickmaster finished in 8:58 NES - Street Fighter 2010 - in 17:40 Neofix uploaded these, and hopefully will move them to the shared account: Strider TAS by Neofix "Strider" time attack in 7:24 min. by Neofix "Spider-man vs Kingpin" time attack in 7:22 min. The following is a list of videos that I do not know who uploaded: NES Super Mario Bros 2 N64 Mario 64 NES Tetris NES Metroid SNES Super Punchout SNES Zelda: A Link to the Past GBA Sonic Advace 2 Mario Time Attack I will try to keep these lists updated. I have uploaded all the videos I personally like, and still have more that need details that Ill get to eventually if someone doesnt beat me to it. If anyone else wants a video uploaded that I didnt uploaded, feel free (obviously) to do it yourself under the shared account or just request me to it and I will.
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Thanks for the suggestion nitsuja. I've emailed the details to all the judges. If anyone else wants it and others can vouch for you, let me know. I have uploaded a crapload of movies already, but have only just started giving them details. A few are actually live already. I am kinda swamped right now with my job, but when I get some time I am gonna post again with links to what i have uploaded and suggestions for our guidelines for posting. Thanks again to everyone who contributes to this site.