Posts for cwilliams

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 2/7/2006
Posts: 55
Alright, I have created the account (nesvideos at gmail dot com). I chose a strong randomly generated password. I created a nonsense forgotten password answer, so remembering the password is important. I set my email as the secondary email address, but feel free to change that. The strength of this shared system is that if one of us dissapears the account doesn't dissapear with them. I am new to this community, so please give me a list of a couple members (such as bisqwit) that I should PM or email the password too. Later on I'll make a list of the videos I plan to upload so we dont duplicate each other. I think this is a great idea. We should probably consolidate the ones already online that we can. So you should reupload yours FODA and when they go live delete your existing ones. Remember, even you could dissapear as well. People always laugh when I say stuff like that, but I have been on projects before where someone involved dies. You dont want the work to dissapear with them.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 2/7/2006
Posts: 55
Would you like me to create it?
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 2/7/2006
Posts: 55
Well, make up your mind you two! I'd be happy to do it. You can email me if you needed anything changed ( I just wouldnt call myself "someone with constant contact with the site". I'm subscribed to the RSS feed and grab the videos that interest me, thats about it :) Perhaps we could create a shared account? One of the administrators creates a google video account ( and they can give the password out to uploaders. I would happily upload, and you guys could change the information whenever you wanted? That way we all share an account so even if the uploader dissapears off the face of the earth the videos can be updated? Just an idea. Let me know if you want me to go ahead and do any myself. If you guys can come to a consesus. I'm new here and its not my work, just trying to help.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 2/7/2006
Posts: 55
Your right, thats probably best. I won't upload any then. But I still think its something you guys should do more :)
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 2/7/2006
Posts: 55
Long time consumer of videos, first time to the forums. I think that having the videos on Google Video is a GREAT idea. Google Video pros: - exposure - near instant playing. no downloading. click and watch. - its google, it should be around for a long time. good place for archive, no seeds needed! - can be embedded in other websites - can download an AVI from the .GVP file if you know what your doing Google Video cons: -reports of people in other countries unable to access -not the best quality We definitely shouldnt lose the torrents for high quality movies, but I seriously think they should all be uploaded. Put a "watch this movie now at Google Video" link in the movies info. Taken to the extreme you could even replace the screenshots with embedded movies (although I think thats not a good idea the way there are so many screenshots on a page potentially). Anyway, I just made a post with a bunch of videos at my site, thats what made me end up here. I found a bunch of videos on Google Video you dont have noted here: NES Super Mario Bros 2 N64 Mario 64 NES Tetris NES Metroid SNES Super Punchout SNES Zelda: A Link to the Past GBA Sonic Advace 2 Lastly, I was wondering if it would be a problem if I uploaded some of the other videos from this site to Google Video? I'd give proper descriptions and credits and everything, I would just upload them. Would that be a problem. What do you guys think about all this? (oh and thanks for the awesome site, videos and community!)