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Yes vote for me. I completed this game on the SNES and can appreciate the massive job that you've done here. Thank you very much for running this game nymx!
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Quite a few people detest bots but the way I see it is this. Bots can do things that people are not very good at. Bots are a complement and a productivity improver, not replacer. They can't answer the "why" question.
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I have a suggestion, if Mr. Wint and HappyLee are amenable. Since he's found an improvement (and, as it seems, so have you), why not collaborate and do a movie with the three of you. Mr. Wint, HappyLee and your 'project manager'. That way there's no hurt feelings over 'precedence', and everyone gets credit for their part in finding improvements to the TAS. That seems to me the fairest solution. What say you?
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Dragondarch: Using the 12x refusals to manage reputation and getting Deneb early? Brilliant. Might be possible to keep your rep lower early on by switching out Opinion Leader. Not sure. Rescue cities with a 'moderate' or even 'negative liberator' to keep your rep low for when you get Deneb. I'll say this right now. You are not aggressive enough with Tarots. You should be using a Tarot for every hit. You will save cycle time on the animations with early boss kills. Whenever you buy Jokers, buy for 99. I like your use of boots to save time. Always sunshine for every battle followed up with Tarots. I would rush Muspelm. It gives you an undead for free - giving you the Lich. With high alignment/sunshines, this alone is enough to beat the game. Fool/Death cards save you a ton of time. Cycle for the fools and farm them in the tarot screens. Yes, it's boring, but it saves you animation time. I'm going to try giving it a shot to see if it's all viable. Great run.
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I honestly think the best place for this PAL run is in Gruefood Delight. It's well put together but the improvement is very narrow and the framerate makes it look worse than the NTSC. People's first impressions are going to be *this* Mario run. I don't really want to start a PAL obsoleting run vs NTSC for many other runs on the site. This would allow the PAL work to stay up on the site while at the same time establishing a clear protocol that could be used in the future for all the other runs.
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If you have been inappropriately labeled, or missed at all, let me know (with a post link) and I'll edit this post. I'll make my thoughts on these numbers later. Award - NES TAS of 2011
My vote is for reject. I thought it belonged in Gruefood delight.
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From what I'm seeing, here's the problem. PAL is of lesser quality than the NTSC. This has nothing to do with Europeans saying, "but you hate us". FFS. It's got nothing to do with that. NTSC was done first because it is higher quality than the PAL port of this game. The object is to ultimately showcase the best the game has to offer under the best conditions. That's been done, and for this game, has been done a long time ago. This video, while done well, still uses a lower quality version of this game. It exploits a loophole available only to this version and the physics apparent only here. The loophole doesn't show up in the NTSC and can't be used to shave time there. Bad game version has been used pretty much forever to put runs in Gruefood. I don't see the issues behind putting this particular run in Gruefood. Yes, it's well done, but that doesn't mean that it should be published. Publishing this in any way shape or form is going to lead to PAL versions of every game being submitted regardless of quality.
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Nymx, I love your work, but I'd rather see speed/entertainment tradeoffs that have you winning your races.
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I honestly think the best place for this PAL run is in Gruefood Delight. It's well put together but the improvement is very narrow and the framerate makes it look worse than the NTSC. People's first impressions are going to be *this* Mario run. I don't really want to start a PAL obsoleting run vs NTSC for many other runs on the site. This would allow the PAL work to stay up on the site while at the same time establishing a clear protocol that could be used in the future for all the other runs.
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Well, obsoleting a perfect TAS that nobody could improve for 8 years just because the game works faster and with one extra glitch on the Europe version is also unfair with the author, which happens to be the same person. And he said he doesn't want this to obsolete NTSC.
The problem for me is that most obsoletions happen because of one glitch. It's the same game. I'd be more inclined to agree with you if it wasn't the same author who did both. If you want to argue that the PAL version is inferior then that's an argument not to publish this movie. The fact that it's faster than the NTSC version is an argument for it obsoleting the NTSC version. It has nothing to do with 'rejecting because of the quality of the work', etc. If we're going to have different branches, then I don't see why there would be rejections of Japanese vs North American versions of the same game. And it's common done that the North American version is preferred for entertainment purposes. I don't see why it couldn't be argued that this should not replace NTSC on the grounds that PAL is of lower quality. Either way, I don't think the two are sufficiently different to merit a different branch.
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Obsoletion for the faster run. The games are not significantly different under PAl or NTSC.
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Interesting. Going over the speedrun. There are a lot of things that could be cleaned up with it but I think the basic strategy is sound. Buying the Sunlights is helpful for reducing boss strength.
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First up, great TAS, really enjoyed it. That being said, I think the category should be low glitch (for no use of the pause glitch), and (speed/entertainment tradeoffs), to finish first in every race. Even if it is faster to finish second in real time due to cutscreens. Slowing down just to get passed by the AI? Meh. I have no problem with a submission with just the Knight league. TAS videos has broken videos up before with different games. I would have no problems with publishing this now and then having it obsoleted later with the full run. That way TAS videos gets the benefit of having both up.
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I was entertained.
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“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 punches once, but I fear the man who had practiced one punch 10,000 times.” – Bruce Lee
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Hilarious ending.
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putting in MORE effort for an inferior product is incredibly stupid.
I think it's quite possible for folks to say, "we didn't want to do hard" without arguing that the highest difficulty would be an inferior product.
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Fantastic first submission for this. I've been following along with this for years now. I'm torn between, "publish", and "clean up the obvious errors" that have been pointed out by ais523. I'm going to go with publish because the errors don't have an impact on the overall turnrate. That being said, I would love an optimized version that, even with the identical turn rate should be done. As for filling the unused time, perhaps you can poll TASers what they would like to see? I'm not sure how much (given an optimized run), that you have to burn off?
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childhood memories. No idea people would give this game a shot! Thank you!!
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I just wanted to add my voice to the amazing work done here.
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• 1st TAS to get 99 lives for both Mario and Luigi
Yes! Great TAS. I love the shell shield personally and the suit switcher. IMO, this is what beating the Star Road should have done.
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Fantastic video! Yes vote! :D
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Such a silly comment by Samsara. He already had 100 percent approval. What. Is 100 percent approval not good enough? I mean really.
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Well, since Samsara says we can no longer express our desire for 99 lives in the threads, I'm voting no. Great run. Terrible policy. I hope the votes will induce samsara to adopt a more sensible policy in permitting people to criticize runs.
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Yeah, because it would be so different. Except not really.
I have played the game. It plays very different on Jedi. That is why I personally would find it more satisfying to see a slower, Jedi run. To me the difficulty matters more than the speed. I'm not here for the number at the end, but the experience. You find different things more entertaining then me, and you are entitled to your opinion. As am I.
Yes, because TASing any Super Star Wars game in general is so easy.
Which is why the argument that you TAS things because they are easy is a bogus argument. You do them because they are hard and because they are challenging. Not because TASing is easy.
I obviously didn't put any effort at all into the TAS
Did I say that?
I just threw it out in a week completely unoptimized.
Did I say that?
I didn't restart give or take 7 times due to found improvements.
Can we stop attributing to me things I never said? All I said is that I'd find a Jedi run more entertaining, contrary to your opinion. Why? I've been waiting for a Jedi run for a long time.
you do not piss off the people who are working hard to entertain you for no physical reward. Some arguments are not worth having, because the damage done by the argument itself vastly overcomes any benefit the argument could potentially have if resolved to satisfaction.
So, because your feelings would be hurt I'm not allowed to express my honest opinion? I could just as easily argue that if there weren't any butts in the seat that you'd have no motivation to TAS, and the site here would not exist. It works both ways. You need viewers and viewers need TASers. I personally, was rather disappointed. I've been waiting for a run for a long time and it was not Jedi.
Thanks to everyone who decided to automatically disqualify the TAS for the difficulty choice.
Actually, I voted yes. So can you please stop assuming and attributing evil motives where none exist?
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