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Feel free to make it. In the meantime, vote on the run as it is, not on some hypothetical different run that doesn't exist.
Again, I am allowed an opinion different from yours here.
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Great TAS! Ending input early too.
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I would much prefer a slower run on Jedi.
Would you want to TAS this game on the Hardest difficulty?
We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard
I have played this game on Jedi. Jedi is brutal. That is why I would personally find it more entertaining (and satisfying) to watch someone destroy Jedi.
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Great! Glad to see this! :)
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"Gaining fiefs by killing the leader is tricky: they will typically run before there is an opportunity for victory, but a solution may be available using save states, though I was unable to find one when attacking Uesugi at Fief 2 (before attacking Fief 4 to cut him off). " Well, that's what a TAS is for. If you can acquire all the fiefs by killing the leader, however remote the odds, then this is the best strategy for conquest.
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Fantastic work. Is there anyway to avoid dropping down at the end before you enter the wall and jump up?
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Wow. The iconic opening music is reduced to just 7 cycles. The secondary theme has almost as many full cycles - 6 :) I was curious which was predominant since so much has been skipped out of the first part. I was not disappointed. Fantastic job.
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certainly it's not a bad choice, but entertainment is all kinds. Personally, I'd rather see a slower and harder movie.
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Yeah. I second the vote for hardest difficulty.
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Interesting. Read through the discussion. I would support this video being published and replacing the current faster video due to better emulation and console verification. We don't penalize optimal runs for inserting lag frames. I don't think a separate category is needed.
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points for game concept. I could definitely see a "Happy Gilmore" game based on this.
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Meh vote here. Thought I'd get to see resource management and playing on the hardest difficulty. As for seed being set from the start, that makes it harder to TAS but it makes for an entertaining challenge - getting a better seed. :) Lots of space for improvement there. Adelimuffin didn't even beat Stephen Meek! For shame, adlikat.
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Yes vote. I find the computation is certainly non-trivial.
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No vote for using the Elf! :p
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Watching now, but I can't see how I don't vote yes! Amazing. A star is born. :)
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I enjoyed the game. :) Thank you for TASing this!
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Great video. Definite yes from me.
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Yes vote if the last autoscroller redone for 99. Very disappointed. :(
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because that exact same ROM is also in a non-Wii release.
But it's not the 'exact same rom'. That's my point, Mothrayas. There is no NES release of this game. There's a WII release and the 3DS release. There are significant additions to the game that make it different. This is why this game is being TASed because if there weren't significant differences there would be no point. This is also why it should not obsolete, because these are different games. Arguing 'beta' whatever, that's a sign to me that yes, these are different games. Different versions with different content. It's also really not fair to Phil because again, most of the content is still his, and his sections have not been improved. If it were improved, different story, but it's not.
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In addition to a new level, the cart itself changed. The original was released on a NROM board. This is the cheapest board to make since to make since it does not contain on board chips to extend the limited NES capabilities. It uses the 32kb of PRG and 8kb of CHR rom. The new rom uses MMC1 which at the time of the NES release would have been more expensive, since it has extra chips to store more PRG and/or CHR data. 3 levels fit nicely on NROM, but you can't cram in a 4th. It is logical to think that this was a business decision to gut a level to fit on a cheaper board. When releasing this NES game as a VC Wii game, these types of considerations aren't an issue. It isn't more expensive to use a different board when the board itself is emulated. So it is only logical to release the NES game as it was originally intended before it was gutted
Ok, that all makes sense to me. From an economic standpoint it makes sense they would do things this way. It also makes sense to me that if they wanted to 'release the game as they wanted to sans 1985 memory restrictions', that they would clean things up before Wii release. I just think a tidier solution is to publish this as a different game. Because, really, in the end these are two different versions, published at different times that have significant differences in content. This isn't a pixel or two, this is a quarter of the game. I'm not talking so much timing, but, say, memory access issues, etc. Some of the things that have been found in other games. Having 25 years to go back means they can rework things while not changing the gameplay. It might not even be anything that we've found. That's the problem. Even if it wasn't shown that there were differences, that doesn't mean they don't exist. Later on, if they were found and something was done this would be a problem. One would not work for the other.
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Possible? Yes. But since you keep asking us for proof, please give us an example.
You claim that: 1, this is console verifiable on the NES. 2, this is the same cart as the 1985 NES version and that no other changes, save adding a level have been done. In order to obsolete, you need to show that both are in fact true. If you can't then this shouldn't obsolete, because you've not shown that you're working within the same parameters as Phil.
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I already mentioned that but your selective mind continued to bring up the 3DS version.
I brought up the 3DS version to prove that it's a WII game, originally released on the WII and is in fact a WII remake. Claiming it is an NES game is making an assumption that no other programming changes have been made in 25 years for the WII release. This is a bad assumption to make, IMO. I'm concerned about this, and I'm a bit surprised that everyone seems to willingly go along with, "well of course they wouldn't change it". Do we know this?
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You are grasping at wording
I'm citing facts. This game was dumped from the WII version. It was never released on the NES. It's a different game, with different levels.
It's not "slower". The gameplay and game speed are the same
It is in fact slower.
, and the level times are identical as pointed out in the submission text.
The level times are not identical because it doesn't have the same levels.
I said game content, not run content. And again, the gameplay is equally fast because it is identical to the original NES release barring some additions.
Those 'additions' make this a completely different game.
How many NES games do you know with later ROM releases on Wii that add missing content? I can't think of many.
Technically, this precedent would allow every single WII remake to stand in for it's NES game, to be published as an NES game, without being faster and using the inputs of the previous NES tas. It wouldn't have anything indicating that it's, in actuality, a WII game. This is a bad precedent to set.
It is a NES ROM
It is not. It's dumped from the WII version.
, released inside a NES emulator wrapper for the Wii and 3DS releases.
Ok, which is why it's a WII game and not an nes game.
Hence it's possible to TAS the game in a NES emulator in the first place.
How is this different from any other Wii remake?
And as others said, why would Nintendo go through the bother of coding in the new level in 6502 ASM in this day and age, unless they already had it lying around since the 1980s?
Is it possible that they could have made other coding changes in 25 years to clean it up and cut out loopholes and programming errors?
Yes, by dumping the ROM to a NES cart it could be run on NES and verified. It has been done, in fact, if I recall correctly.
Well then. Can you please show me where it's been done?
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As it was dumped from the Wii version NOT the 3DS version.
So. It is a Wii remake then. When was this game released on the Wii? 2010. There you go.
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Almost certainly
Good luck. If it can't then that's a sign that there might be something more going on. Is it not possible that they could have done other things to the game besides simply adding the level? It's been 25 years. That's my concern.
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