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I voted YES, but I must chide you for missing a golden opportunity here: advertising! Why promote Joe's for free when you could have made real money by plugging an online casino or something? Screw AdWords, now we can have TASWords! The future is now!
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erokky wrote:
You cannot permanently miss anything in ALttP.
I disagree. Once upon a time I thought I had a brilliant idea: I would retain the shovel you get to dig up the Flute and use it to dig up the treasure field to my hearts content (instead of paying the 80 rupees everytime). Not only did I not find the Piece of Heart, all subsequent replays (even with paying the man) did not produce a Piece of Heart either.
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Strange, there's no executable file in the download...just maps and images and music?
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Ouzo wrote:
feitclub wrote:
Hmmm...he's not on the userlist?
His actual username is "-ziplock-", so he appears at the beginning if you sort by username.
Yeah, I was looking alphabetically under Z. But then again, the thread wasn't "Where's -Ziplock-?"
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Hmmm...he's not on the userlist?
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There's a whole thread about how awesome the DS is...
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Zurreco wrote:
Much like water or a family of alcoholics, a PBnJ sanwich will EXPLODE if you make a conscious effort to split it up.
This is hilarious. Thank you.
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Boco wrote:
xebra wrote:
In every language I have learned (English, Mandarin, Spanish), "come" has the same double meaning. Just because of the nature of the thing I suspect that's true in almost every language. Can you guys confirm or deny this for the languages you speak fluently?
In Japanese it's actually "go" (行く) or "put out" (出る) which both make more sense I think.
Isn't that 出す rather than 出る?
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I had a hell of a time learning German, so I don't miss it. As far as as its/it's goes, I blame Monty Python.
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The topic title comes from MK3, n'est pas? One of those weird messages that came up from time to time?
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LoneSoldier wrote:
Thanks for the welcome! And I understand what you're saying about the video requests. I have been messing around with emulators for some time but I don't really think I have the know-how and time to do what you guys are doing (and a great job at that)! Thanks again :)
The difficulty is not in the process, it's the results. Honestly, anyone who is patient can make one of these movies. The challenge lies in the entertainment of the final run-through as perceived by someone who may or may not be familiar with the game. My lone effort at movie-making was simply a matter of time, not excertion. However, another player realized a faster and far more entertaining method and obsoleted my movie by several minutes.
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I have never understood the perception that Japanese is an especially hard language to learn. I know the Japanese themselves are at least accomplices in maintaining this idea, because when you talk to Japanese people they act shocked by even the simplest understanding of their native language. Of all the languages I've studied, it's been the easiest and the most interesting. Of course, those two qualities are not unrelated. Pros - no articles, nouns have no gender, no plurals, verb conjugation doesn't vary by subject (i.e. no am/are/is distinction), flexible sentence structure Cons - kanji is complex, counters require lots of memorization, politeness levels are hard to master, LOTS of homophones.
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Sir VG wrote:
feitclub wrote:
Mukki wrote:
If were going to talk about classics, why not Space Invaders? They don't get much more classic than that. I've never really played it well enough to see any sort of ending, but if there is one it'd be worth going for i think.
Shooters, as a rule, do not make very good TAS candidates. Usually they are fixed scrollers so no matter the technique of the player the game must take a certain length of time to complete. Space Invaders has the added disadvantage of NO scrolling, so there would be virtually nothing to watch at all. True, never missing a shot would be impressive at first, but how long would that really hold anyone's interest? Not to mention the fact that I don't think there is an ending, therefore there is no goal...
Unless, of course, one was playing the PS1 version, however rerecording isn't supported for that yet.
There's also a really fun "modern" arcade version called "Akkan-raiders" or something like that. You have a choice of characters to fight with, there are bosses, and other such goodies. However, there's no MAME re-recording either so we're shit outta luck.
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Is this a good time to mention ?
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Great clip, thanks. Frankly, Letterman should have fed him more football questions because that makes the bit work best. The whole point of the impression is that John Madden never says anything important about the game.
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WOW, I loved this movie! Great glitch exploitation and I was frequently surprised by your item collection and usage. I don't think I ever got to use whatever it is you collected from that Final Guard, but that kicks serious ass.
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First of all, great job. This is fun to watch. However, I'm inclined to agree that some aspects were less entertaining than they could be. I'm can't speak for Phil or Bisqwit, but in my case I felt like there was too much item collection. Maybe this was integral to your luck optimization, but if it wasn't I'd hope a future version would include less candle-smashing.
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Post subject: Re: 2001: A Space Odyssey
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xebra wrote:
The real problem, though, is one of expectations. I went in expecting a Faberge egg, and came out holding a diamond-encrusted pile of shit.
You nailed the issue right there. Lots of factors about the film are purely subjective - nothing can please everybody. You set your own standards going into the movie and it didn't live up to them. Therefore, you hate it and you are always right. Personally, I disagree with your opinion of the film, but no amount of arguing I make is going to change your mind. At best, I can only hope to suggest that there are lot of movies out there that are truly terrible, and maybe you shouldn't lump this respected film in with those because of your own preconceptions. Regarding Mullholland Drive, I'm tempted to say that I hated it although I think that's a similar movie in the sense that the critics raved about but when I saw it, I didn't know what the fuck I was looking at. Still, there are movies I haven't understood that I've enjoyed, and Mulholland Drive is not one of them.
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2001 is one of my favorite movies. And I admit I didn't know what to think of it the first time I saw it (in the interest of disclosure, I was very high). But even sober, I feel it's a great film. The music is incredible; most versions I've seen have several minutes of music over a black screen before the movie even starts!
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140 for me, annoyed by marketing info at the end. Fed them BS though!
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Nearly all of my favorites are fighters. Among them, Iori Yagami is #1.
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No, No, No, Yes. Of course, she is Japanese so it would require a bit more explanation than I am prepared to provide. I know she likes some games (i.e. Animal Crossing DS), but is generally unfamiliar with most (i.e. never heard of Castlevania). I don't expect she'd be that interested in watching these movies so I'm in no rush to bring it up.
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I remember a time when I didn't get beer. I felt like the whole world was crazy - what's to like about this bitter, odd-smelling beverage? For me, it was a matter of trying different beers and simply evolving tastes. Now I enjoy a variety of beers, not all mind you, although I will admit the effects are a bigger reason than the taste. But at this point in my life I do enjoy the taste. To be honest, I've had two beers tonight while watching baseball!
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Bob A wrote:
It looks like it would look nice, but I, using firefox, only get one column.
Strange, I'm using Firefox and I see two columns.
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I am impressed. You surely deserve a reward.
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