Posts for ivanSRL

Joined: 11/14/2014
Posts: 1
Location: Chciago
Interesting watch - I do have a few questions about some of the choices made after skipping the e-tank though. -I saw afterwards that you mentioned wanting to improve this without the farming before Spore Spawn. Its a little harder for us because we can't manipulate the drops in RTA obviously, but it would be cool to see a new TAS with a little more health conservation and some drop manipulation to cut out farming all together before heading to Spore Spawn. -We've had a few discussions about this, but there are some players that believe a 3% run might be able to beat the 4% by skipping the super missiles and having a 2-round fight with just missiles. A guy named Dessyreqt made a theory-TAS a few years back of the 3% run. I'll link the video and ask that you watch the fight, particularly the 2nd round - when SS opens his mouth on the 2nd round, there is a small window when you can fit in a few missiles without SS closing his mouth. If nothing else, it may be able to help with finding a faster kill if you can get it to work with the first round. Also I may have misread, but our timing for the end is at the end of the fanfare jingle, not just on the super missile grab.