Posts for keatsta

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Has anyone been able to get Tetris Party Deluxe to run? i just get a black screen. I'm using the Windows x64 build of 1.9.7.
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Am I right in thinking this makes it possible to do 96 exit in like... half an hour or so?
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This makes me wonder why we haven't seen a Canvas Curse run yet.
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Seems like boss fights will be easy if we go in like this:
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I remember on Mew2King's old video game site, he had a lot of pretty detailed tables on Metroid Prime, including enemy health w/ shots of various weapons required, movement speed, etc, etc. I can't track it down right now but if you think that'd be helpful I could probably figure out where to get them.
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Yeah, that did the trick. Thanks. This run is pretty impressive.
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Nah, I have an account, and it's giving me what I think is Nicovideo's "Video gone!" error. Screencap of what I see: Edit: actually I think it's a video restricted to some group that I'm not in.
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So am I crazy, or does it seem a little crazy to anyone else how similar the new glitchy wallkick is to the wall jump in 2D Marios? I mean, the execution, the precision, the effect...
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Slowking wrote:
MM actually has more cutscenes than MM,
This is my favorite type of common typo. Immortalized.
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I thought it was getting a Gold Chocobo before you get an airship and flying to the continent that you aren't supposed to reach until after you get the airship. So not really a warp glitch, just a sequence break.
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Mr. Pwnage wrote:
Only that last card is any good, and for all it can do (multiple turn-1 KOs if you can reuse it enough and don't misfire) the other big decks have explosive starts almost as fast, and a much better game after running out of steam. The idea of competitive games of this is about as appealing as "competitive craps".
I remember the best deck I ever made in that was one copy of that Zapdos and a whole bunch of potions, super potions, defenders, whatever other trainers were useful and lightning energy. It was ridiculously overpowered.
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Hello mchen. You think you can figure out where to watch for RNG stuff like Peach's turnips? I've always been curious about that and I don't mind screwing around for awhile if I know where to watch. My only thought is to reverse engineer some Action Replay codes that modify it, but I don't know enough about how the memory addresses are set up.
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RattleMan wrote:
There's a bug in the game where if you pull out the Odd Mushroom while the text "Potion Shop" is on-screen the hag won't recognize it. Bloobiebla entertains us until the text goes away.
Interesting, I hadn't heard of that. Thanks.
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Why do you shuffle around in front of the Medicine Shop Lady?
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I linked a friend of mine who works at Wired this video and... There's an article about it. Congrats!
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Great run. I just wished you had played with the piano minigame too, as I've seen some very impressive things done with that. Or is that Brain Age 2?
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A couple questions: 1. Regarding the 120 star run, would it be possible to "open source" it? I guess I'm picturing something like, the replay files for the best times for all 120 stars are collected and hexed together with inputs of navigating the castle. Are some things randomly generated before you enter the level, possibly causing a desynch? It would be pretty crazy but it seems easier than one person tackling this whole run and hoping to match all these existing individual records. 2. You guys have probably seen this, but I was confused about it as it's apparently the WR but doesn't seem to incorporate anything newly discovered since the last published 0-star run. I thought the current BitDW segment was obsolete due to the PBLJ being able to get enough speed to clip through the pillars or something, but this run doesn't use PBLJ and seems to have enough speed anyways. Is there something I'm missing? I don't know a whole lot about TASing or anything but I've been following these projects for awhile and I was just curious.[/url]
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Yoshi Infinite Flutter glitch is extremely useful on quite a few stars. Example:
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On a related note, Super Mario Galaxy 2 runs fine in Dolphin. Anyone want to take a crack at getting a TAS done before the game even comes out?
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Anavrin wrote:
Goto Emulation > Frame Stepping, press F10 to advance by one frame
OK, I finally figured it out. You have to have focus on the emulator's window, not the game window. F10 is the key, though, thanks.
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moozooh wrote:
Iirc, it's "\" (may be spacebar), but you can remap it to most other keys. I usually use right Ctrl.
Hm, neither of those seemed to work. Do you know where to remap it? I can't find anything to do with it in any of the configuration menus.
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Really simple/stupid question, but I can't find any answer for it - what's the default hotkey to advance frames while in frame stepping?
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I remember someone proposing this to be done in Melee using the debug menu's frame advance, but I don't think anything came of it.
Post subject: Ketsui: Death Label
Experienced Forum User
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I've been playing around with this game for awhile, and since I can't beat anything higher than Hard B on the actual console, I figured maybe I should try TASing it. It's a fairly typical bullet hell shooter, unique in that it consists, to my knowledge, entirely of bosses, being a partial port of a much larger game. I find the bosses the most entertaining part anyways, so this is a good thing for me. Anyways, would there be any interest in a run of this game? SHUMPS aren't that popular around here, which is fair, as I can only kill the boss so quickly and there isn't much to speed that up. However, I think doing stuff like grazing as many bullets as possible and beating the bosses without using bombs or anything might be pretty entertaining. Another issue is that the harder difficulties must be unlocked by beating the easier ones, however the difficulties vary quite a bit as far as which enemies you have to face, so it may not be too bad to watch someone play through everything. Anyone else have any interest in this? Any tips you can offer me? I've been messing around with TASing DS games for awhile, but this will be the first time I'll actually try to optimally beat a game.