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Nah... actually that video is mostly just a joke. I don't believe in sin or God. But I guess my point with that video is that without life there wouldn't be any problems, and I sometimes wish I could just die to escape all problems, but the "problem" is that I don't believe in non-existence (ie. "Heaven") after life. It doesn't matter if people have sex, because there is no choice... I will always continue to exist anyway. Life will always continue to exist. I believe all kinds of sex is fine, as long as it's consensual. In FFX, they tried to stop Sin (suffering) from coming to the world by killing the source of suffering (life/YuYevon/Creator) but it doesn't seem like they succeeded because they made FFX-2
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I made another religion video: Sex is a sin What do you think? Good video?
Post subject: Re: I wrote.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Ah, but they are not rodents!
you're right. they are rats. but pretty cute ones.
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sixofour wrote:
I'm coming here providing simple logical functions, and people outright reject them. It makes me better, because I understand them, and others don't.
Wow, you sound almost as arrogant as I do sometimes. I wonder what your horoscope is.
sixofour wrote:
nfq then you are alone in that. People can [moral relativism] pick and choose methods of thought that they "feel" is right all they want, it doesn't change the fact that there is a universal truth that one is right, and the rest are wrong. Because you cannot have two or more opposing views and they both be correct.
I think opposing views can be correct. For example: evolution and creation are of opposing views. But they could both be partially right. eg. maybe God used the process of evolution to create us.
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sixofour wrote:
There cannot be an infinite number of changes before this one. That is a logical, undebatable fact.
I disagree. People have a different logic. For me, what you're saying sounds illogical. But I don't find infinite regress illogical.
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Kuwaga wrote:
Could it be that you believe in everything you want to be true (and cannot be easily debunked)?
No, because otherwise I wouldn't believe in afterlife, which is something that I absolutely do not want to believe in. But I have no choice but to accept the reality of afterlife because of the overwhelming evidence that supports it. I believe in science and evidence most of all. No belief can stand against the truth.
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Warp wrote:
Out of curiosity: Does your religion have a name?
I don't really have a religion because I believe in parts of all religions, but there is no religion or philosophy which I agree on everything it says. Theosophy matches my beliefs very closely though. My belief could also be called New Age, hippie, occultism or Hinduism, which are more common names. They are all very similar to each other. Hinduism for example teaches that all religions contain truth and they are all just different paths towards the same mountain top (God).
How about "new age spiritual secular astrological ufological paranormal christian buddhist shintoist druidic wicca paganism"? OTOH I'm sure that doesn't encompass even nearly everything. Maybe just "the religion of everything"?
lol... I don't believe in entirely everything. For example, I don't even believe in the Big Bang, the theory of evolution and I don't believe the moon landing was a hoax (although I'm not sure if it was real either). There are many things I disbelieve. I'm also skeptical of the Hollow Earth theory, even though it's taught by Theosophy. The motto of the Theosophical society is: "There is no religion higher than truth." It's important to not become too dogmatic and attached in our beliefs, so that we can abandon them if evidence proves them wrong.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Astronomy and its study has given us:
Astrology includes astronomy. Astrology has given us the 12 hour day and night, and the 12 month year. It has also explained the cause of the movements of planets and stars, the cause of seasons and the creation of planets. Many great scientists like Tycho Brahe, Galileo and Paracelsus have studied astrology, so it's certainly not only for "crackpots". Astrology can be used to predict future events. For example, William Lilly predicted the 1666 fire using astrology. Astrology can even be used to measure the age of the earth and how long the earth will live. Astrology (and alchemy) is the study and unification of both the macrocosm and the microcosm. When humans started to be become spiritually degenerate, the micro (spirit) and macro (matter) were separated from each other, and nowadays, people only believe in matter (materialism). Modern scientists today have a lot of headache trying to unite the micro and macro (quantum mechanics and general relativity, magnetism and gravity, particle and wave, mind and body) because they don't understand spirituality.
A deeper understanding of the size of the universe
according to astrology, the universe is infinitely large.
sixofour wrote:
Moon landing was fake.
lol, yeah you never know.
arflech wrote:
I heard that for everyone on Earth to live like the average American, we would need the resources of 5 Earths; it's not finding enough space to pack everyone in, it's finding enough food, water, minerals, and other things that support a lower-middle-class lifestyle.
many americans are fat and unhealthy. if fat people would give some food for the poor people, both the fat and the poor people would be happier and healthier. i think we have more resources on earth than we can imagine. when technology evolves, our resources become greater too (genetically modified food for example).
I am an atheist with a hard time believing that anything supernatural exists.
"supernatural" is just a word we use for something that is currently beyond our understanding or beyond the limit of observation. to not believe in the supernatural is like saying that we know everything already. afterlife and ghosts are no more supernatural than gravity for example, it's just that modern scientists can't understand or observe them. radio waves used to be supernatural, but today we call them natural because we use them and "understand" them. everything is actually supernatural (beyond nature, spiritual) because everything (nature) is inside the mind.
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Swedishmartin wrote:
I used to think that religion was boring too, before I understood it. Now I think it's interesting to discuss it. I love when people try to convert me into their beliefs/religion. It's fun to try to understand different beliefs. It's true that discussion will probably not "convert" anyone, but I don't think that is the purpose of a discussion either. I wouldn't want to convince anyone that I'm right, because then we would have nothing to discuss and that would be boring.
FODA wrote:
I think all carnivore animals should be sterilized.
Why so? Is it because you think they hurt other animals because they kill and eat them? But if we sterilize animals, then we kill these animals and make them go extinct, and that's even worse than letting them kill the other animals, because without the carnivore animals, we will all go extinct and die. But maybe you're right... if we all died, then nobody would have to suffer. The problem is that there is still life on other planets. Killing all life would prevent all suffering and death, but there's no way to do that.
sixofour wrote:
I help prevent overpopulation by eating meat.
Overpopulation is a myth. It does not exist. It's true that some places and cities are overpopulated, but there are other places to live in. There is no overpopulation, there are just people who choose to live in overpopulated places.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Do you believe in horoscopes?
Astrology has much truth in it, but not much today anymore, because almost nobody understands the science of astrology anymore. Astrology was an ancient science superior to astronomy. Ancient myths like the Bible teach a lot about astrology. The Bible is full of astrological references (for example the 12 disciples/constellations). The New Testament and Jesus life is an allegorical story about man's life through the constellations of the Zodiac towards enlightenment. We all have to go through these signs, and learn to become the sign that we are, and eventually we evolve into God, so that we can express all these twelve personality traits. According to Ezekiel 1 in the Bible, the Zodiac is the throne of God and God is at the center of it. Humans only have one horoscope, but God expresses and radiates all the signs of the Zodiac from itself. Jesus was a fish sign; he was the personification of the age of pisces, that's why there are so many references to fish in the New Testament. For example when Jesus said to the unbelievers: 'You ask for signs, but you will see no sign, except the sign of Jonah' (whale/fish/pisces). Today we are leaving behind the age of pisces and entering the new age of aquarius, that's why Christianity is starting to die/change. Some people think that something 'magical' will happen when we enter a new age ('2012'), but the fact is that it's no more different than when clock moves from 5 o'clock to 6 o'clock, except on a larger scale.
I thought only crackpot characters do.
You don't think I'm a crackpot? :) Yeah, I don't smoke crack, but I have similar beliefs that crackpots (hippies) have.
Well, if it's any insight to you, my horoscope is also a feline.
Feline? I guess that's a lion. Lions have great courage and they are proud animals. I'm cancer (crab), so I'm very shy, but I will evolve into a lion later in my life, or in my next life. Crabs live in a shell and are afraid to come out. The shell is hard, but it breaks easily. Metaphorically, this means that I often act like I'm hard and arrogant, but I break easily and I'm fragile.
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Bisqwit wrote:
But as for my personality -- I don't know. I am not aware of any animal that, as species, exhibits comparably similar personality traits as I. I cannot answer that question.
If you want to know what animal that is similar to you, just ask yourself what your horoscope is. Most horoscopes are animals.
Swedishmartin wrote:
You say that you like cats because they're "understandable" (this I interpret as "intelligent"), and I've heard you say before that dogs are disgusting and unpleasant.
A dog is a man's best friend and cats are women's best friend. But I don't really like dogs because they start licking you everywhere and they jump on me and behave crazy. But of course, there are many different kinds of dogs with different behaviour. I like cats because they are so cute. I've never had a pet, but I often see cats when I'm walking outside. Today I saw two rabbits. I wish I was a rabbit or some other animal because animals are not as conscious as humans. It sucks to be conscious of thoughts. Wild animals don't think about anything.
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sixofour wrote:
The Creator is perfect, having to morph into a human would be a weakness.
Are you a Muslim?
When a man has a property and he says he doesn't want any white people or mexicans on it, and he forbids them to enter, he is being just, because its his property and he can decide who is and who is not allowed on it.
I don't think humans can't be compared to a piece of land because we have feelings, which give us special rights. If we create a cyborg which has no feelings, we can do whatever we want with it, but if we give it feelings, we no longer have the right to do whatever we want with it. That would be sadistic and wrong. An individual human can't really own a piece of land because that human didn't create the land. The whole earth belongs to all humans and humans belong to themselves.
There is no barganing with the Creator, we as humans have utterly no ability or power to do anything to the Creator, and the Creator has the power to do with us what ever he wills. And he isn't not questioned about it. That is what gives him the right. He owns us.
I will pwn Allah on the Judgement day if he tries to send anyone to hell. Trust me.
The christians and hindus worship an image of something, when they think about what they worship, and image, a picture comes into their head, they call this picture God, and they direct their prayer to it.
Hindus say that God is formless, and that's why he can have any form he wants. I sort of agree that God is formless, but many humans have a hard time to have a "relationship" with something so alien and distant, that's why people still like to get into connection to God by worshipping something that has a form, or at least a personality. Today, many people see themselves as persons, so our perception of God is also similar: God is a person, like the son of God, Jesus. We create God in our own image, and when we evolve, our perception of God evolves.
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sixofour wrote:
He does not resemble the creations in any way. He doesn't change or exist in a location or direction. Or have a form. Or have a mode or process
This god that you're describing sounds very much like nothingness (the absence of anything). You say that god is formless, but what would prevent the allmighty creator to temporarily take on a form and become a human being for example?
Because being Just means that one does what one is entitled to do. Injustice is doing what one is not entitled to do.
Incorrect. Being Just means to be kind and loving.
When we say a person is damned, that IS what it means, it means that since before birth this persons fate was already made that they would end up in hell. They are just living out the life given to them. Like wise if a person is destined for heaven, than that is what they get and they are just lviing it out.
It's wrong of god to send people to eternal torment just because he wants to. You say that god can do whatever he wants because he is the creator and we are the creations. But what gave god the right to do whatever he wants?
If a person thinks God had a son, than that person doesn't know who God is,
The fact that god has a "son" probabaly shouldn't be taken so literally. god is also called "father", but that doesn't mean that god is a man. It's metaphorical.
The reality is, christians are more in tune with hindus, they draw images and carve statues and worship those statues.
Christians and hindus don't pray to the statues themselves; they pray to what the statues symbolize.
Post subject: Re: Take the cap off a milk carton.
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Randil wrote:
Cap on a milk carton? Pff.
it would be better to have a cap though, because then you can place the milk carton sideways if you don't have much space in the fridge. but maybe caps are more expensive to make.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Rhetorical question: What is "innocent"?
A child. Children don't need Jesus. But everybody else is innocent too; they just don't know it. People feel guilt for being human (because they don't believe/accept themselves/Christ), so they invented hell to punish themselves, and then they invented omnipotent beings who could save them from their own hell. The reason everybody is innocent is because nobody chose to be born. Not even God can be blamed for anything. Even God is innocent. Hitler was an innocent little child who just had a bad life and a bad father so he became sad and mad: proof
OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Also, I find it condescending that you assume that because I don't have a personal relationship with your God I must probably be unhappy.
I don't think a man can be happy unless he has a personal relationship with a girl. You can't be happy otherwise because love and sex is the meaning of life. I know from experience. Children on the other hand can be happy because they still have a good relationship with themselves (ie. their higher self, a.k.a. god), but adults usually lose and forget half of themselves, and then they try to find the other half outside themselves in the form of a girl or a god or whatever. it would be best if we could find ourselves inside ourselves, because we can always lose things like gurls and fayth, but not our Self.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I just wrote some kind of message at , summing some of my thoughts regarding this site.
It's possible that Islam is going to be pretty big in the future. I once read that Islam and Christianity might unite into one single religion: Chrislam. According to Muslims, they have the same God as Christians. I think the Quran also predicts that Islam will become the biggest religion in the future. It's going to be wonderful. All religions will unite into One World Religion. Finally, all the barriers of religion and countries will disappear, and there will be no war anymore.
OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Why won't God heal amputees?
to quote venomfangx (a YEC christian on youtube): "cos... they don't deserve their arms." xD (see the rest of his answers here: nah, but actually i have heard stories about amputees that have been healed. maybe it works if you believe hard enough...
Why are there so many starving people in our world?
because people don't help them. you can't blame god on this because this is our responsibility. if god did everything for us, everything would be perfect and we would be in heaven, which we can't be because they ate the fruit. if god did everything for us it would also limit our free will.
The world was created in 6 days approximately 6000 years ago There was a flood that covered the entire world including the top of Mt. Everest. There was a man who lived in the stomach of a fish for three days. Man was created when God breathed life into a handful of dust. Woman was created when God took a rib from Man and rubbed it.
these probably shouldn't be taken so literally. and the bible doesn't say that the flood covered mt everest. mt everest probably didn't exist back then. the world was very different before the flood. it doesn't take much for a global flood to happen. if the spin of the earth would slow down or speed up a little, we would experience global flooding and catastrophes. or if there was a pole shift or something.
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would be cool to see a TAS of this. too bad it desyncs so much. although that didn't stop people from making a majora's mask TAS for example.
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Aktanusa wrote:
I don't think most encoders do, take for example lossless video encoding, only h.264 lossless can make it this small while all other video lossless are still huge in size.
another great codec is msu capture codec: (to install it in vista, right click and choose "run as administrator") it's even more effective than h.264 lossless, at least for simple slow moving games, like final fantasy for NES. it's designed for that kind of content and it's often 3 times more effective than h.264 lossless. i think it's only available for windows though.
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Wockes wrote:
Have you tried turning on or off overlay in Dega?
whoa, that worked! i can't believe i didn't notice that option. thanks :)
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fraps crashes the emulator. camstudio records black screen like all others. it's strange that it's just dega... i can record from all other emulators (at least all that i have tested).
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i've tried disabling aero, but it didn't work either.
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IQs started dropping after they started teaching the theory of evolution in schools (students started acting like monkeys and going apeshit), and after the sexual hippie revolution IQ started dropping even more, that's why they had to make schools and tests dumber so that kids could pass the tests.
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since there in no AVI dump in the windows version, is there any screen recorder that can record dega? i've tried some screen recorders but i just get a black screen. they can record from all other emulators and movies and everything, except dega. i remember i could record it with windows XP. vista doesn't even let me change the hardware acceleration, which possibly could let me record it. any suggestions would help.
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ok, cool, i understand now.
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Randil wrote:
Let's say that a TAS is x frames long. To calculate its length in hours (h), minutes (m) and seconds (s), do this: h = floor(x/216000) m = floor((x mod 216000)/3600) s =(x mod 3600)/60
dude... i have no idea what you mean by "floor" and "mod". we should have sticked with the 60 base system, then maybe this wouldn't be so hard to calculate.