Posts for piston

Joined: 7/6/2014
Posts: 1
Sub 2:30 was completed faster than I previously thought. Now I imagine that a 100% single segment run could be done in a low ~2:10~teens. Any% will be at least a 1:45 single segment, if not 1:30. Carrot route is not concrete for now due to the pure fact that improvisation is actually a handy tool in real time and single segment attempts. So an accidental death (most likely due to the awful PC camera) can actually be a blessing as a 2nd run through the area to collect additional carrots that are skipped the first time. In the distant future of 100% runs, any damage taken that isn't intended for a death or a barrier clip will instantly trash the run. As an example: Segmented route of What's Cookin' Doc #1 collects 86 carrots. I don't think I've ever achieved more than 76 carrots during that visit in a single segment run. Instead, 'checkpoints' are used instead of a tombstone approach to carrot collection. Essentially we just make sure our carrot count is empty before reaching larger collection levels such as The Carrot Henge Mystery, Mine or Mine, What's Cookin' Doc, and Objects In The Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear.