Posts for raphaelgoulart

Joined: 7/14/2018
Posts: 2
Location: ilhabela, brazil
I'm not so sure that the problem is exclusive to avs2pipemod, because the same happens to VirtualDub - the process stays open after I close the program, if the .avs file uses FreeSub, while that doesn't happen if I remove FreeSub from the equation (here's a video to demonstrate that). In both cases, the program reads the file "normally", but fail to close afterwards. So, I assume that the problem is on how AviSynth and FreeSub interact with each other, probably being a bug on FreeSub itself. But hey, it's just a guess. I'll just not use FreeSub since ng_bighalo works well for me, but let me know if there's any updates on this because I'm curious now ahah, thanks for the reply!
Post subject: TASEncodingPackage: problem with FreeSub
Joined: 7/14/2018
Posts: 2
Location: ilhabela, brazil
global.bat gets stuck on this line:
".\programs\avs2pipemod" -info encode.avs > ".\temp\info.txt"
The encode.avs file works on VirtualDub; however, the process stays open even after you close the program (so I assume that it, too, hangs). Running avs2pipemod -info ..\encode.avs from the command-line shows the data, but it doesn't close afterwards. However, once I changed the ng_bighalo/FreeSub bits to ng_bighalo only in the avs file, everything worked properly. (Doesn't look too great in the low resolution encodes, though.) I have tested a few different versions of AviSynth (including AviSynthPlus), re-downloaded avs2pipemod 1.1.1 and freesub.dll, and tried 2 different lossless AVI codecs, with no success. Is there any known solution to this (e.g. an alternative to FreeSub that looks good at lower resolutions, a version of AviSynth that is known to Just Work™, etc.)? Although I'm personally only interested in HD encodes at this moment, but I imagine others may have this same issue at some point (if not right now), so if I get this fixed, it may help others later on.