Posts for rih0815

Joined: 8/26/2010
Posts: 2
Ur right German is my mother language ur right. So u think i should find a programm which uses the signals from hama-Gamepad and cheats the OS? For example if i press L1 on hama-Gamepad i define L1 as the same as key R on keyboard right? An in this case i tell FceuX Key R same as L1! "U call it map the buttons" tell me more about it pls! Maybe i search the threads next time xd i found JoyToKey Programm i test it
Post subject: FCEUX 2.1.4a & My hama PC-Gamepad Black Force help PLS
Joined: 8/26/2010
Posts: 2
Hello i dont speak englisch very well so dont flame against me xd. I downloaded FCEUX 2.1.4a from developers side and tryed to play for example Super Mario Bros 3. I can play with may regulary keyboard np but i bought a hama PC-Gamepad Black Force and i cant bring it up to work! I installed treiber correctly and i tested the Joystick work fine with stand alone games. Pls tell me the correct Input Configuration Some infomation about the controler:,318/