Posts for triplenn

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Bah! They should have kept OG Sagat the same.. I guess he is "way too good" but then they leave crazy good CE Bison the same? CE Sagat is cool though.. uppercut does SPD damage! that's nuts! I want to know what people think of HF blanka vs CE Bison.. he can crouch under Bison's standing kicks, and the first hit of scissors.. But I guess this is the wrong forum eh? O_-
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.. but can't you also do the knee/uppercut when getting up after being knocked down? Similar to wakeup reversal dragon punch in street fighter? :)
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Dark Mana wrote:
i still would love to hear the intro music to Mega Man 3 played on piano or guitar. my fav MM song ever.
Hrm.. I might be able to help you out with that. :) There's an old tab I wrote up for it at olga I think? I play it differently now, but if you're into guitar you might wanna check it out.. Hardman's stage music is my current favorite.. I wanna learn shadowman, but i've been putting it off forever because i know it's gonna be HELL! :)
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22? you're crazy. . you must like, see the code or something.. because that game is ridiculous. :) Once it speeds up, by time or heigt or whatever, i'm toast. TOAST! That game just annoys me soooo much. I honestly can't think of a harder game.. i want to pull my hair out just thinking about it.
Post subject: World Class Gamers: Video Link
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So anyhow, there was a major world Video game tournament last week, and here is a little clip of a major comeback and the crowd going fucking bananas. Thought maybe some of you fellas would get a kick out of it. The game is Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, and if you've played it, you'll know how crazy this video is. If you didn't, all you need to know is that if he blocks the super, he'd dead.. and to do the "blue flash" parry instead, requires pricise tapping of the joystick towards, right before the attack connects. It's HARD. Videos like this are awesome IMO. I hear there's a vid of a Starcraft match from korea or something, where this dude Boxer makes some amazing comeback or something and the crowd goes insane. Girls crying and everything.. I gotta track it down. anyhow. Enjoy!
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Arkanoid.. with the normal nes controller (or other plain controller with a D-pad). Fucking IMPOSSIBLE. I guess it is *technically* possible, but I don't believe there is a human alive that can do it without using tools, or the spinny-controller-thing. Someone try it out, please. I can't get past the 4th godamn level and I feel like a sped.. What about treasure master or whatever is was called for NES? Wasn't that supposed to be insanely difficult? I have never played it.
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Good luck at Evo.. I hope you do well against the japanese. It's too bad you can't rerecord against them hey? :)
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Thanks for the responses.. I didn't mean to offend you, but really, there wasn't much explanation besides "use Item-1". But now (thanks to you) we can access pictures and other pages detailing the specifics. Very helpfull, and I am very gratefull. I didn't know that those pages existed. Thanks again.
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Actually, you barely explained it at all Bisqwit. Yes, you have to use item-1, and yes go up to the ceiling, and apparently don't let item-1 collide with the ceiling? That explanation just implies that you sit on item-1 and go up to the ceiling. Which doesn't work. I appreciate the responses, and you're the man and everything.. but specifics in terms of positioning, shooting, and jumping, especially in relation to the scenery would be immensely helpful, and would stop people from asking about it. I don't have the rom on this PC, so I can't watch the fmv either (my fault I guess, I'm playing a NES). There must be some little trick that we don't know, because "use item-1" just doesn't cut it. The fact you're telling us to not let item-1 collide with the ceiling just confuses me more actually..
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I just started playing but, is it just me, or is this game completely impossible? I'm good at games, maybe not the best, but I can hang with the best of them.. Although I find that this game is BRUTAL. Is it possible? Or do you have to log a billion hours into the game honing your "ball sense" to predict where your paddle has to be? I remember having the dial controls in the arcade, but the paddle moves way too slow in the NES version. A few lucky warps, some mad skills, and luck miight make you excell in this game I can see.. but I still can't imagine anyone easily finishing this game everytime. One of the few games where I want to snap my controller in half sometimes. :)
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Thanks for the heads up sleepz.. I appreciate it. But I have a few more questions about those things if you (or anyone) can help me out. I can do the bubbleman thing.. well, sometimes anyways. Do you have to get 2 blocks deep into the wall? When I get past only one block, I usually get stuck and have to jump out. I take it the reason it works is because of how bisqwit zips right in his MM1 vid? This is the "wall trick" right? The ladder thing confuses me.. I'm using a normal controller so I can't try it anyways.. but anyhow, you climb the ladder by holing up+down, then jump to the ceiling at the top i take it. Wily warp sounds very interesting! So it's all about somehow getting into the pre-boss room or "boss foyer" or whatever without using the door, then let the boss kill you. I use Item-1, and use the same "wall trick" to get in.. squeeze my head against the ceiling and face left? I'll give it a shot.. thanks for the help again! bdevindotcom: I check out his page, but it doesn't really have what I'm looking for. In fact the only thing it has for MM2 is airman wily warp. With intructions to "fool around near the cloud. Jump around, jump at the wall, and you might go through an invisible door." which honestly isn't that informative. Sleepz told me to die? I dunno. A definite way of getting in anyhow would be nice. :) I'm also more interesting in exactly why or how these tricks work. Bsiqwit's rockman tricks page is perfect example. Although Ladder Trick #3 sorta confuses me.. you need to stand with the ladder 48 pixels above your feet? The bottom of the ladder? So you jump up INTO the ladder and grab it near it's top? So that ladder has to be a certain height too? And the result is that Megaman teleports off the top of the ladder into the air right? He then goes on to say Morimoto used it in his MM2 vid. I take it this is where he zips right? Or did I miss it because Sleeps has said it was up+down, and not this. Or is it a combination of the two tricks?? Confused.. :)
Post subject: MegaMan Tricks and Glitches
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/13/2004
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Just curious as to how all the little tricks are done in these time attacks. I have read Bisqwits little trick list for Rockman 1, but what about the other games? Do these tricks also work for other games? How does that bubbleman ceiling warp thing work? How do you do the ladder trick Morimoto does in MM2 with Item-3? What is the "wily Warp" I hear about? How can you do it? Any little tip or glitch is welcome actually, I've been playing these games again and since I can now finish them on 1 man I'm giving this speedrun stuff a try and trying to mess around with the game a bit more (fun as hell too :)) I know I'm asking alot, but I don't know of any definitive list anywhere or anything. Anyone have any links? thanks