Posts for video_for_dos

Post subject: Possibly Impossible at this time
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nitsuja shared insight:
it's probably faster and easier to wait until emulation of those systems is sufficiently advanced...
I can totally agree w/ that. But what you said brings another question to my mind. There was talk of it being possible to bring input logging to Dos and possibly Windows games. But these games (nearly always) need to be installed on your hard drive. Sometimes you can even customize your installation. W/ the way a game has to root itself into each individual user's computer, would it even be possible to share movies over the internet like we do w/ classic consoles and expect it to run. I mean game updating or patching is another issue. I don't know much but that looks close to impossible to me(unless, of course you'd capture video).
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Yes MahaTmA, it was helpful; puts things into perspective. I know I need another miracle aka technological breakthrough out of left field. I know there is a lot of interest out there in the world for making digital movies smaller(digi-cams and their mpegs prohibit you from really getting a lot of video on your DVD, Game publishers could save $$ if the cutscenes for epic games could be put on 1 disc) and I bet something will come from the east, or somewhere. I will relinquish my search for now and play my snes and genesis happily. But I do have one more question now. You know how it works w/ the keylogging in those emulators we use now, w/ the enemies AI (or even the games AI) basing it's behavior exactly on the movement you make, so that if you do the same thing exactly the same way the enemy will repeat his maneuver as well. What I am curious about is this: Do these gamemechanics still work the same way TodaY in games XBOX and Gamecube?
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I need to confess that I was sidetracked. What I really wanted to know was this: When will movie recording (not re-recording) of brand-new games, as well as old games be as conveniently executable as it is right now with the old Nintendo and SNES. What method will be used, video-recording, button-press-logging or something-new, I don't care as long as it's reliable. I know this may sound like technology that is too far off in the future, but I just wanted to know if any of you here can already see how it could happen. Thanks for input. Local Hero, even though trying to understand your explanation completely is heavily taxing my imagination, I think that I get the drift about what is important. So thank you also.
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VHS would take up a lot of space in my house over time. + I'm not sure how safe they are because can't they be screwed up if they get in contact with a magnatic field of some sort? Don't we have many of those around nowadays? DV sounds pretty good. Just 1 curious question: care to explain what interlaced means? btw, Bag of Magic Food, I've noticed you always speak with cute simplicity:). It totally suits the character you chose, although I don't know him.
Post subject: clarifying the question
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First up, sorry for the delay. As for clarifying the question: IMO FODA is half right. It:)/He/She grasped that the problem lies w/ technology. Whether that is ultimately correct is another question. I'd say that modern technology, solutions come your way sooner than you'd expect them to. We can take bets on that but... I'm only really interested in a way to film what I play. As for SDA: I think I know the outcome. Basically means ridiculously large files if you want good quality. That's not what I'm after. I know fast motion is pure horror for a codec, but if there was some ingenious way to deal with this... The way you make emulator movies, that is convenient. Only button-presses are recorded and you end up with a small file, even if you play for hours. Ok, I hope that makes the question more clear.
Post subject: Recording technology of the near future....let's see....
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First of all, I want to NOTE that this question does not concern re-recording. I appreciate your "perfect movies" for the wicked entertainment they provide, but my interest lies first and foremost in the pieces of art that is games themselves. Personally I even favor gameplay movies where the avatar narwowly escapes death, or, to save space here: A vid that gives off the atmosphere of the game. Keep this scenario in mind if you try to answer this question. I don't mind you going off-topic later on;) On to my Question: I'm wondering if and how there would be a way to make long recordings of gamesessions (be it classic NES or modern XBOX), conveniently. Since I'm far from a speedrunner and not interested in playing a game tool assisted, I would end up w/ a huge stack of DVDs ( I assume somehow recording it to DVD is currently the only way of filming state-of-the-art gaming), or I'd have to play older games ('coz anything above Playstation, including DOS and Windows, doesn't have key-press input-loggers attached to it, yet). Any of you have ideas of, like when or how there will be a CONVENIENT way to record your personal gaming sessions, be it DOS NES or PS2, no matter if you enjoy a slow and explorative pace. Is there going to be a really powerful compressive video codec first, or perhaps a program that logs command-inputs, smartly, for every game you can run on your PC/console? That's all I can dream-up, now... Any speculation or concrete information?
Post subject: You gottta be representin' SMS and GG if you care!!!
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Also, if anyone still cares for Master System/Game Gear, it's said that Gens 3 will include SMS/GG support and a nice fellow will try to add good movie support to it. Check out the "Work being done on Genesis/Megadrive rerecording" thread for more info.
Post subject: Post Mortem
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I hope you peoplez are still listening. I'll tell you something that might interest you because it is related and constructive. I've been doing some searching around for a SEGA Master System/Game Gear emulator that has a movie recorder built in. I came out with only one having the ability. It's eSMS V1.04. You might be interested. It can even encode videos into avi, but I didn't try it. However, my experience with the movie recorder (buttom combination recorder) was not satisfactory. The videos playd for the first time, but the next day they gatuitously screwed up. And it's not that there is a sram, or whatever file to delete, because he didn't make one.
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Ok, you guys are still alive. That's cool. (Some have got humour too eventhough it's a childish one.) Ahh, it's too bad you don't have more free time. You deserve it because you use it to do something for us without asking for pay. I'd say we need more people like you, but then again, I know that there is a lot of fellas like you out there working on the internet, in groups or alone. But there is one thing that all of them lack: time. If one day could feel more like two days instead of so short. Only prerequisite is that you like your life and don't hate ya job. Anyway thanks for your efforts.
Post subject: A Call for the Living
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Hello people, I hope this place is STILL ALIVE. While I usually don't like to see impatient peoplez pressuring a dedicted host to constantly update his site, even if he has nothing new to report, I gotta admit that the silence here is threatening. So I'll tell you something that might interest you because it is related and constructive. I've been doing some searching around for a SEGA Master System/Game Gear emulator that has a movie recorder built in. I came out with only one having the ability. It's eSMS V1.04. You might be interested. It can even encode videos into avi, but I didn't try it. However, my experience with the movie recorder (buttom combination recorder) was not satisfactory. The videos playd for the first time, but the next day they gatuitously screwed up. And it's not that there is a sram, or whatever file to delete, because he didn't make one. So... I'll wait for a quality product. Oh, when the day finally comes when we have a codec to live encode whatever we see on screen and have it compact size as well that'll be a great day. I hope you're still alive. PLEASE just say something.
Post subject: We're just gamers... and we feel good.
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Oh, I see. Not every version gets released. Anyway, I'll be waiting anyway for the version with that feature (record new movie from now) because that makes all the difference for me. Don't feel rushed. I think we're all happy that someone is setting his time aside to do something we all can't or don't want to learn. I'll wait patiently, thanks.
Post subject: I missed the download link
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I've read through most of your posts and it I couldnlt find a link to get test9b or even 9c (if it is out already). I only have 9a because it is easily accessible on back on post#1. I'm definitely hoping for a "record movie from now"-feature, because not all interesting games are designed that way to have equally interesting portions throughout. Anyway, maybe I missed something obvious but how can I download 9b or 9c, if they are done?