Posts for xud9dab2

Post subject: Re: A Captcha has trained my eyes.
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LYF wrote:
Tips: A 5-letter Captcha. AMD?
tctgk and AMCJ or AMDU respectively, I think.
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Awesome looking so far, keep up the good work. In answer to two questions: Level 2 and 3 Axe armor probably have a bigger hit box, although unless you're fighting very large enemies (read: Great Armor and it's kin) I don't know if it'll allow for extra hits, and even than you CAN hit Great Armor 4 times with a level 1 Axe Armor axe, it's just more difficult. In AoS you could also trade souls between games on different cartridges, I think, so presumably that might also be a reason for the second drop rate in addition to the Headhunter soul.
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Attempt to add something: Ani compiled most of this list. I don't know that much about late game, so things may have been blatantly overlooked here: -Savage Labyrinth -Power Bracelet -Deku Leaf/Hookshot (You can deku leaf over from near Forest of Fairies) I remember when I did it the Deku Leaf way and only later found out you're "supposed" to use the hookshot. It's possible to do this without the extended magic meter, but you'll need a mostly full magic bar. The path up to the Forbidden Forest('s bridge) is laden with grass, but I don't know if it can drop magic jars. -Bird's Peak Rock -Grapple Hook (Clip into the chamber) IIRC you need to hit a few switches to open an arbitrary grate before you can go down the hole with the chart. It might be possible to hit them with bow and arrow, but the "intended" solution is using a...something; the thing used to control seagulls, which requires the Bait Bag
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Forgive me for asking, but has anyone tested if it's possible to fish the Triforce shards out of the water prior to either getting the respective treasure chart and/or having it decrypted?
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I remember having once fished up the triumph forks without actually getting the maps, let alone translating them. Not sure if it's actually possible or a false memory though. FYI, I have a PAL version, and if I ever did, I most likely would have on a New Game +
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Another one? Sure: Openness to Experience/Intellect: High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. You are somewhat conventional. (Your percentile: 24) Conscientiousness: High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. You probably have a messy desk! (Your percentile: 1) Extraversion: High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone. (Your percentile: 1) Agreeableness: High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous. You find it easy to criticize others. (Your percentile: 6) Neuroticism: High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy. You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things. (Your percentile: 84) First should be lower, other than that pretty much dead accurate.
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ISFPs are interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. 5% of the total population. ISFPs can be over-accepting of others and need to be more skeptical at times. Their need to please everyone makes them reluctant to critique any one but themselves. This excessive desire to trust others makes them targets for hurt feelings and disadvantaged relationships. Long-range planning and adherence to policies can be their downfall. When the freedom to act on their instincts is limited, ISFPs become bored, restless, and passively defiant. They are skilled at seeming to comply with regulations while annoying those who cause them distress. If stress continues to build, ISFPs will penalize others through self-degrading behavior. This behavior has the tendency to divert accountability away from themselves and onto others who they blame for their plight. This restores the excitement back into ISFP's lives while at the same time getting even with their accused oppressors. Rationalizing their responsibilities, stressed-out ISFPs attempt to find their way out of unstimulating circumstances through seeking inappropriate thrills. Careers This lists represent careers and jobs people of your type tend to enjoy doing. The job requirements are similar to the personality tendencies of your personality type. It is important to remember that this is not a list of all the jobs possible. And it is very important to remember that people can, and frequently do, fill jobs that are dissimilar to their personality... this happens all the time...and sometimes works out quite well. bookkeeper clerical supervisor dental assistant physical therapist mechanic radiology technologist surveyor chef forester geologist landscaper designer crisis hotline operator teacher: elementary beautician typist jeweler gardener potter painter botanist marine biologist social worker
Pretty much. Although those jobs need a review. Unless I'm missing something being a Crisis Hotline Operator is a stressful job, and the apparent method of dealing with it is...ineffective. EDIT: Wrong tags...
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I had a weird dream in which I was showing off a trick, in what appeared to be a fancy restaurant, where I could poke a straw through my index finger. How I did that and what made me believe that was a good idea I don't know, but no one was impressed. Apparently after that it was time to leave, only outside on the parking lot I realised I forgot my bag, which was in the back of the indoor zoo, so I had to go through that to get it. Don't ask me why a restaurant has an indoor zoo or why I'd leave something at the very end of it, I don't know. In the indoor zoo I remember running down a small hill, jumping up in the air higher than humanly possible, and using a tree to make a turn in mid air. Gravity was taking a day off since my descend was so slow I made a backflip in mid air, just because. Apparently this impressed several people, including a few that took a wrong turn just ahead of the path I turned into by means of using that tree. Apparently that was the correct path, as the other one only lead to a dead end covered in windows. After some more running I heard a faint "AAAAAAAAAAA" sound, like someone got hurt, and I turn around to find someone broke a leg. From what I remember that person had a cut from her(?) knee to her foot on her leg, although HOW she got injured like that I'm not sure. At that point the dog starts making noise and I woke up, although I still heard the "AAAAAAAAAAA" noise. Turns out that was my breathing. How my nostrils were able to perfectly replicate the sound of a distant person in agony I don't know, but they were, and it convinced me, in my dreams, that someone broke a leg. What the hell?
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Awesome WIP. Best part thus far was Venusaur vs Onix above Cerulean City
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I remember having a bizarre dream where I was exploring a deep cave in Minecraft, and I found a passage leading down to a door, in turn leading to a room somewhere below lava level. I went inside the room only to find a bunch of scared-out-of-their-minds Messians and a Gaian who I can only describe as the Butcher. The Gaian started murdering the Messians one by one, and I suddenly realized that I was next on his list of people to kill. Somehow I managed to exit the room, and I looked behind me and saw a pig standing (yes, standing) behind the now locked door begging for me to save him, since he would die next because I left. I decided to leave him behind, knowing it was suicide to try and help him, and I ran up a typical cave 'staircase' which is where I woke up, freaked out. Other dreams involved the Worldstone Chamber, which was in fact a giant orange ball of snot flying over a forest that I had to escape from (and died several times trying) populated by what I think were either Shadows or Heartless, and one in which I had to run from a werewolf and a pissed off Russian goat after being unable to find enough slices of bread to stop a message table from constantly flying up against the ceiling. Make of that what you will because I can't