Pharaoh, an obscure platformer, with puzzles involved. Goal is to go around opening chests, 16 total, and build up 4 flames. To build up a flame, you need to get a pot, then oil, then flame out of chests, in that order. The order of the chests is important, as you need a key to open the first locked chest that has the empty pot, then you can get oil out of the next chest, and then you can finally get the flame. If you try to get a later item in the progression early, the chest will just give nothing. I believe my chest route is good, and I have a map if someone decides to try it out.
2nd part is the puzzles, you have to solve a lights out variant for every chest, flip every tile to an ankh. I probably don't have the optimal solutions, as puzzles aren't my strength.
RTA run -