Most recent changes in texts

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836 837 838 846 847
Page Author Message Time Diff
250S (r6) nesrocks 3:06 PM Diff
156M (r8) Truncated this great gift to mankind deserves a longer description! :) 10:45 AM Diff
150M (r3) Truncated + version history and game info 10:10 AM Diff
96M (r5) Truncated + scroll speed 9:47 AM Diff
172M (r1) Bisqwit 8:11 AM Diff
292S (r1) Zurreco 3:50 AM Diff
287S (r2) Bisqwit 12:02 AM Diff
59S (r2) Phil 10:55 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r28) Phil 10:25 PM Diff
288S (r3) Bisqwit 6:59 PM Diff
290S (r4) Bisqwit 6:54 PM Diff
290S (r3) rockfistus 6:50 PM Diff
291S (r1) Frenom 5:42 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r27) Bisqwit 5:41 PM Diff
LegacyPages/MovieRules (r8) Bisqwit A new rule: the ROM must be good. 5:34 PM Diff
FAQ (r22) Bisqwit added link to ListOfIdeas 10:52 AM Diff
ListOfIdeas (r11) Bisqwit 10:50 AM Diff
FAQ (r21) Truncated link to glossary 9:35 AM Diff
FAQ (r20) Bisqwit added link to SiteTechnology 9:19 AM Diff
System/FrontPage (r17) Bisqwit added link to Links 9:09 AM Diff
Links (r3) Bisqwit added game music site links 9:08 AM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r26) Phil Removed the bad guys list because it tarnished my pesonal page ;) 8:48 AM Diff
Guidelines/Legacy (r9) Truncated + play at hardest difficulty 8:09 AM Diff
290S (r2) Bisqwit 7:52 AM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r25) Truncated question for phil 7:31 AM Diff
290S (r1) rockfistus 2:01 AM Diff
238S (r5) rockfistus 1:57 AM Diff
TODO (r33) Bisqwit searching plans elaborated 11:06 PM Diff
250S (r5) Bisqwit 10:51 PM Diff
TODO (r32) Bisqwit added some speed plans 10:44 PM Diff
HomePages/Arc (r8) Arc personality 10:35 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r24) Phil 8:12 PM Diff
251S (r5) Bisqwit 3:31 PM Diff
251S (r4) Phil 3:30 PM Diff
251S (r3) nesrocks 3:28 PM Diff
HomePages/Bisqwit (r18) Bisqwit email visible 12:11 PM Diff
HomePages/Truncated (r5) Truncated link to tricks and exclamation of joy added 12:11 PM Diff
GameResources/Genesis/KidChameleon (r2) Truncated added TOC 11:41 AM Diff
HomePages/Truncated (r4) Bisqwit Truncated's email address is now spambot protected 11:12 AM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r23) Bisqwit Phil's email address is now spambot protected 11:09 AM Diff
GameResources/CommonTricks (r14) Bisqwit link to KidChameleonTricks 10:29 AM Diff
GameResources/Genesis/KidChameleon (r1) Bisqwit moved content from Truncated 10:25 AM Diff
HomePages/Truncated (r3) Bisqwit moved some content to KidChameleonTricks 10:25 AM Diff
HomePages/Truncated (r2) Truncated Adding Kid Chameleon Tricks, updating profile 10:13 AM Diff
166M (r2) Bisqwit note about the differences between this and the full version 9:37 AM Diff
171M (r1) Bisqwit 8:35 AM Diff
279S (r3) Bisqwit 8:32 AM Diff
279S (r2) Bisqwit 8:24 PM Diff
288S (r2) Bisqwit 4:55 PM Diff
TODO (r30) Bisqwit 4:49 PM Diff
System/WikiEditNote (r1) Bisqwit 4:12 PM Diff
Staff (r8) Bisqwit homepage editing might be back... 3:44 PM Diff
276S (r2) Phil 3:08 PM Diff
289S (r1) SprintGod 6:00 AM Diff
170M (r2) Phil 3:02 AM Diff
170M (r1) Phil 2:01 AM Diff
103S (r6) Phil 1:58 AM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r22) Phil 11:38 PM Diff
TODO (r29) Bisqwit 11:27 PM Diff
288S (r1) alexpenev 10:47 PM Diff
287S (r1) alexpenev 9:58 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r21) Phil 9:12 PM Diff
HomePages/Quietust (r3) Quietust Some more information about this guy 9:04 PM Diff
281S (r3) Bisqwit 7:07 PM Diff
TextFormattingRules (r8) Bisqwit documented the footnotes 6:42 PM Diff
Glossary (r10) Bisqwit footnotes in the footnote way 6:38 PM Diff
103S (r5) Phil 3:58 PM Diff
HomePages/Quietust (r1) Quietust Um, add a page for Quietust. 2:01 PM Diff
Glossary (r9) Quietust Update 'competition', 'speed run', 'tool-assisted run', and a few others 7:27 AM Diff
Guidelines/Legacy (r8) Quietust A bit of rewording 6:52 AM Diff
GameResources/CommonTricks (r13) Quietust Reword some sections, add stun invulnerability abuse 6:37 AM Diff
FAQ (r18) BillBull Changed grammar, added question marks, added TOC. 5:09 AM Diff
Glossary (r7) BillBull Added a term and defined a few more. 4:48 AM Diff
TODO (r28) Bisqwit 4:26 AM Diff
HomePages/BillBull (r7) BillBull Rearragned, added some more content 4:04 AM Diff
Glossary (r6) Bisqwit defined a couple more words... 3:24 AM Diff
247S (r3) Bisqwit 2:21 AM Diff
Helping (r11) Bisqwit 11:13 PM Diff
246S (r2) Bisqwit 10:40 PM Diff
HomePages/Genisto (r6) Phil 10:08 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r20) Phil 10:08 PM Diff
258S (r3) Bisqwit 10:02 PM Diff
GameResources/NES/SuperMarioBros (r6) Quietust Add mid-air jumping for smb2 8:52 PM Diff
GameResources/CommonTricks (r11) Quietust Super speed abuse - mention Super Metroid (Kraid) 8:34 PM Diff
13M (r2) Bisqwit added AVI 6:48 PM Diff
TODO (r27) Bisqwit 6:03 PM Diff
250S (r4) Bisqwit 3:51 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r19) Phil 3:36 PM Diff
285S (r1) chis 2:22 PM Diff
286S (r1) chis 2:18 PM Diff
System/FrontPage (r14) Bisqwit 1:44 PM Diff
168M (r2) Bisqwit 1:34 PM Diff
HomePages/Phil (r18) Phil 12:50 AM Diff
168M (r1) Bisqwit 11:34 PM Diff
86S (r2) Bisqwit 11:09 PM Diff
282S (r1) SprintGod 10:21 PM Diff
6M (r3) Bisqwit renamed rockmen as mega men for name search to work better 10:00 AM Diff
111M (r7) Bisqwit renamed rockmen as mega men for name search to work better 10:00 AM Diff
281S (r2) Bisqwit 9:55 AM Diff
281S (r1) kopernical 5:17 AM Diff
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836 837 838 846 847

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RecentChanges last edited by Randomno on 9/12/2023 7:40 AM
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