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I hate double posting but Nitrodon found the answer.
The article wrote:
Made a notable appearance in the fourth season of the scifi show Farscape, where John Crichton (Ben Browder) taught the tune to a small maintenance robot DRD he named "1812" and painted blue, white and red.
Post subject: Would anyone help me identify this song?
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I was watching an episode of Farscape (Season 4, Episode 1) and there was that song that played all through the episode which I thought was really cool. I can't find its name though. I don't know if that helps, but the DRD (little robot-like machine) which played that song was painted Blue, White and Red and was named "1812". Here's a short MP3 featuring the song (recorded from that episode): (1.09mb) P.S.: If you think this topic is utterly useless, feel free not to answer or, if you're a mod, you can delete it if you wish. I just had to try my luck by asking in the off-topic section.
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I tried viewing the m64 file in mupen ... but I must be doing something wrong or you made a poor, poor plugin choice. All I see is white ... there's white everywhere. The B button and C buttons are white, rupee count is white, map is white, BLACK BARS are white ... the entire Link's house is white. I guess I'll stick to the avi's this time around. EDIT: Just watched the AVI ... my point stands: poor, poor plugin choice. Some colors are off (like the "aura" coming from the chest, ain't that supposed to be yellow and not blue?), and the Kokiri Sword ain't supposed to look like that either ... and the pause menu is weird (the whole shop disappears and then reappears after the menu is closed). Would anyone care to explain (or point me in the right direction) why this glN64 plugin was chosen?
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Hurray! Another new guy that demands to be served his requests on a silver platter! I just hope this one doesn't turn out to be as irritating as the other ones we had in the past ...
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There seems to be something else (unless I'm mistaken and that's what this is all about): The two first links here in the forums both point to The two links I'm talking about are these two: This is the discussion board of the tool-assisted console game movie site TASVideos (formerly Nesvideos). Welcome. Please do not fill the forums with movie requests. Enjoy your stay. If you have a question, please read the FAQ first to see if your question has already been answered. They're not THAT important, but I think it's something pretty easy to fix.
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Just to add to the comparisons, my 100% Illusion of Gaia run doesn't collect herbs. They are items that are somewhat easily collectable, but they don't count in the 100% because they're totally useless. What defines 100% in that game is the red jewels which give access to more stuff (a secret dungeon). In my opinion, in Banjo-Kazooie, 100% should be all notes, jiggies, honeycomb pieces, and cheato books. Why the cheato books? Because they give access to more stuff (cheat codes). Although, I wouldn't mind if the books were excluded from this one... Does the 100% run on SDA collect cheato books? I don't think so... Just my 2 cents (and to add to the debate).
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The correct filename (at least the one that matches the CRC) is this one: Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening DX (V1.0) (U) [C][!].gb I think the run is very well done. I voted yes, of course.
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HiddenGamer wrote:
Plus another thing, they could just make their own avi movie from the rom and then emulator movie file DUH!
Don't DUH! me ... I said that in the post where I talked about watermarking ... I said that the only way to steal in the future would be to re-encode the movies.
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Morrison wrote:
We can attempt to get individual movies removed with some sucess, but I can't think of a strategy to dissuade people from ripping off TASvideos overall.
How about a watermark? Like a logo or something that is ALWAYS present in some corner of the video, but like 50-75% transparent? I think this would be the only way to dissuade almost all video thiefs ... the only way to steal in the future if we used this technique would be to re-encode the movies ...
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I voted yes. The movie is well made and entertaining to watch. Good job!
Post subject: Problem solved.
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Good news guys! I had a little chat with SonicAdvDX, and he finally agreed to delete the stolen Mario 64 video. Here's a transcript of our "chat session":
Halamantariel said (08:30 pm) :
Hi. you don't know me, and I don't know you, but I know you stole your Mario 64 video from and it's not cool.

Halamantariel said (08:31 pm) :
Please remove it or put the right video (without covering the text in it) and cite the right source.

Halamantariel said (08:35 pm) :
ignore me if you wish, but know that the people on do not intend to let you keep this video like it is.

Halamantariel said (08:36 pm) :
they're not going to let you say that it's your video that you made yourself and bla bla bla. You might have noticed the comments on your youtube account already.
forms have been filled complaining about copyright infringement, just so you know.
they're not happy about this.
(and I'm one of them)

Halamantariel said (08:41 pm) :
the least you could do is reply ONCE ...

SonicAdvDX said (08:41 pm) :
Is this concerning the Super Mario video?

Halamantariel said (08:42 pm) :
yes it is concerning the Super Mario 64 video that you STOLE from and claimed as your own.

SonicAdvDX said (08:42 pm) :
Actually, I did not steal it. My step brother did, and put it under my name. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing about it.
Do you know how to delete videos from YouTube?

Halamantariel said (08:43 pm) :
I don't know. Try writing to Youtube officials or something
just get rid of this video, and fast. And tell your precious admirers and fans that you're a phony

SonicAdvDX said (08:43 pm) :
Well, do you have an account? I know the password, I just don't know how to delete videos.
Again, this wasn't posted by me.
It's my step brother.

Halamantariel said (08:44 pm) :
I do have an account, but I don't have any vidoes.

Halamantariel said (08:45 pm) :
worst case scenario: give me your password and I'll find a way to delete it.
To remove one of your videos, simply log in, go to and click on the 'Remove Video' button next to the video you'd like to remove. You are only able to remove videos that you have uploaded.

SonicAdvDX said (08:45 pm) :
Hold on, I might have it right here.
Oh, okay, hold on.

Halamantariel said (08:46 pm) :
tell me when it's removed.

SonicAdvDX said (08:46 pm) :
Thanks for your help.
It should be gone now.

Halamantariel said (08:46 pm) :

Halamantariel said (08:47 pm) :
it's removed.

SonicAdvDX said (08:47 pm) :
No, thank you!
I'm so sick of telling people that it wasn't me. My dick step brother put my screen name at the end of that video and I've never heard the end of it.
I appreciate it.

Halamantariel said (08:47 pm) :
Thanks for deleting this video, and sorry if I was rude on anything.

SonicAdvDX said (08:47 pm) :
Well, you haven't been.

SonicAdvDX said (08:48 pm) :
But, some "erokdrah" guy is hasslin' me about it.

Halamantariel said (08:48 pm) :
I've told him to stop it.

SonicAdvDX said (08:48 pm) :
Appreciate it.

Halamantariel said (08:49 pm) :
I'll be going now. Have a good day!

SonicAdvDX said (08:49 pm) :
Well, thanks again, man. Maybe now I can return to a normal instant messaging lifestyle. XD I appreciate your help.
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Someone should bitchslap him (aka fill in a copyright infrigement form or something ... youtube has what it takes to do that)
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XIF wrote:
Whats the problem with doing teleports outside of deep darkness and lost underworld? does the wind down from crashing take too long or is it just not practical?
Actually, that's the only thing we didn't test. I didn't want the rest of the game to be 100% teleported through, and I really doubt that it would be faster. The "burnt animation" after each teleport takes AT LEAST 200 frames (I didn't time it exactly), and accessing the menu to teleport takes about 20 frames. If it saves time, it's a very short amount of time. Plus, moving around while teleporting is harder than by walking. It's like the sprites are bigger or something. Thing is, it's sometimes impossible to squeeze through some tiny places. So yeah, not practical, and probably doesn't save that much time.
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XIF wrote:
i dont know where to get snes9x 1.43+ v9 =/
For almost every question you have about emulators and stuff, you can read the FAQ, which would point you to the emulators homepage, which is a place that tells you where to get all the emulators people use on this site. But to be precise, it is here:
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Rat wrote:
at 50:40-ish, when you get into the Sky Runner for the first time, why didn't you press the button right away? You don't have to wait for Dr. Andonuts to tell you to push the button.
Good one. We didn't know about this! We'll be adding this to the submission text in the Possible Improvements section. Thanks!
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Rick wrote:
Hmm, I just noticed, though it's probably obvious to you guys. =P While re-playing the game, I got a pizza from the Skate Punk in Onett. Perhaps getting the pizza there instead of in Belch's lair in the movie could be a quicker alternative? Just a small suggestion.
Actually yes, we already know about this. We wrote about it in the "Possible Improvements" section of our Authors Comments. We wrote this: Onett: Get a pizza from a Skate Punk rather than from a Mostly Bad Fly later. Saves ~10-15 seconds.
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Here are my two cents: stop asking and start doing. There's a point in everything where you just have to stop studying and start experimenting for youself. The thing is, with TASing, you can't really study anything but how the emulators work. What you need to do is to start experimenting with the emulator and the game you want to TAS. Just try some things out.
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This happened to me too, and I found a solution. To record AVIs, you have to have "compatible" AVI recording settings. I found out that if you delete all Snes9x settings, which are located here: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Emulators\Snes9X (if you use Windows). Just delete the whole Snes9x "folder" there. I suggest you export that "folder" first to a .reg file so you can restore your playing settings afterwards. At least, that's what I do and it works.
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I posted on the forums here: I thought they deserved to know about this TAS. I really insisted on the words "Tool-Assisted Speedrun" and "Emulator using slowdown and rerecords", just to make sure I don't get flamed for "cheating" and stuff. Just thought I'd let you guys know: the AVI might get downloaded a lot more in the next few days/week.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
But doesn't it make the sound worse sometimes?
I don't know... I didn't notice any differences from Earthbound on console...
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Bisqwit wrote:
Is there some reason you selected "fake mute workaround" for this movie?
In my first attempt to TAS this game, I had a few reports of desyncs at a couple places in the movie (long long time ago). I decided to use fake mute workaround, just to make sure I wouldn't have any problems like that this time. Simple precaution.
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!!! SURPRISE !!! New submission! Go and see #1130: Halamantariel and Nitrodon's SNES Earthbound in 3:26:09 at Enjoy!
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Frylock wrote:
w00t! now thats uber skillz.
No. It's a TAS. (Unless you meant uber TASing skillz)
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I voted yes. The run is good, and I don't think it can be improved too much. I had never played that game before, but I liked the run.
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I liked Bob A's answer. This run is going to be a minimalist run. Therefore, I won't be getting the sword of kings if I don't need to use it.
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