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I have never played this game, but i have read somewhere that is one of the most difficult games on the nes (and that is say a lot)
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Actually I think he means the Lucasfilm game, the movie I made was for the famicom game made by Namco that was never released out of Japan.
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Wow, just tried it and it seems to work pretty well, although making time attacks in real time is way more difficult it's also more challenging XD, i tried it with a MegaDrive game, a Mega Cd one and a 32X one, it works flawlessly on MD and 32X but not in Mega Cd, save states don't work properly, but they neither do in the regular emu version, good work, thanks.
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that would be great news, can't wait to see a Sonic 2 time attack.
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feitclub wrote:
Given the large size of these replay files, I think any run will have to be segemented. My trial time attack on Dracula only takes a few minutes but the file is 56MB!
Not really, is pretty much imposible to make a run with those tools and distribute it on the net, i think the best way would be to directly distribute an avi of it. Btw the first Oddworld is one of my favourite games ever, but it's so freaking difficult that i only finished it once although is one of the best psx games i own.
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I tried to make a time attack for Simphony of the Night using those tools, but i found out first that it would be a lot of work planning and trying things to speed everything up and second, i got to the first Doppelganger and after watching the video i decided to stop cause it wasn't by far as good looking as for example the nes Castlevania time attack.
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It's strange, it's the same one i'm using and it seems to go out of sync early in the first stage, i'm using this rom Contra III - The Alien Wars (U) Edited: Nevermind, i played it again and it seems to work fine.
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Which version of Zsnes did you use for that Contra 3 run??
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(U) rom, virtuanes 0.78
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As i said, i haven't got a server to host such a big file (73.4 M) nor a bittorrent tracker, and i don't know if emule will work well for this, anyway let's give it a try. I suppose everybody knows already how does the emule-edonkey net work so there you go, here's the link for the file: ed2k://|file|Teenage.Mutant.Ninja.Turtles.avi|76980224|927BB85C8903B6B88BB17776853E3465|/ and here the server were i will be connected for the next few days: ed2k://|server||4661|/
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Just finished a run of this one (in virtuanes) with a time of 20'30'', i have already an avi of it, i will share if anyone interested has any suggestion, i was thinking of emule since i don´t have a tracker in order to use bittorrent.
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Post subject: Re: Site reform plans
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All the changes mentioned by Bisqwit would made the site look really professional but i agree with Bob that the open editing as good as it could be it also could turn into constant flaming or something worst. I specially like the idea of sorting the movies by some categories for easier search, also, if you finally implement a voting system, a ranking would also be nice.
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Maybe it would be a good idea to give a look to the nesticle movies in Zophar's Domain.
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For me it's the Metroid one, it shows how to skip more than half of the game by exploiting a game bug/feature as opposite to other games that use warps, if someone manages to pull off the glitches Simon's Quest is supposed to have it'll be my favorite video ever XD, also Ninja Gaiden 2, Solomon's Key and Castlevania did pretty cool videos
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I'm doing a movie with Battle of Olympus(jap version) i'm already at the last level and i think i'll be able to do it under 25'. Edit: DONE!! No way it can be done under 25', one of the last bosses is very time consuming cause i didn't get the weapon needed to kill it faster but overall it's worth not getting the best sword in the game nor any power ups, and for the time, i managed to get it done in 27'42''.
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Post subject: Star Wars from namco
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Anyone interested in a run of this one?? Is not too long and it's very fast, it's a japanese game so it's got japanese text., doesn't have many though.
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Phil wrote:
That's a really nice news.If it works well then Bye Bye NES ;)
I preffer seeing more nes time attacks cause there are not too many psx games really worth a look, mainly konami and capcom games XD.
Kage bunshin no jutsu!!!
Post subject: Rerecording in psx emulator
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Browsing looking for a movie recording megadrive emulator, I found this site (DEAD LINK) it has some plugins and a program that allows you to make a video of a playstation game played in epsxe, i have already tried it and it looks very promising, for example, using that program you don't seem to need the game in order to replay the movie, this can be good if you don't have the game but also the movies are way larger than any other input recording i've seen (ie 17 megs a 50 seconds movie with sound), mainly cause it does not record input but (i think) it just record the instructions decoded by the gpu and spu, also it supports rerecording!!!! so maybe someone will be able to do a perfect Simphony of the night run, it doesn't look viable to distribute the recorded files via the internet cause the are way too big, but after finishing a perfect run you can always capture an avi for easier distribution. EDIT by feitclub: Link no longer works, sorry.
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Did he even fail a shot?? That was awesome, he even skips parts of the game with pseudo-rocket jumps with the nuclear weapon and the above mentioned laser wire trip.
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if you wanna show that you're good in a VS fighting game you won't be needing rerecording XD.
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If you commit and error and save after it, you can always replay the movie and save again before the error, next time you load you'll restart from this point and the movie will also return to that point.
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Boco wrote:
Otherwise, this is more of a survival horror / adventure kind of game than a traditional RPG.. it's all puzzle solving.
I think it's a mixture of both genres it has almost all the ingredients of a rpg, levels, equipment (basically weapons), random battles etc, and also has the routine of using the items in the correct places (puzzles) just like modern survival horrors.
Boco wrote:
You have to have a certain level to proceed in some places? Ack.
Yes, you need at least 3 times in the game to be in a certain level to cast a spell strong enough to do something that lets you go further, weird but unique and obscure XD.
Boco wrote:
I'd love to see the run.
I'm also looking forward to see your Link no Bouken run, the partially finished fmv you left in the other forum was pretty cool.
Kage bunshin no jutsu!!!
Post subject: Sweet Home
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Has anyone tried this game?? is a horror rpg flick done by capcom and is said to be the game that preceeded the resident evil series, i think is one of the best games on the famicom and truly has the creepiest background story ever done for a nintendo game, the game never made it out of japan(because og the crudeness of the plot) but someone made a quite professional english translation, i thought of making a run for this game and planned it quite carefully so i don't have to retreat every room in order to get the items necessary to advance, i hoped to make at least an under 50 minutes run cause it's a pretty long game and also has random battles but it was impossible, there are some points in the game where you are forced to have a certain level in order to advance so you HAVE to stay and build some levels sometime, to sum up, i did a 70'12'' run and i think is way too long to even send it to bisqwit, if anyone is interested pm me and i'll send you the address where i host it, the play is very fast (no battle but the last boss last more than 15-25 seconds) i tried my best to keep it entertaining not staying way too long building levels in a row but doing it in 3 times, i use secret items that can not be seen nor gotten unless you know they're in there. Also is the only game i know where you have to make an exorcism in order to beat a boss...
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Then finishing the game should be a matter of minutes since you don't need to enter the mansions to get to castlevania.
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Therealssjlink wrote:
Ok, it seems as though I am making a new time attack of Castlevania 2. I'll send you another .fmv with both glitches in it, bisqwit. Edit 1: I did not notice that I wasn't recording so you will have to wait for me to get glitch 2 again. I also have found out that it is easier to do them at normal speed and not slow the speed down. I also found out a new glitch. If you jump right while flying twords the wall (as soon as you get hit from the skull right at the moment it changes screens) it warps you back to the town right before deborah cliff.
Did you manage to warp to castlevania?? I always get stuck on the wall.
Kage bunshin no jutsu!!!