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moozooh wrote:
Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity (In Words of Four Letters or Less).
I daresay they cheated with apostrophes, as "would" is hiding under some of them.
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Looks fine for a testrun. I suspect you won't turn anyone's heads terribly until you find a zipmode, though ;)
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Bisqwit wrote:
Warp wrote:
If you happened to be interested in my answers to those questions, I have written about them here:
For once in a while, I like your reply in this thread. You took a more intelligent approach to replying [than I did], I see.
Quintessential Warp. Strange question: Could not your younger self claim that you set an example to inspire others(TAS community) to attempt to follow in your path to enlightenment(word choice possibly poor?)? Perhaps a stranger thought on that idea of convincing your younger self would make it[your faith] somehow wrong/misguided by changing the means of your understanding it...but this is an incomplete and possibly malformed thought. Else: Is there necessarily a 1:1 correlation between bodies and souls? What occurs should you get two [or more], in a body? Or none? (Assume, for the sake of discourse, that the latter questions are not trivialized to nonexistence by the answer to the first. )
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And that maniacal grin never leaves his face. It looks like a horrible game made to look like cake. (That is, Yes.)
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Is that horrible speed oscillation on the music in the encode how it's emulated? I know that's not how the game pak sounds.
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this is me wrote:
a couple of perhaps irrelevant comments 1. i dont see the "wild warp" run on the movies list anymore, but a site search turns it up with an entry; how odd
"Concept Demos/Hacks"
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GBA's is gsf, afaik, and GB is GBS. Googling 'gsf' yields a link to a page with some GBA music somewhat down the first page, they also have players. GS files, I know not.
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OmegaWatcher wrote:
The run was perfect until the end. Ending the movie before the final Wily mode end is strange, even with the game finishing anyway......
Interesting run until that point (I didn't know fire-ability was that nice, e'en when no weakness involved). [Meh.]
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Also in "Off Topic" - the "stupid youtube videos" thread.
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(watches via yt) The human sections are slow but tolerable, the nova suit sections are quite fast and enjoyable. Damage boosts are laid on very thickly. I kind of like the music. Yes. Please explain the "well-known glitch" on last boss for the rest of us, though.
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Twelvepack wrote:
Footage from a truly timeless fail of a game.
Or worse. Or what is alleged to be a sobaditsgood game. I kind of think they did so. Looks like the kind that you'd pick as the free one on buy2get1 for a party.
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7. No-damage probably shouldn't be absolute, but it's certainly possible (someone had a nontas completed excepting Prime herself only). Also, there are some save rooms you go through, aren't there? Or am I conflating Prime and Prime 2 in that respect? (I do know of them there) 10. Someone had a damage table compilation going on scuk. Unfortunately, scuk no longer appears to exist.
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Unless you can manage to do the experience while accomplishing the rest rather than *roomtransitionx2, kill kill kill, repeat*...
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mmbossman wrote:
You forgot... 1409: FODA's Yo! Noid
Huh. Oops.
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nineko wrote:
Sticky wrote:
Why did you recommend encoders?
I think it was a clever way to say he doesn't want me nor anyone else to post encodes in this thread. And I respect his decision.
I don't see how that could be the case...
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FreezerBurns wrote:
Volaticus actually has an important use in the Dracula fight, but it's rather useless for a TAS, since it's used for dodging. As long as you're moving forward when you use Volaticus, the flames will appear at your current location, and thus miss you. It's generally used to dodge his meteors, but since a TAS would be able do dodge them just fine on the ground, there's no need for it.
What, the jump/crouch/jump/crouch sequence?
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I watched this earlier on yt. I thought the health management was pretty good then, too, so yes. edit: I think that having both categories would be good.
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It's how they fake the transparency. See also: water edge in [Gen]Sonic 1. In S3K they appear to do it half-screen at a time instead of every other segment, looks nicer to me. One of those cases where having our 'good' displays makes things not look like they ought
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You often need to expand the rom.
Post subject: Re: You Told Me So
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Catastrophe wrote:
Good news. Leveling up everywhere is totally irrelevant.
Good news indeed.
Catastrophe wrote:
So I tested the Death Ring. :D Of course it rocked! Lv 10 lightsaber = 108 Lv 10 LS + Agony = 563 Lv 10 LS + Death Ring = 563 Lv 10 LS + Agony + Death Ring = 866! HOO-ray!
Psst: Judgment ring beats Death Ring, slightly. And both together is better than either apart. Also, judgment is very much on your path. Howe'er, this may mean Death Ring is not worth the time, since it's farther and the few-stroke additional reduction for both may not be worth detouring.
Catastrophe wrote:
can't use Volaticus on Dracula I don't know why it even exists. Perhaps for backtracking? It's still a waste of something so potentially cool.
I hear there are strategies that explicitly use the taunt capacity for killing him. Also, it's quite useful in Large Cavern against the nasty dual hammers/weapon masters, and makes Jiang Shi nearly harmless. As for hitting Eligor from the front, I'm 90% certain it does nothing- you can hit the headpiece, but it does not seem to damage as eye is shut when you're in front of him. (My testing was with Albus, back when-up+L to height, optical/acerbatus) and all the segments of Eligor seem to take the same amount of damage from anything, and nothing else to damage is up that high, and I recall shooting and hearing the damage sound more times than it should take for a 150-ish damage attack to kill). But yeah, test L10 LS+Judgment ring, +JR+DA, +JR+DA+DR.
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Xkeeper wrote:
Brought to you by Acmlm I wonder what kind of reaction this will get...
Crossposting as relevant.
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Didn't Saturn version have more (real) rooms to explore, though?
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Xkeeper wrote:
Brought to you by Acmlm I wonder what kind of reaction this will get...
None at all thanks to lastofpageness, it seems.
Post subject: Re: Testing
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Catastrophe wrote:
Testing this stuff at Dracula is no problem.
Not my point, I meant testing the whole route, due to dodging vs killing and such. Also, Vol/Melio Arcus combos just fine ;) but it's not worth it. ...Melio doesn't track properly on either, iirc.
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