Rockman: Deus Ex Machina

  • Mega Man,Megaman
  • Action
  • Platformer
  • Hack


Rockman: Deux Ex Machina is a pretty extensive ROM hack of Mega Man 2, both graphics and gameplay-wise. While most of the bosses and enemies remain the same, the power-ups and level designs have significantly changed, with gameplay mechanics added or modified to make the game freshly challenging such as flickering rooms or more hostile scenery. It also includes music adapted from other Mega Man games and even games like Metal Slug and Super Puzzle Fighter. You can read this list (Japanese only) for a list of all the songs used in the romhack.
CUI and Yhc4913 improve the previous TAS by 45.97 seconds, thanks to implementing more delayed scrolls as well as better optimisation.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Hack Rockman-DEM-(hard).nes J Hard mode NES SHA1: af621b03a9bbcee90f27c4afdd534ad51134a004
MD5: 648215e83ace2fda41a4c7258be2d6c8
Hack Rockman-DEM-(static).nes J Static mode NES SHA1: 91893d10f2632a71043ec11cd2c5a728d8dab3dc
MD5: e0684c0bae902141ff70acabfcea3175
Hack Rockman-Deus Ex Machina-.nes J Normal mode NES SHA1: c7a5359192ac93688df1a08dd1783eeb3c816381
MD5: 0a2d4dc99b2a812314485a7dff44e6af