The English language version of these rules supersedes all translated versions of these rules. Translations of these rules into other languages are provided for informational purposes only.


It is mandatory for everyone to read these rules before submitting a movie or posting at the TASVideos forums.
Except for rules regarding legality (such as ROM images), the rules are not set in stone. Moderators and administrators have the right to act as they see fit. It should be noted that the IRC channel and Discord server follow the same rules as the forums.

Legal issues

Users are strictly prohibited from posting references to copyrighted material (such as ROM or BIOS images) or asking for such. Any such posting will be deleted.
Screenshots and AVI recordings are considered fair use and are fully allowed.

Registering users

Users are only allowed to register one account per user. The administration has the right to moderate any account in violation of this rule. Users attempting to evade a ban by creating secondary accounts will be indefinitely prevented from rejoining the site.
If a user has forgotten the password to their account, and is unable to restore it, contact an administrator via direct chat.

Changing usernames

A user who wishes to change their username should contact an Administrator or Admin Assistant via private message.
If a user with publications changes their name, all of their runs must be re-encoded for accuracy. Because of this, users should keep name-changing to a minimum once they have published runs.


All registered users may submit movies unless their submission privileges have been explicitly restricted—such as when they are banned. Pending submissions by banned users will be forcibly delayed in case of a temporary ban or cancelled if the ban is indefinite. The user in question may resubmit if they are eventually reinstated.
If a movie to be submitted is a collaboration between a banned user and at least one non-restricted user, the latter must be the one to submit it and communicate with the judge processing the submission. (Note that in cases where it's not immediately evident, site staff may look into the submitting user to ensure this is not an attempt to evade the ban.)
Submissions are first and foremost required to follow the Movie Rules. Users attempting to abuse the submission system may have their submission privileges temporarily revoked.


The main language on this board is English.
Posting in other languages is allowed, but all discussions should be at least translated to English. Users who are unable to post in English should confine their posts to the non-English sections of the forum.

On-Site Conduct

This site is frequented and staffed by people of various races, nationalities, sexualities, genders, and abilities. Targeted harassment of any kind towards any user, including but not limited to hate speech, threats of violence, impersonation, and defamation, will not be tolerated and will be met with an immediate and indefinite ban.
All posts and messages must remain civilized. Posts and messages that are or become uncivil are not allowed. The extent of civility (or lack thereof) is determined both by situation and by moderator opinion. Moderators may edit or delete offensive posts, or lock topics that get out of hand.
Discuss political subjects in moderation. Be civil and understanding of other users, even if you disagree with their politics. Divisive rhetoric is not allowed.
Disruptive posting is not allowed. This includes spamming, making multiple useless topics or posts, or repeatedly and intentionally going off-topic in a topical thread. In extreme cases, disruptive members will be temporarily or indefinitely banned.
The forums and Discord server are frequented by people of all ages, and thus, content posted should consider the possibility of younger readers. While adult-themed conversations are not prohibited, they should be mature, purposed, and limited. In other words, don't be dirty simply to be dirty.
Use tags that cause significant additional client-side load, such as video embedding, sparingly. In particular, do not embed videos into submission discussion threads, with the possible exception of one video in the submission text itself.

Off-Site Conduct

TASVideos will not actively seek out or investigate the off-site conduct of any member, though if word of hostile/illegal/otherwise rule-breaking behavior reaches us, then we may take action against the user in question if we deem it necessary.

Abuse of the Voting/Rating System

People are free to vote however they want on submissions. However, users abusing the system for reasons that are clearly and intentionally beyond the scope of the movie in question will be dealt with. Additionally, rating multiple movies by the same author as a form of promotion or degradation will also be dealt with. As noted, this will only be in cases of clear, intentional, and obvious abuse.

Signatures and avatars

Signatures or avatars that are too big are not allowed. Avatars are restricted to at most 125 pixels in width and height and 20KB filesize, and signatures should be text only and no more than 10 lines or 130 pixels tall. Signatures or avatars that break these limits may be removed by an administrator.
Disruptive signatures or avatars are not allowed. Administrator opinion decides whether an avatar or signature is considered disruptive, and they may remove such avatars or signatures as they see fit.

Sites not allowed for avatars:

Some sites have bad problems with browser malware detectors and thus are not allowed:

SiteRules last edited by moozooh on 1/9/2025 9:35 PM
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