My first submission, feedback is wanted!
- Emulator used: FCEU 0.98.13, no modified settings.
- Takes damage to save time
- Aims for fastest time
Mickey has apperently locked in his key to the castle in Disney land inside the castle and now you need to find 6 keys to open the lock, oh yeah.
Description of the movie:
I started by calculating what road around Disney land that would be the fastest, I didn't try every possible road but it would surprice me if there are any shorther way then this of 256 steps.
During gameplay I basically tried to save every possible frame in every situation.
Questions - Each question is scheduled to a certain frame and what you want is basically to have an as short question as possible to be asked as early as possible.
Space Mountain - What I do here is to press the right direction exactly two frames before the action will show up on the screen, this however is only for good looking since it doean't gain any extra frame at all.
Autopia - For every jump you do you basically gain 6-7 frame, I also grabbed a nuber of stars to use later.
Pirates of the Carribbean - Pushing the barrel to not grab the ladder. Using items for the rain and lava since they delay you the most.
Haunted Mansion - Just enough time to jump ahead the boss ghost in the beginning, very useful. Never shoot more than necessary, takes time.
Big Thunder - Just run with full speed all the time, I did this level in 60 fps.
I didn't knew it when I started the run but later I found out that there has been a submission for this game, with however was rejected, namely from Callmewoof who completed it in 10.34.22 mins. So this beats that with 26.37 seconds. About all improvements are due to more accurate gaming , especially on the ghost level, since we used the same road. I also named my character "A", with will spare many frames everytime someone says your name.
NesVideoAgent: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots
of this movie and placed them here.
Here goes! Feel free to clean up the list.