Rockman 6: Unique Harassment

  • Mega Man 6,Megaman 6
  • Action
  • Platformer
  • Hack


Rockman 6: Unique Harassment is a ROM hack of Mega Man 6 created by Tatsu, known for other ROM hacks such as Rockman 2: Basic Master and Rockman 2: ONN. One of the main features is that all but one of the Robot Masters from the original game are replaced with copies of Robot Masters from other Mega Man games, including Mega Man 9 and Mega Man 10.
Baddap1 slides through each stage and beats each boss as quickly as possible in this run.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Hack Rockman6UH_ver1.2.nes J 1.2 NES SHA1: 942d4d2cd325911fb68052a631a2fa37ec198883
MD5: 4f2f7e1a441e50c8f6a060c71bc44ce8