Pokémon: Black/White Version

  • Pokemon,Pocket Monsters
  • RPG


Pokémon: Black Version and White Version are the initial 5th gen installments in the Pokémon franchise, released in 2010. Taking place in the Unova region, the player sets off on their quest to become a Pokémon master while accompanied by their friends Cheren and Bianca. However, they encounter the odd Team Plasma, whose stated goals are to "liberate Pokémon". What strange things will the player come across on their journey?
CasualPokePlayer travels to the Elite Four and uncovers the true intentions of Team Plasma in record time. This is done by, among other things, abusing a buff to Tackle introduced in this generation, along with same-type attack bonus (STAB); and manipulating random dust clouds to appear and block Trainers' line-of-sight.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Bad 5584 - Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (NDSi Enhanced) [b].nds Pokémon: White Version UE DS SHA1: 152a08c4a0efaba2c8083b7d71aaeba017d545ad
MD5: efd442bdd6d1eafdce52bb2a79eab3f5
Good 5584 - Pokemon - White Version (USA, Europe) (NDSi Enhanced).nds Pokémon: White Version UE DS SHA1: bc696a0dfb448c7b3a8a206f0f8214411a039208
MD5: 77c34ba77f8fa44e7caf04f695db0560
Good 5585 - Pokemon - Black Version (USA, Europe) (NDSi Enhanced).nds Pokémon: Black Version UE DS SHA1: 26ad0b9967aa279c4a266ee69f52b9b2332399a5
MD5: 37bff1431eda9b3a525737c7f59a432d