Submission #341: Ersatz's SNES Kid Klown in Crazy Chase in 13:22.87

Super Nintendo Entertainment System
(Submitted: Kid Klown In Crazy Chase)
(Submitted: Kid Klown In Crazy Chase USA ver 1)
Snes9x 1.43
Verified on 1.43 v18.1
WIP1 Timing ON
Volume ENV ON
Fake Mut OFF
Sync Samples ON
Clean FastROM OFF
Submitted by Ersatz on 9/27/2004 7:06 AM
Submission Comments
SNES9x 1.43
Kid Klown In Crazy Chase is a very odd game. In this game you play the roll of a clown named Klutz. Every level is a foot race to difuse a bomb placed by Black Jack the eviler clown. Allong the way of each race you must dodge obsticles and collect four suits in order to get a key at the end of the level. Bonus levels are played after every level but are not necisary to play in order to beat the game.
I made this movie to express the fastest completion possible about 13:09. I never get hit unless its in an uncontrollable cinimatic. I collect every free standing coin in every level and only grab baloons that hold one of the four necissary suits. I try to fail each bonus level as fast as possible because they are unnecissay to finish the game. I get the worst ending at completion but i do it in the fastest time.
Seeks fastest time possible
Never losses a life

Bisqwit: There were some admitted flaws. Therefore rejecting this movie.
Last Edited by on 1/1/2022 6:13 PM
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