Submission #3785: Noxxa's A2600 Spider-Man in 00:19.78

Atari 2600
(Submitted: Spider-Man (1982) (Parker Bros).a26 USA)
BizHawk 1.3.0
Submitted by Noxxa on 12/12/2012 8:39 PM
Submission Comments
This movie improves adelikat's attempt by 21 frames.
I saved the frames by resetting/starting the game a few frames faster, more optimized/faster movement, and a better movement strategy for the final part.
I started doing this because, when judging/watching adelikat's movie, I thought it looked improvable in some parts. So I decided to prove it, with this run.
Er, enjoy the movie?

Last Edited by adelikat on 9/30/2023 5:33 PM
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