Alice is Dead: Episode 1

  • Id: 3883
  • Platforms: Flash
  • Abbreviation: aide1
  • Display Name: Alice is Dead: Episode 1
  • Game Groups:
  • Adventure


Alice is Dead is a point-and-click mystery Flash game series that is composed of three episodes, each of which is their own game. In Episode 1, you have arrived at Wonderland, only to find the dead body of Alice. Worse than that, you have somehow forgotten who you are. Can you solve the mystery behind Wonderland and who you are and escape back to reality?
Spikestuff in this run manages to solve the mystery of who they are in record time. However, the adventure is not over yet.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good 511552_alice_game_ng.swf U Flash SHA1: F916B318578440F9D94F44FC4254F8F50D1A2DCD
MD5: D694F2F67B64D9984AEC0DEFC2F9B9F7