Rockman 5: Air Sliding

  • Mega Man 5,Megaman 5
  • Action
  • Platformer
  • Hack


Rockman 5: Air Sliding is a ROM hack of Mega Man 5 where the main gameplay gimmick is the ability to slide in midair. All the levels have been changed to account for this. In addition, all of the music has been replaced with songs from other video games such as Kirby.
CUI and NemoRuby collaborate to complete the ROM hack as fast as possible, making gratuitous use of the Gravity Hold in combination with the air sliding to quickly zip through levels.

There is an alternate encode that greatly reduces the flashing caused by the constant usage of the Gravity Hold.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Hack Rockman5AS.nes J 2.01 NES SHA1: FEE54B029D7D164AB7B3C9B2A9D2F88E7AB6CDD5
MD5: 7861218884DE08CE1BB2A94C3A5BDDD3